08:28 | 28/09/2024

How to read the names of chemical elements? What are requirements for students in Vietnam regarding the contents of the periodic table of chemical elements?

What are guidelines on reading the names of chemical elements? What are requirements for students in Vietnam regarding the contents of the periodic table of chemical elements?

How to read the names of chemical elements?

The periodic table of chemical elements is one of the subjects taught in the grade 10 chemistry of upper secondary school program. Below is a guide on how to read the names of chemical elements:

No. Symbol Old Name IUPAC Name Phonetic
1 H Hiđro Hydrogen /ˈhaɪdrədʒən/
2 He Helium Helium /ˈhiːliəm/
3 Li Liti Lithium /ˈlɪθiəm/
4 Be Beri Beryllium /bəˈrɪliəm/
5 B Bo Boron /ˈbɔːrɒn/

6 C Cacbon Carbon /ˈkɑːbən/

7 N Nitơ Nitrogen /ˈnaɪtrədʒən/
8 O Oxy Oxygen /ˈɒksɪdʒən/

9 F Flo Fluorine /ˈflɔːriːn/



10 Ne Neon Neon /ˈniːɒn/

11 Na Natri Sodium /ˈsəʊdiəm/
12 Mg Magie Magnesium /mæɡˈniːziəm/
13 Al Nhôm Aluminium /ˌæljəˈmɪniəm/

14 Si Silic Silicon /ˈsɪlɪkən/
15 P Photpho Phosphorus /ˈfɒsfərəs/

16 S Lưu huỳnh
Sulfur /ˈsʌlfə(r)/

17 Cl Clo Chlorine /ˈklɔːriːn/
18 Ar Agon Argon /ˈɑːɡɒn/

19 K Kali Potassium /pəˈtæsiəm/
20 Ca Canxi Calcium /ˈkælsiəm/
21 Sc Sacanđi
Scandium /ˈskændiəm/
22 Ti Titan Titanium /tɪˈteɪniəm/

23 V Vanađi Vanadium /vəˈneɪdiəm/
24 Cr Crom Chromium /ˈkrəʊmiəm/
25 Mn Mangan Manganese /ˈmæŋɡəniːz/
26 Fe Sắt Iron /ˈaɪən/

27 Co Coban Cobalt /ˈkəʊbɔːlt/
28 Ni Niken Nickel /ˈnɪkl/
29 Cu Đồng Copper /ˈkɒpə(r)/

30 Zn Kẽm Zinc /zɪŋk/
33 As Asen Arsenic /ˈɑːsnɪk/

34 Se Selen Selenium /səˈliːniəm/
35 Br Brom Bromine /ˈbrəʊmiːn/
36 Kr Kripton Krypton /ˈkrɪptɒn/

37 Rb Rubiđi Rubidium /ruːˈbɪdiəm/
38 Sr Stronti Strontium /ˈstrɒntiəm/



46 Pd Palađi Palladium /pəˈleɪdiəm/
47 Ag Bạc Silver /ˈsɪlvə(r)/

48 Cd Cacđimi Cadmium /ˈkædmiəm/
50 Sn Thiếc Tin /tɪn/
53 I Iốt Iodine /ˈaɪədiːn/

54 Xe Xenon Xenon /ˈzenɒn/



55 Cs Xesi Caesium /ˈsiːziəm/
56 Ba Bari Barium /ˈbeəriəm/

78 Pt Platin Platinum /ˈplætɪnəm/
79 Au Vàng Gold /ɡəʊld/
80 Hg

Thủy ngân

Mercury /ˈmɜːkjəri/

82 Pb Chì Lead /liːd/
87 Fr Franxi Francium /ˈfrænsiəm/
88 Ra Rađi Radium /ˈreɪdiəm/

Note: The content on how to read the names of chemical elements is for reference only!

How to Read the Names of Chemical Elements? What requirements should students meet in the content of the periodic table of chemical elements?

