Guidelines on preparing the lesson "Chiều xuân" for grade 11 students in Vietnam

Below are the guidelines on preparing the lesson "Chiều xuân" for grade 11 students in Vietnam

Guidelines on preparing the lesson "Chiều xuân" for grade 11 students in Vietnam

Preparing the Lesson "Chiều xuân" for grade 11

Question 1: What is special about the "Chiều xuân" painting? Please point out some typical images and details that make up the unique features of this rural painting.

- The "Chiều xuân" painting through the pen of poet Anh Tho emerges in a serene, simple, and rustic manner but is also full of vitality.

- Some notable images and details that make up the unique features of the rural painting:

+ Image: con đò biếng lười, dòng sông trôi, quán tranh im lìm, hoa xoan tím rụng thể hiện một bức tranh mùa xuân tĩnh lặng, êm đềm, thơ mộng, buồn phảng phất dịu dàng.

+ Image: quán đứng im lìm, đồng lúa ướt lặng, trâu bò thong thả cúi ăn mưa thể hiện bức tranh sinh động, nhẹ ngành của miền quê.

+ Image: màu đen của đàn sáo, màu thắm đỏ của chiếc yếm làm cho không gian hoạt động hơn, cảnh bớt vắng vẻ.

Question 2: What is the effect of the rhyme and rhythm of the poem?

The slow, gentle rhythm and rhyme convey the serene and quiet nature of the spring afternoon painting. At the same time, they make the poem more profound, touching the readers' hearts, and clearly depicting the beauty of the spring afternoon scene.

Question 3: What thoughts does the rural painting in the poem evoke in you?

In modern life, with its hurried pace, the painting "Chiều xuân" appears serene and slow, giving me a feeling of peace and warmth. Moreover, it makes us appreciate and be proud of the simple beauty of our homeland.

Guidelines for Preparing the Lesson "Chiều xuân" for grade 11

1. Author Anh Tho

Poet Anh Tho was born in 1921 and passed away in 2005. Her birth name was Vuong Kieu An, pseudonym Tuyet Anh, and she was from Hai Duong province.

2. Composition

The poem "Chiều xuân" is divided into 3 parts:

- Stanza 1: Spring afternoon painting at a deserted place.

- Stanza 2: Spring afternoon painting on the dike road.

- Stanza 3: Spring afternoon painting in the field.

3. Value of the Work

Content Value

- The simple, rustic beauty of a spring afternoon in a North Vietnamese village.

- Deep and earnest love for the homeland and country.

Artistic Value

- Richly expressive vocabulary, using many onomatopoeic words.

- The technique of using movement to highlight stillness.

Note: The content of preparing the lesson "Chiều xuân" for grade 11 is for reference only!

Guidelines for Preparing the Lesson "Spring Afternoon" for 11th Grade

Guidelines on preparing the lesson "Chiều xuân" for grade 11 students in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

What is the content of the Literature for grade 11 students in Vietnam?

Based on the General Education Program for the subject of Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the content of the Literature for grade 11 students in Vietnam includes:


  1. Ways to interpret the meaning of words

  2. Errors in sentence components and how to correct them

3.1. Rhetorical measures of structural repetition, contrast: characteristics and impacts

3.2. Some phenomena of breaking conventional language rules: characteristics and impacts

3.2. Types of documents and genres

- Argumentative documents: the relationship between the points, reasons, and evidence with the thesis; the suitability between the content and the title of the document; the writer's purpose, attitude, and emotions; the elements of explanation, narration, and expression in argumentative documents; essays on social issues; essays analyzing and evaluating an artistic work (literature, cinema, music, painting, architecture,...)

- Informational documents: the role of data and information in conveying the ideas, main content, or message of the document; some forms of summary informational documents; title, purpose, and attitude of the author; comprehensive explanatory essay; research report

3.3. How to present references in an essay or research report

4.1. Basic characteristics of written and spoken language

4.2. Nonverbal communication tools: images, data, charts, diagrams,...


1.1. The creative subject, the author’s attitude, and thoughts in the document

1.2. Documents with multiple themes, main and secondary themes; themes that reflect national cultural characteristics (nationalism) and themes that reflect universal characteristics (humanism)

1.3. Characteristics of literary language and the ambiguity of words in literary works

2.1. Characteristics of folk poetry, Nom poetry, modern short stories, tragedies, memoirs

- Elements of folk poetry and Nom poetry such as plots, characters, narrators, inner monologues, language description techniques,…

- Modern short stories: space, time, storyline, characters, narrators, perspectives and perspective shifts, narrator’s voice, character voice,…

- Tragedy: conflicts, actions, dialogues, characters, storyline, cathartic effects,…

- The combination of fictional and non-fictional elements in memoirs

- Essays or prose: lyrical self, structure, language,…

2.2. Internal and external conflicts

2.3. The meaning and effect of narrative elements in poetry

2.4. The role of symbolism in poetry. The aesthetic value of several formal elements in poetry: words, composition, the visual presentation on the page of the poem

3.1. How to compare two literary documents on the same topic

3.2. Basic knowledge about Nguyen Du to assist in comprehending some of his notable works

3.3. The author's viewpoint and the reader's perspective


1.1. Literary documents

- Epics, modern short stories, and novels

- Poetry, Nom poetry

- Tragedy

- Memoirs, essays or prose

1.2. Argumentative documents

- Social arguments

- Literary arguments

1.3. Informational documents

- Explanatory documents incorporating multiple elements such as description, narration, expression, reasoning

- Research reports

Which Circular stipulates the formula for calculating the average score of the Literature for grade 11 students in Vietnam?

According to Article 21 of Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT:

Effective Date

  1. This Circular takes effect from September 5, 2021, and will be implemented according to the following schedule:

- From the academic year 2021-2022 for Grade 6.

- From the academic year 2022-2023 for Grades 7 and 10.

- From the academic year 2023-2024 for Grades 8 and 11.

- From the academic year 2024-2025 for Grades 9 and 12.

  1. This Circular replaces Circular No. 58/2011/TT-BGDDT dated December 12, 2011, of the Minister of Education and Training promulgating the Regulation on Assessment and Classification of Secondary and High School Students, and Circular No. 26/2020/TT-BGDDT dated August 26, 2020, of the Minister of Education and Training amending and supplementing some articles of the Regulation on Assessment and Classification of Secondary and High School Students promulgated together with Circular No. 58/2011/TT-BGDDT dated December 12, 2011, of the Minister of Education and Training, according to the schedule specified in Clause 1 of this Article.

Thus, the Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulates the formula for calculating the average score of the Literature for grade 11 students in Vietnam.

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