Organize a seminar to research, assess the current situation and propose to improve the institution on law dissemination and education in the second and third quarters of 2022?

In the past 10 years, Popular Law and legal education have brought certain effects and successes. Besides those successes, there are still shortcomings and difficulties in the implementation of law dissemination and education. To summarize the 10 years of law dissemination and education, what activities has the Ministry of Justice decided to carry out?

Pursuant to Section III of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1196/QD-BTP dated May 20, 2022 of the Ministry of Justice, guiding the organization of communication activities on the results of organization and implementation of related documents. as follows:

- Developing and publishing news articles and reportage; release communication products about the results of implementing the Law on PBGDPL on the Website of the Ministry of Justice (or the National Portal of PBGDPL after it is put into operation), the Portal / Website of the Ministry of Justice. , agencies and organizations at central and local levels.

+ Lead the implementation: Department of Legal Affairs, Office (Ministry of Justice); Legal organizations, units assigned to be in charge of legal regulation of ministries, agencies and organizations at the central level; Departments of Justice of provinces and centrally run cities.

+ Coordination of implementation: Vietnam Law Newspaper, Information Technology Department, central and local press agencies and related agencies and organizations.

+ Implementation time: Quarter III, IV/2022.

+ Products: News, articles, reportages, media products are posted, released.

- Organize the collection and supply of legal documents, reportage, tapes, discs, video clips, documents, images... serving the work of law enforcement during the 10 years of implementation of the Law on Legal Affairs. The collected information and materials ensure quality, image and sound standards so that they can be used in the production of radio and television programs (according to HD standards). Focus on information about initiatives, models, good and effective ways of doing things, and typical groups and individuals with excellent achievements in this work.

+ To assume the prime responsibility for implementation: Legal organizations, units assigned to take charge of legal regulation of ministries, agencies and organizations at central level; Departments of Justice of provinces and centrally run cities.

+ Time for implementation: Please send to the Ministry of Justice (via Department of Legal Dissemination and Education, Comrade Do Thi Nhan, email: before August 15, 2022.

+ Products: PBGDPL documents, reportage, tapes, discs, video clips, documents, pictures... are sent to the Department of PBGDPL.

- Develop a report summarizing the 10 years of implementation of the Law on Legal Protection in association with the 10 years of organizing in response to Law Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

+ Lead the implementation: Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice.

+ Coordination of implementation: Office of the Ministry of Justice; Legal organizations, units assigned to be in charge of legal regulation of ministries, agencies and organizations at central level; Departments of Justice of provinces and centrally run cities and related agencies and units.

+ Implementation period: August - October 2022.

+ Product: The summary report is built.

At the same time, organize a seminar to research, evaluate the current situation and propose to improve the institution on the work of law enforcement.

- Lead the implementation: Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice.

- Coordinating implementation: Legal organizations, units assigned to be in charge of legal regulation of ministries, agencies and organizations at central level; Departments of Justice of provinces and centrally run cities and related agencies, units and individuals.

- Implementation time: Quarter II, III/2022.

- Product: Workshop is organized.

Thus, the organization of communication activities on the results of the implementation of documents related to legal dissemination and education is carried out by developing and publishing news and reportage related to the results. implementation of popular documents, legal education. Collecting and providing documents on the implementation of law dissemination and education in the past 10 years. The materials collected and provided must meet the requirements for the quality of images and sounds.

In addition, organize a seminar to research, assess the current situation and propose to improve the institution on law dissemination and education in the second and third quarters of 2022.

Hoạt động triển khai Kế hoạch tổng kết thực hiện Luật Phổ biến, giáo dục pháp luật của Bộ Tư pháp?

Implementation activities of the Ministry of Justice's implementation of the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education Summary?

Pursuant to Section III of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1196/QD-BTP dated May 20, 2022 of the Ministry of Justice, which stipulates the development of draft reports summarizing the implementation of law dissemination and education. as follows:

- Prepare summary reports of ministries, agencies and organizations at central and local levels

+ Presiding over implementation: Ministries, agencies and organizations at central and local levels, actively guide and develop a final report on the implementation of the Law on Legal Regulations (recommendation to update and supplement information and data in the Law) the Appendix section according to the timeline specified at Point b, Section II.1.1 of this Plan. Decision No. 705/QD-TTg dated May 25, 2017 of the Prime Minister, promulgating the Law on Legal Reparation Program for the period 2017 - 2021; The report summarizing 15 years of implementation of Directive No. 32-CT/TW will be submitted by the Ministry of Justice. actively synthesize it in the national summary report).

+ Time for completion: Please send the final report to the Ministry of Justice (via the Department of Legal Dissemination and Education) and email: by August 30, 2022.

+ Product: Summary report of documents.

- Develop a national report summarizing 10 years of implementation of the Law on PPE

+ Lead the implementation: Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice.

+ Coordinating the implementation of: Office of the Ministry, Department of Information Technology, a number of functions of the Ministry of Justice; relevant agencies, units and individuals.

+ Completion time: October 2022.

+ Product: The final report was signed and issued.

Accordingly, the work of formulating a report on synthesis of central and local ministries, agencies and organizations on law dissemination and education must be carried out and reported to the Ministry of Justice before August 30. 2022. The 10-year summary report on the implementation of the National Law on Legal Protection must be completed before October 2022

Has the individual and collective commendation activity achieved outstanding results in 10 years of law dissemination and education?

According to Section III of the Plan promulgated together with Decision 1196/QD-BTP dated May 20, 2022 of the Ministry of Justice, stipulating the organization and reward of collectives and individuals with outstanding achievements within 10 years of implementation. The Law on PBGDPL is as follows:

- Lead the implementation: Department of Emulation and Reward, Ministry of Justice

- Coordinating implementation: Department of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, ministries, central agencies and organizations, and People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.

- Completion time: October 2022.

Thus, the commendation of individuals and organizations with outstanding achievements in law dissemination and education in the past 10 years will be presided over by the Department of Emulation and Commendation and the time to complete the commendation. bonus is in October 2022.

The above are some activities to implement the Final Plan for Legal Dissemination and Education issued together with Decision 1196/QD-BTP dated May 20, 2022 of the Ministry of Justice.

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