08:37 | 21/09/2024

Guidelines for preparing the lesson Lần đầu ra biển for grade 3 students in Vietnam

Below are the guidelines for preparing the lesson Lần đầu ra biển for grade 3 students in Vietnam

Guidelines for preparing the lesson Lần đầu ra biển for grade 3 students in Vietnam

"Lần đầu ra biển" is one of the lessons in the 3rd week, lesson number 4, of the Grade 3 Vietnamese Language subject in the "Connecting Knowledge" series.

Below is the guidelines for preparing the lesson Lần đầu ra biển for grade 3 students in Vietnam

Guidelines for preparing the lesson Lần đầu ra biển for grade 3 students in Vietnam

* Main Content and Meaning of the Lesson

- Main Content: The essay tells about Thang's first time going to the sea. The boy is very excited about the beauty of the sea and makes a new friend, Hai.

- Meaning:

+ Helps students understand more about nature, especially the sea.

+ Helps students feel the joy of discovering new things.

+ Helps students understand friendship and sharing.

* How to Read Well and Memorize Easily

- Intonation: Read slowly, emphasize descriptive words about the beauty of the sea: biển rộng quá, xanh quá, Mũi Én, Ghềnh Ráng,...

- Imagination: While reading, imagine standing on the beach with Thang, feeling the sea breeze and the sound of waves.

- Expressive Reading: Change the reading tone according to the character's emotions. For example, when Thang shouts with joy, read loudly and quickly; when Thang makes friends with Hai, read gently and friendly.

* Rhetorical Devices

Comparison: "Hồ Tây rộng lắm nhưng không rộng bằng biển thế này."

Listing: Listing sea landmarks: "Mui En, Ghenh Rang" makes the image more vivid.

* Third Graders’ Feelings

- Happy: "I really like when Thang got to go to the sea. I also want to go to the sea like Thang."

- Excited: "I want to know if the sea in other places is like the sea in Quy Nhon."

- Love nature: "I love the sea and want to protect the marine environment."

- Making new friends: "I like how Thang made friends with Hai."

* Some Suggested Questions to Reinforce the Lesson

- What is your favorite detail in the story? Why?

- Have you ever been to the sea? How did you feel?

- Why do you think Thang liked the sea so much?

- If you met Hai, what would you say to him? || --- |

*Note: The information is for reference only./.

Guide to Preparing the Lesson "First Time at the Sea" for Grade 3 Vietnamese

Guidelines for preparing the lesson Lần đầu ra biển for grade 3 students in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

What are the methods for teaching reading in grade 3 Vietnamese Language subject?

Based on subsection 3, Section 6, General Education Program for Literature issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the reading teaching method for primary school students learning Vietnamese Language subject is as follows:

(1) Teaching general reading comprehension:

Students are required to read the entire text directly, paying attention to observing the formal elements of the text to have a general impression and summarize the main content of the text;

Organize for students to seek, discover, analyze, and infer the meaning of information, messages, viewpoints, attitudes, ideas, emotions, etc. conveyed in the text; guide students to relate, compare texts with each other, connect texts with historical, cultural, societal contexts, connect texts with personal experiences of students to understand more deeply the value of the text, know how to apply, transform those values into personal beliefs and behaviors in daily life.

(2) Teaching reading comprehension of literary texts: Literary texts are also a type of text, so teaching reading comprehension of literary texts needs to follow the general reading comprehension method.

However, literary texts have specific characteristics, so teachers organize for students to explore and interpret literary texts according to a process suitable to the characteristics of artistic texts.

Students need to be guided and practiced to read literary works according to the process of recognizing verbal texts to discovering the world of artistic imagination and finding and summarizing the content and meaning; skills to find and interpret the relationship between the "whole" and the "parts" of the text, discovering the coherence, unity of content, and completeness of the form of literary works.

The reading teaching method must focus on activating positive, creative reading in the readers.

Guide and encourage students to be proactive, confident, and develop the role of "co-creator" in receiving works; be excited to participate in creating meanings for texts; know how to compare, contrast, connect broadly, mobilize personal knowledge, and use personal life experiences to read and comprehend literature, discover ethical, cultural values, and human philosophies to know how to apply and transform them into life values.

When teaching reading comprehension, teachers should help students independently discover messages and meanings, filling in the "gaps" in the texts. Teachers provide suggestions but should not replace students' thinking with their analyses and explanations; avoid rote learning and mechanical memorization.

Use a variety of questions at different levels to carry out differentiated teaching and guide students in reading comprehension, forming reading skills.

Depending on the students at each level and the genre of the literary text, appropriate methods, techniques, and reading comprehension teaching forms can be applied, such as:

Expressive reading, role-playing reading, storytelling, role-playing to resolve a situation, acting, using questions, guiding note-taking during the reading process with note-taking sheets, learning sheets, reading logs, organizing student discussions about texts, transforming literary works from one genre to another, drawing, making films, experiencing situations that characters have gone through,...

Other teaching methods such as dialogue, questioning, lecturing, problem-solving,... also need to be appropriately applied according to the requirements of developing students' abilities.

What are the criteria for rating excellent students in primary schools in Vietnam?

The criteria for rating Excellent Students in primary schools are implemented according to point a, clause 2, Article 9 of the Regulation on Assessment of Primary Students issued together with Circular 27/2020/TT-BGDDT:

General Assessment of Educational Outcomes


2. At the end of the school year, based on the synthesis of assessment results in various subjects, educational activities, and key qualities, and core competencies, the homeroom teacher implements:

a) Assessing the educational results of students according to four levels:

- Excellent: Students with achievement levels in subjects and educational activities reaching Good; qualities and competencies assessed as Good; and end-of-year periodic test scores for subjects of 9 or above;

- Good: Students who do not reach Excellent but have subject and educational activity assessments of Good; qualities and competencies assessed as Good; end-of-year periodic test scores for subjects of 7 or above;

- Pass: Students who do not reach Excellent and Good but have subject and educational activity assessments of Good or Pass; qualities and competencies assessed as Good or Satisfactory; end-of-year periodic test scores for subjects of 5 or above;

- Not Pass: Students who do not belong to the above groups.

The criteria for rating excellent students in primary schools include:

- Assessment results in subjects and educational activities: Good.

- Qualities and competencies: Good.

- End-of-year periodic test scores in subjects: 9 or above.

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