From August 1, 2024, what are the conditions for receiving assistance policies regarding social policies in Vietnam?

From August 1, 2024, what are the conditions for receiving assistance policies regarding social policies in Vietnam?

From August 1, 2024, what are the conditions for receiving assistance policies regarding social policies in Vietnam?

Based on Section 5, Chapter III of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, the conditions for receiving assistance policies regarding social policies are as follows:

(1) Housing Conditions

Based on Article 29 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, the housing conditions to be eligible for assistance policies regarding social policies in Vietnam are as follows:

- In the case of not owning a house, this is determined if the entities specified in Clause 1, Article 77 of the Housing Law 2023 and their spouse (if any) are not listed in the certificate of land use rights, ownership of assets attached to land at the province or centrally-governed city where the social housing project is located at the time of application for purchase or lease-purchase of social housing.

Within 07 days from the date of receiving the request for confirmation of names in the certificate of land use rights, ownership of assets attached to land, the District Land Registration Office/Branch of the province or centrally-governed city where the social housing project is located shall confirm for cases specified in Clause 1, Article 29 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP.

- In the case of the entities specified in Clause 1, Article 77 of the Housing Law 2023 owning a house, but the average housing area per person is less than 15 m² per person. The average housing area per person specified in this clause is determined based on the inclusion of the applicant, their spouse, parents (if any), and their children (if any) who are registered as permanent residents at that house.

Within 07 days from the date of receiving the request for confirmation of the average housing area per person, the Commune People's Committee shall confirm for cases specified in Clause 2, Article 29 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP.

(2) Income Conditions

Based on Article 30 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, the income conditions to be eligible for assistance policies regarding social policies are as follows:

- For the entities specified in Clauses 5, 6, and 8 of Article 76 of the Housing Law 2023, the following income conditions must be ensured:

+ If the applicant is single, the monthly actual income does not exceed 15 million VND, calculated according to the salary, wage table confirmed by the agency, unit, or enterprise where the applicant works.

If the applicant is married as per legal regulations, the total monthly actual combined income of the applicant and their spouse does not exceed 30 million VND, calculated according to the salary, wage table confirmed by the agency, unit, or enterprise where they work.

+ Income conditions are determined within the 01-year period preceding the submission of a valid application for purchase or lease-purchase of social housing to the investor.

- In the case of entities specified in Clause 5 of Article 76 of the Housing Law 2023 without an employment contract, if single, the monthly actual income does not exceed 15 million VND, and if married as per legal regulations, the monthly actual combined income of the applicant and their spouse does not exceed 30 million VND.

Within 07 days from the date of receiving the request for confirmation, the Commune People's Committee shall confirm the income conditions within the 01-year period preceding the submission of a valid application for purchase or lease-purchase of social housing to the investor.

- For the entities specified in Clauses 2, 3, and 4 of Article 76 of the Housing Law 2023, they must belong to poor or near-poverty households according to the poverty standards of the Government of Vietnam.

- For the entities specified in Clause 7 of Article 76 of the Housing Law 2023, apply income conditions as stipulated in Article 67 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP.

From August 1, 2024, what are the conditions for enjoying social housing support policies?

From August 1, 2024, what are the conditions for receiving assistance policies regarding social policies? (Image: Internet)

Which entities are eligible for assistance policies regarding social policies policies in Vietnam?

Based on Article 76 of the Housing Law 2023, the entities eligible for assistance policies regarding social policies policies in Vietnam include:

(1) Persons with meritorious services to the revolution, relatives of martyrs eligible for housing improvement support as stipulated by the Ordinance on Incentives for Persons with Meritorious Services to the Revolution.

(2) Poor or near-poverty households in rural areas.

(3) Poor or near-poverty households in rural areas frequently affected by natural disasters or climate change.

(4) Poor or near-poverty households in urban areas.

(5) Low-income individuals in urban areas.

(6) Workers and laborers working at enterprises, cooperatives, and cooperative alliances inside and outside industrial zones.

(7) Officers, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers of the people's armed forces, public security workers, officers, national defense workers and public employees; cryptographic workers, and individuals doing other work in cryptographic organizations who receive salaries from the state budget.

(8) Officials and public employees as stipulated by the law on officials and public employees.

(9) Entities who have returned public housing as specified in Clause 4, Article 125 of the Housing Law 2023, except those whose public housing was confiscated due to violations of the Housing Law 2023.

(10) Households and individuals who have had their land reclaimed and whose housing had to be demolished according to the law and who have not been compensated with housing or homestead land by the state.

(11) Students of universities, academies, colleges, vocational schools, specialized schools as specified by law; students of public boarding ethnic schools.

(12) Enterprises, cooperatives, and cooperative alliances in industrial zones.

What conditions must be met for individuals to apply for preferential loans to purchase or lease-purchase social housing at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies?

Based on Clause 1, Article 48 of Decree 100/2024/ND-CP, the entities specified in Clauses 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Article 76 of the Housing Law 2023 must meet the following conditions to apply for preferential loans to purchase or lease-purchase social housing:

- The entities specified in Clauses 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Article 76 of the Housing Law 2023 include:

+ Persons with meritorious services to the revolution, relatives of martyrs eligible for housing improvement support as stipulated by the Ordinance on Incentives for Persons with Meritorious Services to the Revolution.

+ Poor or near-poverty households in urban areas.

+ Low-income individuals in urban areas.

+ Workers and laborers working at enterprises, cooperatives, and cooperative alliances inside and outside industrial zones.

+ Officers, professional soldiers, non-commissioned officers of the people's armed forces, public security workers, officers, national defense workers and public employees; cryptographic workers, and individuals doing other work in cryptographic organizations who receive salaries from the state budget.

+ Officials and public employees as stipulated by the law on officials and public employees.

- These entities applying for preferential loans to purchase or lease-purchase social housing must meet the following conditions:

+ Have a source of income and be able to repay according to the commitment with the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies;

+ Have a Loan Application to purchase or lease-purchase social housing;

+ Have a contract to purchase or lease-purchase social housing with the investor as per this Decree and housing laws;

+ Secure the loan with assets formed from the loan as per the law. The Vietnam Bank for Social Policies, the investor, and the borrower must clearly specify the method of managing and handling the secured assets in a tripartite agreement.

Note: Decree 100/2024/ND-CP takes effect in Vietnam from August 1, 2024.


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