08:36 | 16/12/2024

What are the 08 other amounts payable to the state budget collected by tax authorities in Vietnam?

What are the 08 other amounts payable to the state budget collected by tax authorities in Vietnam? What are the powers of the tax authority in Vietnam?

What are the 08 other amounts payable to the state budget collected by tax authorities in Vietnam?

Based on Clause 2, Article 3 of the 2019 Law on Tax Administration, the following provisions are stipulated:

Explanation of Terms

In this Law, the following terms are understood as follows:

  1. Tax is a mandatory contribution to the state budget by organizations, households, business households, and individuals as stipulated by tax laws.

2. Other amounts payable to the state budget collected by tax authorities include:

a) Fees and charges as stipulated by the Law on Fees and Charges;

b) Land use fees payable to the state budget;

c) Land and water surface rental payments;

d) Payments for the granting of mineral mining rights;

đ) Payments for the granting of water resource exploitation rights;

e) Payments to the state budget from the sale of property on land, transfer of land use rights as stipulated by the Law on Management and Use of Public Property;

g) Revenue from administrative penalties as stipulated by law on handling administrative violations in the field of taxation and customs;

h) Late payment fees and other revenues as stipulated by law.


The 8 other amounts payable to the state budget collected by tax authorities include:

(1) Fees and charges as stipulated by the Law on Fees and Charges;

(2) Land use fees payable to the state budget;

(3) Land and water surface rental payments;

(4) Payments for the granting of mineral mining rights;

(5) Payments for the granting of water resource exploitation rights;

(6) Payments to the state budget from the sale of property on land, transfer of land use rights as stipulated by the Law on Management and Use of Public Property;

(7) Revenue from administrative penalties as stipulated by law on handling administrative violations in the field of taxation and customs;

(8) Late payment fees and other revenues as stipulated by law.

What are the 08 other revenues of the state budget managed by the tax authority?

What are the 08 other amounts payable to the state budget collected by tax authorities in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the powers of the tax authority in Vietnam?

Specifically: Article 19 of the 2019 Law on Tax Administration stipulates the powers of the tax authority as follows:

- Request taxpayers to provide information and documents related to determining tax obligations, including information on investment values; account numbers, and transaction details of accounts opened at commercial banks, and other credit institutions, and explain tax calculations, tax declarations, and tax payments.

- Request organizations and individuals involved to provide information and documents related to determining tax obligations and cooperate with the tax authority to implement laws on tax.

- Conduct tax inspections and audits as prescribed by law.

- Determine taxes.

- Enforce administrative decisions on tax administration.

- Penalize administrative violations in tax administration within their authority; publicly announce on mass media cases of legal violations in taxation.

- Apply preventive and secure measures to penalize administrative violations in tax administration according to the law.

- Authorize agencies, organizations, and individuals to collect certain types of taxes as stipulated by the Government of Vietnam.

- The tax authority applies the advance agreement mechanism on tax base determination methods with taxpayers and foreign tax authorities, territories with which Vietnam has signed agreements to avoid double taxation and prevent tax evasion concerning income tax.

- Purchase information, documents, data from domestic and foreign suppliers to serve tax administration; pay costs for tax collection commissions from collected taxes or from the tax authority's budget following regulations of the Government of Vietnam.

What are regulations on tax administration contents and tax administration principles in Vietnam?

Regarding tax administration contents:

Based on Article 4 of the 2019 Law on Tax Administration, the management contents include:

- Tax registration, tax declaration, tax payment, and tax determination.

- Tax refund, tax exemption, tax reduction, and no tax collection.

- Deferring tax debts; writing off tax debts, late payment fees, and fines; exempting from late payment fees and fines; not calculating late payment fees; extending tax payment periods; paying tax debts in installments.

- Managing taxpayer information.

- Managing invoices and vouchers.

- Conducting tax inspections and audits and implementing measures to prevent and eliminate violations of tax law.

- Enforcing administrative decisions on tax administration.

- Penalizing administrative violations in tax administration.

- Resolving tax appeals and denunciations.

- International cooperation in taxation.

- Disseminating and assisting taxpayers.

Regarding tax administration principles:

Based on Article 5 of the 2019 Law on Tax Administration, tax administration principles include:

- All organizations, households, business households, and individuals have tax payment obligations as prescribed by law.

- Tax authorities and other state agencies tasked with management duties execute tax administration following the provisions of this Law and other related laws, ensuring transparency, fairness, and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of taxpayers.

- Agencies, organizations, and individuals are responsible for participating in tax administration following the law.

- Implement administrative procedure reforms and modern information technology applications in tax administration; apply tax administration principles according to international practices, including the principle where the nature of activities and transactions determine tax obligations, risk management in tax administration, and other principles suitable to Vietnam's conditions.

- Apply preferential measures in performing tax procedures for exported and imported goods as prescribed by customs law and regulations of the Government of Vietnam.

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