What is the date of World Patient Safety Day? That day falls on which day of the week? What is the theme of World Patient Safety Day 2024 under Official Dispatch 5241 of Vietnam?

What is the date of World Patient Safety Day? That day falls on which day of the week? What is the theme of World Patient Safety Day 2024 under Official Dispatch 5241 of Vietnam?

What is the date of World Patient Safety Day? That day falls on which day of the week?

According to Official Dispatch 5241/BYT-KCB in 2024 on World Patient Safety Day 2024:

September 17 annually has been selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “World Patient Safety Day.”

September 17 annually has been selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “World Patient Safety Day.”

World Patient Safety Day 2024 is on September 17, 2024, which falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month of 2024, which falls on a Tuesday.

When is World Patient Safety Day 2024 and what day of the week is it on? What is the theme of World Patient Safety Day 2024 according to Official Dispatch 5241?

What is the date of World Patient Safety Day? That day falls on which day of the week? What is the theme of World Patient Safety Day 2024 under Official Dispatch 5241 of Vietnam?​ (Image from the Internet)

What is the theme of World Patient Safety Day 2024 under Official Dispatch 5241 of Vietnam?

On September 4, 2024, the Ministry of Health issued Official Dispatch 5241/BYT-KCB in 2024 guiding the activities in response to World Patient Safety Day on September 17, 2024, including the theme of World Patient Safety Day 2024. To be specific:

September 17 annually has been selected by the World Health Organization (WHO) as “World Patient Safety Day.”

To respond to the WHO's campaign and participate in the global event, the Ministry of Health requests hospitals under the Ministry of Health, Health Departments of provinces/cities directly under the central government, and health departments of ministries and sectors (collectively referred to as Units) to direct their subordinate hospitals to organize activities to respond to "World Patient Safety Day" 2024 during the week from September 4, 2024, to September 22, 2024, according to the WHO message attached to this dispatch, in appropriate forms. Specifically:

- Report to the competent authorities to organize orange light displays at cultural monuments, public areas, and fountains;

- Run electronic billboards, hang banners, posters with WHO's slogan "Get it right, make it safe"; use images, symbols as guided by WHO at hospitals in the area;

- Organize seminars, training on the 2024 theme “Improving diagnosis for patient safety”; disseminate methods, publicize the results of implementing Circular 43/2018/TT-BYT dated December 26, 2018, by the Ministry of Health guiding the prevention of medical incidents in healthcare facilities for medical staff;

- Organize artistic programs on the theme of patient safety, preventing medical incidents, especially promptly preventing high-risk situations in diagnosis, care, and treatment;

- Actively implement practical solutions for the safety of patients and medical staff.

- Coordinate with communication units in the area to widely disseminate the above activities on mass media.

It is requested that the Units urgently develop plans and implement them, reporting to the Ministry of Health (Department of Medical Examination and Treatment) to compile the results.

Thus, the theme of World Patient Safety Day 2024 will organize seminars and training on the 2024 theme "Improving diagnosis for patient safety."

Prohibited Acts in Medical Examination and Treatment Activities in Vietnam

Based on Article 7 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023, it is clearly stated that 21 acts are prohibited in medical examination and treatment activities in Vietnam as follows:

(1) Infringe upon the rights of patients.

(2) Refuse or intentionally delay emergency treatment of patients, except for cases specified in Article 40 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023.

(3) Provide medical examination and treatment without meeting the conditions specified in Article 19 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023.

(4) Provide medical examination and treatment outside the scope of practice or scope of activities permitted by the competent authority, except in cases of emergency or when performing medical examination and treatment as mobilized, directed by the competent authority in the event of natural disasters, disasters, infectious disease outbreaks classified as Group A, or emergency.

(5) Practice medical examination and treatment outside the registered time and location of practice (hereinafter referred to as practice registration), except for cases specified in Clause 3, Article 36 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023.

(6) Do not comply with professional technical regulations; apply professional techniques, use medical equipment that has not been authorized by the competent authority.

(7) Prescribe or recommend using unauthorized medications in medical examination and treatment according to the law on pharmaceuticals.

(8) Have a behavior of harassment in medical examination and treatment.

(9) Prescribe medications, recommend technical services and medical equipment, suggest transferring patients to other healthcare facilities, or have other behaviors to gain profit.

(10) Erase, modify medical records to distort medical examination and treatment information, or create false medical records or other documents on the results of medical examination and treatment.

(11) Medical practitioners sell drugs in any form, except in the following cases:

- Traditional medicine doctors, traditional medicine practitioners, and traditional medicine specialists sell traditional medications;

- Individuals with ancestral remedies sell medications from their registered ancestral remedies.

(12) Use alcohol, beer, and other alcoholic beverages, drugs, and tobacco at medical examination and treatment facilities or during medical examination and treatment.

(13) Use superstitious and fallacious practices in medical examination and treatment.

(14) Refuse to participate in medical examination and treatment activities in case of natural disasters, disasters, infectious disease outbreaks classified as Group A, or emergency as per the decision of mobilization, direction of the competent authority, except for cases specified in points a and b, Clause 3, Article 47 of the Law on Medical Examination and Treatment 2023.

(15) Medical examination and treatment facilities provide medical services when falling into one of the following cases:

- Without a license to operate;

- Currently suspended from operation;

- Not within the scope of permissible professional activities, except in cases of emergency or performing medical examination and treatment as per the mobilization, direction of the competent authority in the event of natural disasters, disasters, infectious disease outbreaks classified as Group A, or emergency.

(16) Rent, borrow, lease, lend practice licenses or operating licenses.

(17) Exploit the image, status of medical practitioners to make statements, advocate for the use of unrecognized medical examination and treatment methods.

(18) Infringe on the life, health, dignity, or honor of medical practitioners and others working at medical examination and treatment establishments or sabotage, destroy the property of medical examination and treatment establishments.

(19) Prevent patients who are required to undergo mandatory treatment from entering medical examination and treatment facilities or intentionally enforce mandatory treatment on those who are not required to undergo mandatory treatment.

(20) Advertise beyond the scope of practice or scope of professional activities approved by the competent authority; exploit medical knowledge to falsely advertise medical examination and treatment.

(21) Post information attributing the responsibility of medical practitioners, medical treatment facilities when medical incidents occur without the conclusion of the competent authority.


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