14:23 | 08/08/2024

Confirmation form for postponement from conscription for students in Vietnam in 2024

What is the the confirmation form for postponement from conscription for students in Vietnam in 2024?

Confirmation form for postponement from conscription for students in Vietnam in 2024

According to Point g Clause 1 Article 41 of the Law on military service 2015, it is stipulated that military service can be temporarily postponed for those who are studying at general education institutions; those undergoing regular university-level training at higher education institutions, and regular college-level training at vocational education institutions during a training course of a training level.

To get a postponement from conscription, students need to have a student confirmation form to prove that they are undergoing regular university-level training at a higher education institution or regular college-level training at a vocational education institution.

Refer to the confirmation form for postponement from conscription for students in 2024 below:

Download the confirmation form for postponement from conscription for students.

Note: The confirmation form for postponement from conscription for students is for reference only!

Can students who serve in the military return to school?

In Article 10 of the University Training Regulation issued with Circular 08/2021/TT-BGDDT, it is stipulated as follows:

Temporary Leave, Dropout

  1. Students can apply for temporary leave and have their completed results archived in the following cases:

a) Being conscripted into the armed forces;

b) Being authorized by competent authorities to represent the country in international competitions and tournaments;

c) Suffering from illness, pregnancy, or accidents requiring long-term treatment with certification from competent medical establishments as per Ministry of Health regulations;

d) For other personal reasons, but must have completed at least one semester at the training institution, and are not subject to consideration for forced dropout or disciplinary actions.

  1. The time for personal temporary leave must be included in the official study period stipulated in Clause 5 Article 2 of this Regulation.
  1. Students who apply for dropout for personal reasons, except those subject to forced dropout or disciplinary consideration, must apply for regular admission tests if they wish to return.
  1. The training institution's regulations specifically define the conditions, authority, procedures for reviewing temporary leave, readmission, and dropout; preservation and recognition of accumulated academic results for students applying for dropout.

Therefore, students who serve in the military will be granted temporary leave and their completed results will be archived. Thus, students who serve in the military can return to continue their university program.

Student Confirmation Form for Temporary Postponement of Military Service 2024

confirmation form for postponement from conscription for students 2024 (Image from the Internet)

What is the conscription age for university students?

Article 30 of the Law on military service 2015 stipulates:

Conscription Age

Citizens aged 18 are eligible for conscription; the conscription age ranges from 18 to the end of 25; citizens undergoing college or university-level training who have been granted a postponement are subject to conscription until the end of 27.

Additionally, Article 4 of Circular 148/2018/TT-BQP provides enlistment standards as follows:

Enlistment Standards

  1. Age:

a) Citizens from age 18 to the end of 25.

b) Male citizens undergoing college or university-level training who have been granted a postponement during a training course are subject to conscription until the end of 27.

  1. Political standards:

a) Implement according to the Joint Circular No. 50/2016/TTLT-BQP-BCA dated April 15, 2016, of the Minister of Defense – Minister of Public Security regulating political standards for selecting citizens to serve in the Vietnam People's Army.

b) For critical, confidential agencies, units, positions in the Army; Ceremonial Force, Guard Force, professional military police recruitment shall be implemented according to the Ministry of Defense regulations.

  1. Health standards:

a) Select citizens with health types 1, 2, 3 as per Joint Circular No. 16/2016/TTLT-BYT-BQP dated June 30, 2016, of the Minister of Health – Minister of Defense regulating health examinations for military service.

b) For agencies, units, positions specified in Point b, Clause 2 of this Article, implement recruitment ensuring separate standards as per Ministry of Defense regulations.

c) Do not conscript citizens diagnosed with health type 3 refractive eye errors (myopia from 1.5 diopters, hyperopia in all degrees); drug addiction, HIV, AIDS.


Thus, those undergoing college or university-level training who have been granted a postponement are subject to conscription until the age of 27.

Therefore, the conscription age for university students is up to 27 years old.

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