10:34 | 19/09/2024

Guidelines on preparing the lesson “Trước cổng trời” for grade 5 students in Vietnam

Below are guidelines on preparing the lesson “Trước cổng trời” for grade 5 students in Vietnam according to the 2018 educational curriculum

Guidelines on preparing the lesson “Trước cổng trời” for grade 5 students in Vietnam

"Trước cổng trời" is one of the lessons in the grade 5 Vietnamese Language curriculum, specifically located in Lesson 9 of Week 5 of the school year.

Teachers and students can refer to the following guidelines on preparing the lesson “Trước cổng trời”:

Guidelines on preparing the lesson “Trước cổng trời” for grade 5 students in Vietnam

* Main Content and Significance of the Text

- Main Content: The poem paints a beautiful picture of majestic nature, the diligent labor life of ethnic minorities, and a deep love for the homeland and country.

- Significance:

+ Praises the pristine and magnificent beauty of nature: heaven's gate, waterfalls, forests, flowers...

+ Realistically describes the diligent and creative labor life of ethnic minorities: farming, livestock, gathering...

+ Expresses the author's deep love for the homeland and country.

+ Evokes a sense of peace, relaxation, and a love for nature and people in the reader.

* Literary Devices

Comparison: Ráng chiều như hơi khói (comparing the twilight to smoke, creating a dreamy, mystical beauty)

Personification: Con thác réo ngân nga  (personifying the waterfall, making it lively and soulful)

Metaphor: Vạt áo chàm thấp thoáng (a metaphor for the image of ethnic minority people)

Repetition: Suốt (the repetition of "throughout" emphasizes the continuity and extension of space and time)

Enumeration: gười Tày, người Giáy, người Dao (enumerating the ethnic groups to create a colorful picture of human life)

* Poetic Form

- The poem is written in free verse. This form is not confined by rules regarding the number of lines, words, or rhymes, making it very flexible in expressing the author's feelings and ideas.

* Easy and Quick Memorization Tips for Students

- Expressive Reading: Encourage students to read aloud, clearly, and emphasize beautiful words and phrases.

- Break Down the Poem: Divide the poem into short sections, each focusing on one image or main idea.

- Understand Difficult Words: Explain the meaning of difficult words to help students understand the poem's content.

- Visualize Images: Encourage students to relate to familiar images in their lives to remember the poem.

- Find Rhymes, Pairs: Although the poem doesn't follow strict poetic rules, there are still pairs of opposing words to help students remember.

- Learn About the Author: Introduce some background about the author Nguyen Dinh Anh to help students understand the context of the poem.

- Create Interest: Organize activities such as drawing, staging based on the poem to make students more interested.

*Suggested Questions for Discussion with Students:

Which image do you like the most in the poem? Why?

What do you feel about the life of ethnic people through the poem?

What did you learn from the poem?


In teaching, teachers should combine multiple forms and methods to make the lesson lively and engaging.

Create opportunities for students to freely express opinions and be creative.

Relate the poem to the knowledge already learned about nature, people, and cultural diversity.

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

Guidance on Writing the Lesson "In Front of Heaven's Gate" for Grade 5 Vietnamese?

Guidelines on preparing the lesson “Trước cổng trời” for grade 5 students in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

What are language proficiency requirements for grade 5 Vietnamese Language?

Based on the General Education Program for Vietnamese Language issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the requirements for language proficiency in grade 5 Vietnamese Language are as follows:

- Focus more on reading comprehension of specific content, understanding the theme, and lessons drawn from the text.

- Initially, be able to write a complete short essay, mainly narrative, descriptive, and simple introductory essays.

- Be able to write texts retelling stories read, events witnessed or participated in, imagined stories; describe familiar objects or phenomena; introduce objects and activities close to students’ lives. Write paragraphs expressing students' feelings and thoughts when reading a story, poem, or witnessing an event that evokes many emotions; express opinions on a simple issue in studying and life; write documents such as autobiographies, messages, invitations, schedules, applications,...; initially know how to write according to a process; the writing needs to have three parts (introduction, body, conclusion).

- Present ideas and feelings clearly; initially know how to use appropriate gestures and facial expressions when speaking; clearly retell a story read or heard; know how to share and exchange feelings, attitudes, and thoughts on discussed issues; know how to explain a simple object or process.

- Listen with an appropriate attitude and understand the basic content; recognize the speaker's emotions; know how to respond to what has been heard.

What are writing proficiency requirements for grade 5 Vietnamese Language?

According to the General Education Program for Vietnamese Language issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, grade 5 students need to achieve the following writing proficiency requirements:

Writing Process

- Know how to write in steps: determine the purpose and content of writing (why and what to write); observe and gather materials for writing; develop main ideas, outline; write paragraphs and essays; revise (structure, word choice, sentence formation, spelling).

- Write paragraphs and texts clearly and coherently presenting the theme and main information; appropriate to the genre; with an introduction, development, and conclusion; sentences and paragraphs are linked.

Writing Practice

- Write a narrative essay about a story read, heard with creative details.

- Write descriptive essays about people, landscapes using comparison, personification, and evocative words to highlight the characteristics of the described object.

- Write a paragraph expressing personal feelings and emotions towards an event or a poem, story.

- Write a paragraph explaining why agreeing or disagreeing with a meaningful event or phenomenon in life.

- Write a paragraph introducing a character in a book or animated movie watched (appearance, gestures, actions, language).

- Write reports on tasks and activities, using tables and charts if necessary.

DOWNLOAD the General Education Program for Vietnamese Language issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT.

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