14:49 | 06/09/2024

Full Text of the Draft Circular on the Regulation for the High School Graduation Examination in 2025 in Vietnam

What contents are included in the Regulation for the High School Graduation Examination in 2025 in Vietnam?

What contents are included in the Regulation for the High School Graduation Examination in 2025 in Vietnam?

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam announced the Draft Circular on the Regulation for High School Graduation Examination.

>> View the full text of the Draft Circular on the Regulation for High School Graduation Examination in 2025: Download

In 2025, the Ministry of Education and Training will organize the High School Graduation Examination with 02 types of exam papers:

(1) Exam papers according to the General Education Program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT amended and supplemented by Circular 13/2022/TT-BGDDT (referred to as the General Education Program 2018);

(2) Exam papers according to the General Education Program 2006.

Candidates following the General Education Program 2018 will take the High School Graduation Examination in 2025 according to the exam papers specified in (1).

Candidates not following the General Education Program 2018 taking the High School Graduation Examination in 2025:

- Candidates who haven’t graduated from high school will take the exam according to the papers specified in (2).

- Candidates who have graduated from high school can choose to take the exam according to the papers specified in (1) or (2).

The high school graduation examination in 2025 will consist of 03 exam sessions: 01 session for Literature, 01 session for Mathematics, and 01 session for the optional exam consisting of 02 subjects from the following: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Economic and Legal Education, Informatics, Technology - Industry, Technology - Agriculture, Foreign Languages (English, Russian, French, Chinese, German, Japanese, and Korean).

Full text of the Draft Circular on the Regulation for High School Graduation Examination 2025?

Full Text of the Draft Circular on the Regulation for the High School Graduation Examination in 2025 in Vietnam​ (Image from the Internet)

What are responsibilities of candidates for the High School Graduation Examination in 2025 in Vietnam?

Based on Article 21 of the Draft Circular on the Regulation for High School Graduation Examination in 2025 (Regulation), the responsibilities of candidates for the High School Graduation Examination in 2025 are as follows:

(1) Registration for the exam as stipulated in Article 20 of this Regulation and in accordance with the instructions for organizing the annual high school graduation examination by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Candidates are responsible for securing their account information and the password issued to access the Exam Management System.

In case candidates forget their account and password, they should contact the place of registration for assistance.

(2) Examination procedure session:

- Be present at the examination room at the prescribed time to complete the examination procedure;

- Present Citizenship Identity Card and receive the examination card;

- If there are inaccuracies concerning surname, middle name, first name, date of birth, preferential categories, preferential areas, notify the proctor or the responsible person at the examination site immediately for prompt handling;

- In case of lost Citizenship Identity Card or other necessary documents, report to the Head of the Examination Site for consideration and handling.

(3) Each exam session, be present at the examination point/examination room at the prescribed time, comply with the instructions of the Examination Site and the proctor.

Candidates arriving more than 15 minutes late after the official examination start time will not be allowed to take that session.

(4) Must comply with the following regulations in the exam room:

- Sit in the correct position with your registration number; present Citizenship Identity Card, examination card upon request by the proctor or responsible person at the examination site;

- For the exam, candidates are allowed to bring into the exam room: pens; ruler; pencils; erasers; set square; protractor; drawing tools; hand-held A calculator without text composing function, without periodic table and no memory card.

Bringing into the exam room is prohibited: carbon paper, correction pens, alcoholic drinks; weapons and explosive substances; documents, communication devices (receiving, transmitting information, recording, filming) or containing information for cheating during the exam;

- Before starting the exam, candidates must fill in their registration number and personal information on the exam paper, answer sheet, scrap paper thoroughly. Upon receiving the exam paper, they need to verify the number of pages, printing quality, and consistency of the exam paper code across all pages (for multiple-choice subjects); if any missing, torn, smeared, or otherwise defective pages are found, they must report to the proctor immediately, no later than 5 minutes from the official examination start time;

- During the exam, candidates must maintain order, report immediately to the proctor if someone copies their answers or attempts to interfere with their exam; not exchange, discuss, copy from others, allow others to copy, use unauthorized materials, or perform cheating gestures or actions; if a candidate wishes to raise a point, they must signal to the proctor, and upon permission, stand up and openly present their point. No marking or private symbols, no writing with pencils except for filling in the multiple-choice answer sheets; only use one ink color (blue or black);

- For essay exams, candidates are only allowed to leave the exam room after 2/3 of the exam time and must submit their exam paper, exam paper, and scrap paper before leaving; for multiple-choice exams, candidates are not allowed to leave the exam room during the entire exam period including break time between subjects of the optional exam; in case of emergency requiring leaving the exam room, the proctor must notify the Exam Supervisor to coordinate as per regulations; leaving the exam room and examination area in emergency cases must be supervised by police and the Exam Supervisor until the end of the exam session and be decided by the Head of the Examination Site;

- As soon as the end-of-exam signal is given, candidates must stop writing immediately, preserve their exam papers. When submitting essay papers, must indicate the number of submitted sheets and sign the Exam Paper Receipt Form; candidates who do not answer also must submit their exam paper (for essay subjects), multiple-choice answer sheets (for multiple-choice subjects).

(5) When taking multiple-choice exams, besides the regulations in (4), candidates must adhere to the following:

- Must complete the exam on the answer sheet pre-printed according to the Ministry of Education and Training’s regulations; only use a black pencil to fill in the registration number, exam paper code, and answer choices; if there is a mistake or change, the wrong choice must be erased cleanly and a new one marked;

- Fill in accurate and complete information in the blank spaces at the top of the answer sheet, for registration number also fill in and mark all digits (including leading zeros); fill in accurately the exam paper code in both Exam Paper Receipt Forms;

- Verify the exam paper to ensure it contains the correct number of questions, pages as printed and that all pages of the exam paper have the same code;

- No submission of answer sheets before the end of the exam time; upon completion, submit the answer sheet to the proctor and sign the Exam Paper Receipt Forms;

- Leave the exam room only when the proctor has checked all answer sheets in the room and permitted exit;

- Candidates taking only the first and/or second subject of the optional exam should return to the waiting room after submitting their answer sheet until the end of the last subject of the exam before leaving the examination area. During the transition to the waiting room and while in the waiting room, maintain order and strictly comply with instructions from the Exam Supervisor or Waiting Room Manager. In necessary cases, exit the waiting room only with permission from the Waiting Room Manager and under the supervision of the Exam Supervisor while outside;

- Candidates taking only the second subject of the optional exam must be present in the waiting area at least 10 minutes before the next subject’s paper distribution time for preparation.

(6) In case of any unusual events, candidates must strictly follow the guidance of the proctor and responsible persons at the Examination Site.

What is the implementation roadmap for arrangement of High School Graduation Examination from 2025 in Vietnam?

Based on Section 9 of the Plan for Organizing the Examination and Recognizing High School Graduation from 2025 issued with Decision 4068/QD-BGDDT in 2023, the implementation roadmap for arrangement of High School Graduation Examination from 2025 is as follows:

2025: the first year of implementation

- 2025 - 2030: paper-based exams.

- After 2030: possibly a combination of paper-based and computer-based exams:

Gradually piloting computer-based exams for multiple-choice subjects in localities with adequate conditions.

Once all localities nationwide have adequate conditions, the shift to organizing the high school graduation exam on computers for multiple-choice subjects will be considered.

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