15:21 | 17/08/2024

How long is a course of secondary pedagogy in Vietnam? What is the number of credits that students have to complete?

How long is a course of secondary pedagogy in Vietnam? What is the number of credits that students have to complete?

How long is a course of secondary pedagogy in Vietnam?

Based on Subsection 3, Section 5 of the Program and implementation of pedagogical training for individuals with a bachelor's degree in suitable majors who wish to become lower and upper secondary school teachers (the Program) issued with Circular 12/2021/TT-BGDDT, the guidance for implementing the training program is as follows:

Guidance for implementing the training program


3.3. Teaching-learning activities

3.3.1. Teaching-learning activities must ensure a combination of theory and practice; knowledge, experience, and practical skills. Promote the application of active learning methods aimed at solving practical issues, assisting learners in their future study and work.

3.3.2. Ensure sufficient study materials for learners to research before participating in training sessions.

3.3.3. Requirements for organizing practical education skills sessions at secondary/upper secondary schools for trainees (student teachers) for 05 consecutive weeks: Student teachers attend lower secondary/upper secondary school 04 sessions/week, including the flag-raising ceremony at the beginning of the week, class meeting session, and 02 other sessions in the week; Secondary/upper secondary schools will assign class teachers to guide and oversee groups of student teachers practicing educational skills. Pedagogy lecturers cooperate with the school board and class teachers to organize, guide, and support student teachers during practice sessions; Each student teacher attends and records weekly flag-raising ceremonies and class meetings, including 01 class meeting organized by the student teacher. Student teachers participate in other activities at secondary/upper secondary schools during the practical education skills period as required by the school.

3.3.4. Requirements for organizing teaching practice sessions at secondary/upper secondary schools for student teachers, each session lasting 05 consecutive weeks: Student teachers attend lower secondary/upper secondary schools 05 days/week; if two sessions are organized in the same semester, a 01-week break is arranged between the two sessions; Student teachers strictly adhere to the working time regulations as practiced by the teachers at the practice school; maintain professional ethics and demeanor; No enrollment in other courses of the pedagogical training program is allowed during the practice teaching period.

3.3.5. The minimum duration for implementing the Program is 01 year (12 months) to ensure the training duration and quality; the maximum is 02 years (24 months).

Thus, completing the secondary school pedagogical training takes 01 year (12 months) to ensure the training duration and quality; the maximum is 02 years (24 months).

How long does secondary school pedagogical training take to complete? How many credits?

How long is a course of secondary pedagogy in Vietnam? What is the number of credits that students have to complete?​ (Image from the Internet)

What is the number of credits of a course of secondary pedagogy  that students in Vietnam have to complete?

Based on Subsection 1, Section 4 of the Program issued with Circular 12/2021/TT-BGDDT:

Program content

  1. Structure and duration of the program

1.1. Program structure

The program consists of a general course block (Part A) and a branch course block: the branch course block for individuals with a bachelor's degree in suitable majors for lower secondary school subjects, wishing to become lower secondary school teachers (Part B); or for individuals with a bachelor's degree in suitable majors for upper secondary school subjects, wishing to become upper secondary school teachers (Part C).

1.2. Program duration

- General course block: 17 credits.

- Branch course blocks: 17 credits for lower secondary Sshool, 17 credits for upper secondary school.

Thus, the secondary school pedagogical training program consists of 34 credits.

What specific requirements must the secondary school pedagogical training program in Vietnam meet?

Based on Subsection 2, Section 3 of the Program issued with Circular 12/2021/TT-BGDDT which stipulates the objectives of the training program as follows:

Objectives of the training program


  1. Specific objectives

2.1.1. Regarding teacher qualities

Respect and trust in students' learning abilities and positive changes; ready to support students in learning; committed to nurturing and maximizing each student's potential, ready to provide counseling on school psychology, positive learning methods, and career choice and development; love and dedication to the teaching profession; proud of the teaching career; awareness of the need for lifelong self-learning and research for teachers.

2.1.2. Regarding educational capacity

Perform educational tasks to meet the requirements of general schools; carry out class master duties; organize experiential activities and career guidance for students; know how to cooperate with colleagues, parents, and the community in educating students' ethics and lifestyle.

2.1.3. Regarding teaching capacity

Apply specialized scientific knowledge to teach the content of lower secondary/upper secondary school subjects; develop a teaching plan for secondary/upper secondary school subjects to meet the requirements of the general education program; design lesson plans suitable for the subjects' characteristics, the characteristics of lower secondary/upper secondary school students, and the educational environment; organize teaching activities to meet the requirements of lower secondary/upper secondary school subjects; evaluate the learning process and results of students to meet the requirements of secondary/upper secondary school subjects; establish and manage teaching records; apply information technology (IT) in teaching and student management.

2.1.4. Regarding student development orientation capacity

Understand the characteristics of students; have the ability to provide educational counseling and support for the personal development of students.

2.1.5. Regarding social activity capacity

Strictly observe regulations on civilized behavior and safe, healthy, and friendly schools; prevent and combat school violence; effectively participate in community activities related to education; guide students to participate in community activities related to education.

2.1.6. Regarding career development capacity

Correctly perceive personal career development; effectively participate in professional activities based on lesson research; develop scientific pedagogical research outlines to solve specific practical education issues; develop a personal career development plan.

Thus, the secondary school pedagogical training program must meet 06 specific requirements:

- Regarding teacher qualities

- Regarding educational capacity

- Regarding teaching capacity

- Regarding student development orientation capacity

- Regarding social activity capacity

- Regarding career development capacity

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