Vietnam: What are the sample expositive essays on the phenomenon of Tornadoes? What is the integration of intra-disciplinary (both knowledge and skills) in teaching methods for 8th-grade Literature?

What are the sample expositive essays on the phenomenon of Tornadoes? What is the integration of intra-disciplinary (both knowledge and skills) in teaching methods for 8th-grade Literature in Vietnam?

What are the sample expositive essays on the phenomenon of Tornadoes?

Students can refer to the following sample expositive essays on the phenomenon of Tornadoes:

Sample 1

Tornado - The Giant Monster of Nature

I have watched footage of tornadoes on TV. Those were truly terrifying images of a massive swirling column of air, taking everything in its path. I am very curious to know how a tornado forms and why it has such a destructive power.

A tornado is an extremely dangerous natural phenomenon. It is a very strong, swirling column of air, formed from a thunderstorm cloud. Tornadoes typically appear in the summer when hot, humid air rises, meets cold air, and condenses into clouds. When air currents move at different speeds, they generate powerful swirling winds, forming a tornado.

Tornadoes have terrifying destructive power. They can sweep away houses, vehicles, trees, and everything in their path. The wind speed of a tornado can reach hundreds of kilometers per hour, causing severe damage to people and property.

I feel very scared when thinking about the power of tornadoes. Tornadoes are a reminder of human insignificance in the face of nature. To minimize damage caused by tornadoes, we need to regularly follow weather forecasts and prepare response plans for storms and tornadoes.

I hope each of us will raise awareness about disaster prevention to protect ourselves and our families.

Sample 2

Tornado - The Scar on Homeland

Witnessing a village severely devastated after being swept by a tornado was a heartbreaking and haunting sight. Houses in ruins, uprooted trees, and heavily damaged roads were all around. This scene made me feel deeply sorrowful and haunting.

A tornado does not only cause material damage but also leaves deep emotional scars for the people. Many families lose loved ones, lose everything, and must start over. Tornadoes rob them of a peaceful life.

I feel great sympathy for the people in the flood-hit regions. They have to confront numerous challenges stacked upon them after the passage of a tornado. I hope the whole community will come together to help them overcome this difficult phase.

To minimize the damage caused by tornadoes, we need effective prevention measures. This involves building sturdy houses, planting more trees to reduce wind speeds, and regularly following weather forecasts to respond promptly.

Sample 3

Tornado - The Fury of Nature

I have watched documentaries about tornadoes destroying cities. Skyscrapers collapsing, vehicles swept away like toys, and trees uprooted – these scenes made me feel frightened and amazed by the enormous power of nature.

A tornado not only causes material damage but also takes many lives. Sudden tornadoes leave people unable to react in time. I feel deep sympathy for those who have suffered these tremendous losses.

To contend with tornadoes, we need to raise awareness about prevention. Monitoring weather forecasts, building sturdy houses, and preparing the necessary items when there is a storm warning is critically important.

I hope that each of us will contribute to minimizing the damage caused by tornadoes.

Sample 4

Tornado - A Lesson of Survival

A tornado is a harsh natural phenomenon, but it is also a valuable lesson in survival. Through tornadoes, we realize the fragility of life and the importance of unity and mutual support.

After each tornado, the spirit of mutual aid and compassion becomes clearly expressed. Thousands of volunteers have come to affected regions to help people recover from the aftermath. These noble acts have inspired many.

A tornado also reminds us of the importance of protecting the environment. Deforestation and environmental pollution can increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather phenomena like tornadoes.

I hope each of us will become more conscious of our actions to protect the environment and reduce the risks of natural disasters.

*Note: The above information is for reference only./.

Example Exposition on the Phenomenon of Tornadoes? How is the requirement for integrating within the subject handled in the 8th-grade Literature curriculum?

What are the sample expositive essays on the phenomenon of Tornadoes? What is the integration of intra-disciplinary (both knowledge and skills) in teaching methods for 8th-grade Literature in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Are 8th-grade students in Vietnam required to be able to analyze artistic measures belonging to each literary genre after completing the Literature curriculum?

Under Section 4 of the Appendix to the General Education Program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the literary competencies required after completing the 8th-grad Literature curriculum are as follows:

- Understand the message, thoughts, emotions, and attitude of the author in the text; recognize literary scripts, novels, and Nom poetry, regulated poetry and free verse, tragedy and comedy; the content and form of a literary work, literary imagery;

- Identify and analyze the effects of some formal elements and artistic measures belonging to each literary genre (the combination of the narrator’s words and character’s words, perspective, conflict, poetic laws, structure, diction, emotive lyrical flow; rhetorical measures such as repetition, wordplay, sarcasm, oxymoron).

- Recognize some general features of the history of Vietnamese literature; understand the impact of literature on one’s life.

Thus, in accordance with the above regulation, 8th-grade students in Vietnam are required to be able to analyze artistic measures belonging to each literary genre after completing the Literature curriculum.

What is the integration of intra-disciplinary (both knowledge and skills) in teaching methods for 8th-grade Literature in Vietnam?

According to Section 5 of the General Education Program in Literature issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, the general orientation of teaching methods for Literature is as follows:

The Literature curriculum employs educational methods with a general orientation towards integrative and differentiated teaching; diversifying forms, methods, and teaching tools; and promoting students' active, proactive, and creative learning and application of knowledge and skills.

Based on the program, teachers actively and flexibly build and organize lessons according to the following orientation:

- Implement the integration of intra-disciplinary (both knowledge and skills), interdisciplinary integration, and integration of prioritized educational content (cross-disciplinary); perform differentiated teaching according to student levels across all educational levels and contribute to career orientation in high school.

- Train students in reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills; practice, and experience receiving and applying Vietnamese language and literature knowledge through various forms of in-class and out-of-class activities; focus on using teaching tools, overcome the style of rote teaching, develop thinking, and train students in using media.

- Enhance students' activeness and independence; dedicate more time for students to study textbooks and learning materials, practice, present, discuss, and defend their study results so that they can read, write, speak, and listen according to different requirements and levels; evaluate and assess the completion of students' learning tasks.

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