Vietnam: What are the 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review? What are the objectives of Mathematics at the upper secondary education level?

What are the 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review? What are the objectives of Mathematics at the upper secondary education level in Vietnam?

What are the 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review?

The 1st end-of-semester exam for 12th-grade Mathematics is a very important milestone, helping students assess their learning process and better prepare for the high school graduation exam.

This exam provides a comprehensive assessment of everything learned throughout the semester, thus often placing great pressure on students to perform well. Many students feel anxious, especially if Mathematics is not their strong suit.

Below is a compilation of 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review:

Set No. 1 of 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review ...Download

Set No. 2 of 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review...Download

Set No. 3 of 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review...Download

Note: Information is for reference only!

End-of-Semester 1 Review for Grade 12 Mathematics?

What are the 1st end-of-semester question papers and answers for 12th-grade Mathematics for review? What are the objectives of Mathematics at the upper secondary education level in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

In Vietnam, what Mathematical competencies does the Mathematics subject develop?

Under the General Education Program for Mathematics issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDTs:

Overall Objectives

The Mathematics curriculum helps students achieve the following main objectives:

a) Develop and enhance mathematical competencies, including the following core components: mathematical reasoning and logic; mathematical modeling; mathematical problem-solving; mathematical communication; and usage of mathematical tools and resources.

b) Contribute to the formation and development of key qualities and general competencies in students at levels appropriate to subjects and grade levels as stipulated in the Overall Program.

c) Acquire general, basic, essential mathematical knowledge and skills; develop the ability to solve interdisciplinary issues among Mathematics and other subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Informatics, Technology, History, Art,...; create opportunities for students to apply mathematics in real-life experiences.

d) Attain a general understanding of the utility of mathematics to various career fields to guide career orientation, and possess sufficient foundational abilities to explore mathematical issues throughout life.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the objectives of the Mathematics subject in the 2018 general education program aim to develop mathematical competencies comprising core components such as:

- Mathematical reasoning and logic;

- Mathematical modeling;

- Mathematical problem-solving;

- Mathematical communication;

- Usage of mathematical tools and resources.

What are the objectives of Mathematics at the upper secondary education level in Vietnam?

Under Subsection 4, Section 3 under the General Education Program for Mathematics issued together with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT, Mathematics at the upper secondary education level in Vietnam aims to enable students to achieve the following primary objectives:

(1) Contribute to forming and developing mathematical competencies with the following requirements: pose and answer questions when reasoning and solving problems; utilize reasoning methods, induction, and deduction to understand different approaches to problem-solving; establish mathematical models to describe situations and propose solutions to mathematical problems presented in established models; implement and present solutions to problems and evaluate the implemented solutions, reflect on the value of solutions, generalize for similar problems; utilize mathematical tools and resources in learning, exploration, and mathematical problem-solving.

(2) Acquire basic and essential mathematical knowledge and skills regarding:

- Algebra and Some Calculus Elements: Calculating and using calculation tools; using algebraic language and symbols; transforming algebraic and transcendental expressions (trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic), equations, systems of equations, inequalities; recognizing basic elementary functions (power, trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic); investigating functions and plotting function graphs using derivative tools; using functions' language and graphs to describe and analyze certain processes and phenomena in the real world; using integration to compute the area of planar shapes and volumes of spatial objects.

- Geometry and Measurement: Providing knowledge and skills (at a logical reasoning level) about geometric relationships and familiar planar and spatial shapes; algebraic methods (vectors, coordinates) in geometry; developing spatial imagination; resolving simple practical issues associated with Geometry and Measurement.

- Statistics and Probability: Perfecting skills in collecting, classifying, displaying, analyzing, and processing statistical data; using statistical data analysis tools through measures of central tendency and dispersion for both group and ungrouped data; using statistical laws in practice; recognizing random models, basic probability concepts, and the practical significance of probability.

(3) Help students gain a relatively comprehensive understanding of careers associated with Mathematics and its value; provide a foundation for career orientation after high school; having sufficient basic capabilities to independently explore mathematical issues throughout life.

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