What is the formula for calculating electric current intensity? In Vietnam, what is the grade whose Physics curriculum covers the formula for calculating electric current intensity?
What is the formula for calculating electric current intensity?
Students may refer to the following information on the formula for calculating electric current intensity:
Formula for Calculating Electric Current Intensity Electric current intensity is a quantity that characterizes the strength or weakness of an electric current, indicating the number of electric charges moving through a straight cross-sectional area of a conductor in a unit of time. I = ΔQ/Δt *Where: |
*Note: The information regarding the formula for calculating electric current intensity is for reference only./.
What is the formula for calculating electric current intensity? In Vietnam, what is the grade whose Physics curriculum covers the formula for calculating electric current intensity? (Image from the Internet)
In Vietnam, what is the grade whose Physics curriculum covers the formula for calculating electric current intensity?
Under Section 5 of the General education program in Physics issued under Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the required outcomes in the 11th-grade Physics curriculum are as follows:
Electric Current Intensity
- Conduct experiments (or refer to multimedia documents), to determine that the electric current intensity characterizes the strong or weak effect of an electric current and is defined by the electric charge passing through a straight cross-section of a conductor in a unit of time.
- Apply the expression I = Snve for conductors with an electric current, where n is the density of the charge carriers, S is the cross-sectional area of the wire, v is the velocity of the charge carriers.
- Define the unit of electric charge coulomb as the amount of electric charge passing through a conductor's cross-section in 1 second when there is an electric current intensity of 1 A passing through the conductor.
Thus, the formula for calculating electric current intensity is taught in the 11th-grade Physics curriculum.
What is the orientation for the formation and development of physics competence for 11th-grade students in Vietnam?
Under Section 6 of the General education program in Physics issued under Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the educational method for the 11th-grade Physics curriculum is as follows:
- Develop cognitive physics competence, teachers should provide students opportunities to harness their existing knowledge and experiences to partake in forming new knowledge and skills.
- Emphasize organizing activities in which students can express or describe in their own ways, analyze, explain, compare, systematize, and directly apply learned knowledge and skills to successfully solve learning situations and problems, thus connecting new knowledge and skills with previously learned knowledge and skills.
- Develop the competence to explore the natural world from a physics perspective, teachers should apply some advantageous teaching methods such as:
+ Visual methods (particularly hands-on activities, experiments,...), problem-based learning, project-based learning,... creating conditions for students to ask questions, identify issues to explore, seek evidence to analyze information, verify predictions and hypotheses by conducting experiments or gathering information from books, the Internet,...
+ Additionally, focus on exercises requiring critical and creative thinking (open-ended exercises, multiple solutions,...), exercises related to practical situations reflecting physical nature, reducing computational exercises,...
- Develop the competence to apply learned knowledge and skills, teachers should focus on creating opportunities for students to actively interact through the process of discovering, proposing ideas, and solving problems by:
+ Making predictions and building hypotheses; planning implementation; seeking information through printed and multimedia materials;
+ Collecting and storing data from laboratory experiments or observations in nature; analyzing, processing, evaluating data based on simple statistical parameters; comparing results with hypotheses, explaining, drawing conclusions; writing, presenting reports, and discussing;
+ Applying physics knowledge and skills to provide reasonable feedbacks or successfully solve new situations and problems in learning and in life.

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