What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam from March 1, 2025? What is the time limit for Ministry of Finance of Vietnam to organize the units according to the new model?

What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam from March 1, 2025? What is the time limit for Ministry of Finance of Vietnam to organize the units according to the new model?

What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam from March 1, 2025?

On February 24, 2025, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 29/2025/ND-CP...Download, stipulating the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam. Decree 29/2025/ND-CP comes into effect on March 1, 2025.

According to Article 3 of Decree 29/2025/ND-CP...Download, the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam from March 1, 2025, is defined as follows:

(1) 30 administrative organizations assisting the Minister in state management functions, including:

- Department of National Economic Synthesis;

- Department of State Budget;

- Department of Investment;

- Department of Financial and Economic Sectors;

- Department of National Defense, Security, Special (Department I);

- Department of Local and Territorial Economics;

- Department of Planning Management;

- Department of Financial Institutions;

- Department of Personnel Organization;

- Department of Legislation;

- Department of Debt Management and External Economics;

- Department of Public Asset Management;

- Department of Bidding Management;

- Department of Management and Supervision of Tax, Fee, and Charge Policies;

- Department of Insurance Management and Supervision;

- Department of Accounting and Auditing Supervision;

- Department of Price Management;

- Department of State Enterprise Development;

- Department of Private Enterprise and Collective Economy Development;

- Department of Foreign Investment;

- Department of Financial Planning;

- Department of Information Technology and Digital Transformation;

- Tax Department;

- Customs Department;

- State Reserve Department;

- Statistics Department;

- Inspectorate;

- Office;

- State Treasury;

- State Securities Commission.

(2) 4 public service providers, including:

- Institute of Economic and Financial Strategy and Policy;

- Finance and Investment Newspaper;

- Journal of Economics and Finance;

- Academy of Policy and Development.

(3) Special unit of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam: Vietnam Social Security

In which:

- The Department of National Economic Synthesis has 03 divisions; the Department of State Budget has 04 divisions; the Department of Investment has 04 divisions; the Department of Financial and Economic Sectors has 04 divisions; the Department of Local and Territorial Economics has 04 divisions; the Department of Financial Institutions has 04 divisions; the Department of Personnel Organization has 06 divisions; the Department of Legislation has 04 divisions.

- The Tax Department organizes and operates at 3 levels: Tax Department (12 units); 20 Regional Tax Branches; 350 Inter-district Tax Teams. The Customs Department organizes and operates at 3 levels: Customs Department (12 units); 20 Regional Customs Branches; 165 Border/Non-border Customs. The State Reserve Department organizes and operates at 2 levels: State Reserve Department (07 units); 15 Regional State Reserve Branches (with a total of no more than 171 warehouse points).

- The Statistics Department organizes and operates at 3 levels: Statistics Department (14 units); 63 Regional Statistics Branches; 480 Inter-district Statistics Teams.

- The State Treasury organizes and operates at 2 levels: State Treasury (10 units); 20 Regional State Treasury Offices (with a total of no more than 350 Transaction Offices).

- Vietnam Social Security organizes and operates at 3 levels: Vietnam Social Security (14 units); 35 Regional Social Security Offices; 350 Inter-district Social Security Offices.

The Tax Department, Customs Department, State Reserve Department, Statistics Department, State Treasury, State Securities Commission, and Vietnam Social Security have seals with the National Emblem. The Minister of Finance prescribes the functions, tasks, powers, and organizational structure of the organizations and units under the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam; regulates the number of advisory and assisting units of Branches and equivalent under Departments and equivalent under the Ministry; presents the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam with a list of other public service providers under the Ministry.

What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance from March 1, 2025?

What is the organizational structure of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam from March 1, 2025? (Image from the Internet)

What is the time limit for Ministry of Finance of Vietnam to organize the units according to the new model?

According to Article 4 of Decree 29/2025/ND-CP...Download, the transitional provisions are as follows:

Transitional Provisions

The Minister of Finance is responsible for organizing and arranging the Tax Department, Customs Department, State Reserve Department, Statistics Department, State Treasury, State Securities Commission, and Vietnam Social Security to operate according to the new model within a maximum period of 3 months from the effective date of this Decree.

Thus, the Minister of Finance is responsible for organizing and arranging the Tax Department, Customs Department, State Reserve Department, Statistics Department, State Treasury, State Securities Commission, and Vietnam Social Security to operate according to the new model within a maximum period of 3 months from March 1, 2025.

What are the tasks and powers of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam in managing the state budget from March 1, 2025?

According to clause 6 of Article 2 in Decree 29/2025/ND-CP...Download, it stipulates the tasks and powers of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam in managing the state budget:

- Aggregate, formulate, and submit to the Government of Vietnam the national 5-year financial plan, the 3-year national financial-budget plan; the state budget estimate and the plan for central budget allocation annually as prescribed by the Law on State Budget; adjust the national 5-year financial plan, the state budget estimate, and the plan for central budget allocation (if any); take the lead in reviewing and proposing the total regular expenditure for national target programs during the construction process, submit to the competent authority; balance and allocate regular expenditure annually to implement after the Program is approved;

- Develop and submit to the Government of Vietnam the plan for supplementing the increased revenue estimate of the state budget, the plan for allocation, use of increased revenue, and savings from central budget and the plan for adjusting the state budget estimate as prescribed;

- Develop and submit to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam the draft decision on assigning budget revenue and expenditure tasks to each ministry, ministerial-level agency, agency under the Government of Vietnam, and other agencies at the central level; revenue and expenditure tasks, the percentage split (%) for shared revenue and the amount of supplementary support from the central budget for each province and centrally-run city as prescribed by the Law on State Budget;

- Decide within authority or submit to the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam the decision on using the central budget reserve, using the central financial reserve fund, and other financial reserve sources as prescribed by law;

- Take the lead in cooperation with ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, other agencies at the central level, provincial People's Committees in developing, submitting to the Government of Vietnam, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam for regulation or regulation within authority the allocation norms and budget policies, standards, and norms as prescribed by the law on state budget;

- Guide requirements, contents, deadlines for developing the 5-year financial plan, the 3-year financial-budget plan, the annual state budget estimate; inform the draft revenue estimate, total level and in each regular budget field for ministries, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, other central agencies; total budget revenue in the locality and the budget balance estimate for each province, centrally-run city;

- Organize the implementation of the state budget, manage the central budget according to authority; monitor and urge the implementation of budget estimates at all levels;

- Inspect the allocation of assigned budget estimates of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, other central agencies; guide budget management and administration for ministries, central authorities, and local authorities; direct and inspect the performance of budget revenue and expenditure tasks of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, other central agencies, and localities;

- Organize and direct the accounting and settlement of the state budget and periodically report on the implementation of the revenue and expenditure budget estimate in accordance with the law;

- Appraise, aggregate the budget settlements of ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government of Vietnam, other central agencies; aggregate the local budget settlement as prescribed by the Law on State Budget; aggregate and submit to the Government of Vietnam for submission to the National Assembly for approval of the national budget settlement;

- Advance central budget according to authority or as decided by the competent level as prescribed by the Law on State Budget and guiding documents;

- Recover pre-advanced amounts from the central budget;

- Prepare and submit national financial statements nationwide, reporting to competent state agencies as prescribed by law;

- Take the lead in coordination with related ministries and agencies in developing and submitting to the Government of Vietnam decisions on policies and financial solutions within the state management scope of the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam to curb and combat inflation or deflation in the economy.

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