How to read the names of chemical elements? What are requirements for students in Vietnam regarding the contents of the periodic table of chemical elements?​ (Image from the Internet)

What are requirements for students in Vietnam regarding the contents of the periodic table of chemical elements?

Based on the upper secondary school chemistry education program issued according to Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the requirements for students in Vietnam regarding the contents of the periodic table of chemical elements are as follows:

Structure of the periodic table of chemical elements

- State the history of the discovery of the periodic law and the periodic table of chemical elements.

- Describe the structure of the periodic table of chemical elements and state the related concepts (cell, period, group).

- State the principle of arrangement of the periodic table of chemical elements (based on electron configuration).

- Classify elements (based on electron configuration: s, p, d, f elements; based on chemical properties: metals, nonmetals, noble gases).

Trends in Changing Some Properties of Atoms of Elements in a Period and in a Group

- Explain the trend in changing atomic radius in a period, in a group (Group A) (based on the electrostatic attraction of the nucleus to the outermost electron and based on the increased electron shell number in a group from top to bottom).

- Comment and explain the trend in changing electronegativity and the metallic, nonmetallic properties of atoms of elements in a period, in a group (Group A).

Trends in Changing the Composition and Some Properties of Compounds in a Period

- Comment on the trend in changing the composition and acid/base properties of oxides and hydroxides by period. Write illustrative chemical equations.

Periodic Law and the Significance of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements

- State the periodic law.

- Present the significance of the periodic table of chemical elements: The relationship between the position (in the periodic table of chemical elements) and the properties, and vice versa.

What are guidelines on evaluating results of chemistry subject in Vietnam?

In the upper secondary school chemistry education program issued according to Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the guidelines on evaluating results of chemistry subject in Vietnam are as follows:

  1. The objective of education results evaluation is to provide accurate, prompt, valuable information about the level of meeting the required standards of the program and the progress of students to guide learning activities, adjust teaching activities, manage and develop the program, ensuring the progress of each student and enhancing the quality of education.

  2. The basis for evaluation is the required standards for qualities and capacities stipulated in the overall curriculum and the chemistry curriculum. The scope of evaluation covers all the content and required standards of the chemistry programme.

  3. Form, methods, and tools of evaluation:

- Form of evaluation: Combines various forms of process evaluation (continuous evaluation), summary evaluation (periodic evaluation), and broad-area evaluation at the national and local levels, and international evaluations to ensure comprehensive, continuous evaluation integrated into the teaching and learning activities of teachers and students.

- Evaluation methods and tools:

+ Combining teacher evaluation with self-evaluation and peer evaluation of students. Coordinating situational evaluation; evaluation through testing; evaluation through projects and portfolios; evaluation through feedback and reflection; evaluation through observation.

+ Combining the evaluation of learning products (essay tests, objective multiple-choice tests, oral answers, presentations, practical lab tests, research projects, etc.) with evaluation through observation (attitudes and behaviors in discussions, teamwork, laboratory experiments, field trips, etc.).

  1. Selecting appropriate methods and tools to evaluate a specific capacity.

- To evaluate the component of chemical cognition capacity, various questions (oral, written), exercises, etc., can be used, requiring students to present, compare, systematize knowledge, or apply knowledge to explain, demonstrate, solve problems.

- To evaluate the component of exploring the natural world from a chemical perspective, the following methods and tools can be used:

+ Checklists or notes from teachers' observation of predefined criteria regarding the process of performing experiments and the investigation tasks of students,...

+ Questions, tests aimed at evaluating students' understanding of experimental skills; logical reasoning ability to draw consequences, verification options, process given data to draw conclusions; ability to design experiments or research to accomplish an assigned learning task and suggest appropriate equipment, techniques,...

+ Reports of experimental results, practice, research projects, etc.

- To evaluate the component of applying learned knowledge and skills, students can be required to present a practical issue needing resolution, in which they must use chemical language, charts, models, experimental skills, etc., to describe, explain the chemical phenomena in the issue being considered; use questions (which may require oral or written answers) that demand students apply knowledge, and skills to solve learning problems, particularly practical issues.

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