08:35 | 12/10/2024

How many credits can undergraduate students in Vietnam register for in a semester?

According to the regulations of the university, how many credits can undergraduate students in Vietnam register for in a semester?

How many credits can undergraduate students in Vietnam register for in a semester?

Pursuant to Article 7 of the Undergraduate Training Regulation issued together with Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT regulating the organization of study registration:

- Before the start of each semester, the training institution provides guidance to undergraduate students on registering for courses via the institution's registration system.

- Students studying by credit system must register for classes of the course modules they intend to take in the semester, including: new modules, certain modules not yet passed (to retake), and certain modules already passed (to improve grades, if any) based on the list of available modules and registration conditions for each module.

- Students studying by term system register to retake modules not yet passed they intend to take in the semester, register to improve grades, or register for elective modules as per the training program regulations.

- The training institution's regulations specify the process, procedures, management organization, and storage of student course registration each semester, the withdrawal of registered modules; specifically stipulate the limit of student study volume each semester within the range as follows:

+ Minimum volume not less than 2/3 of the average volume of one semester according to the standard study plan;

+ Maximum volume not exceeding 3/2 of the average volume of one semester according to the standard study plan.

Therefore, according to the above regulations, undergraduate students can register for credits each semester up to a maximum not exceeding 3/2 of the average volume of one semester according to the standard study plan.

How many credits can university students register for in one semester?

How many credits can undergraduate students in Vietnam register for in a semester?​ (Image from the Internet)

How many semesters are there in a university's academic and teaching plan each year in Vietnam?

According to the academic and teaching plan stipulated in Article 6 of the Undergraduate Training Regulation issued together with Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT:

- The detailed academic and teaching plan specifies the implementation of training programs according to the academic year, semester, suitable for the form of training and the mode of organizing training.

- The academic year plan shows the main time points of training activities in the academic year for all forms and training programs, communicated promptly to relevant parties before the start of the academic year. An academic year has 02 or 03 main semesters with a minimum of 30 weeks of instruction. In addition to the main semesters, the institution may organize additional sessions.

- The semester plan includes the schedule of classes offered, forms of teaching and learning (in-person or online), class schedule, and exam schedule of the course modules organized during the semester for courses, training programs, and training forms. The semester plan must be constructed and communicated promptly with all necessary information, ensuring convenience for students in planning and registering for their studies.

- The timetable reflects the time, location, teaching, and learning activities of each class in various courses, forms, and training programs. The timetable for regular course modules is evenly distributed across the weeks of the semester. In necessary cases, if concentrated scheduling is required, teaching hours for any given module should not exceed 15 hours/week and 4 hours/day.

- The institution's regulations clearly state the distribution of semesters, time, location, form of arranging class hours according to the rules.

With an academic year having 02 or 03 main semesters totaling a minimum of 30 weeks of instruction. In addition to the main semesters, the institution may organize additional sessions.

Therefore, according to the academic and teaching plan in a university, each year will have 2 or 3 main semesters. Additionally, there may be extra sessions.

What are the requirements for organizing teaching and learning for undergraduate students in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 8 of the Undergraduate Training Regulation issued together with Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulating requirements for organizing university-level teaching and learning:

- Empower the professional capabilities and occupational responsibilities of the teaching staff, in accordance with the regulations regarding work policies for lecturers;

- Promote the proactive role while emphasizing the responsibilities of students, creating conditions and motivation for students to strive in their studies; uphold academic discipline, enhance training quality and efficiency;

- Implement internal inspection and monitoring mechanisms and have a system for quality improvement based on collecting and evaluating feedback from learners.

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