Researches on inventing revenues or taxes collected from new business activities in Vietnam conducted?
Researches on inventing revenues or taxes collected from new business activities in Vietnam conducted?
According to Point i, Clause 1, Section 3, Article 1 of Decision 508/QD-TTg of 2022, the provisions are as follows:
- Regarding tax policy reform
i) For fees, charges, and other collections under the state budget: review and complete the legal system on fees and charges towards effectively exploiting fee and charge revenues from assets, resources, and environmental protection; implement a road map to increase fee levels to gradually cover the full cost in the fee collection level; accelerate the transition from fees to the implementation of public service prices, encourage and promote private investment in providing public services; enhance the reform of administrative procedures, provide online public services to continue improving the business environment, free up social resources, and contribute to improving national competitiveness; at the same time ensure compliance with the policy of organizing and rearranging state agency apparatus, public service providers.
Conduct researches on inventing revenues or taxes collected from new business activities suitable to development realities, ensuring Vietnam's tax collection rights in line with socio-economic conditions in each stage and international practices. Review and complete policies on other collections under the state budget to ensure conformity with realities and synchronization with specialized laws.
Accordingly, the solution for implementing the tax policy reform strategy according to the tax system reform strategy until 2030 will be to research developing charges or taxes on new activities and business forms suitable for development realities, ensuring Vietnam's tax collection and taxation rights are in line with socio-economic conditions in each stage and international practices.
Researches on inventing revenues or taxes collected from new business activities in Vietnam conducted? (Image from the Internet)
What are the current principles of tax administration in Vietnam?
According to Article 5 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019, the current principles of tax administration are as follows:
- All organizations, households, business individuals, and individuals have the obligation to pay taxes according to the law.
- tax administration agencies and other state agencies assigned with tax administration duties perform tax administration according to the provisions of this Law and other related legal regulations, ensuring publicity, transparency, equality, and protecting the lawful rights and interests of taxpayers.
- Agencies, organizations, and individuals have the responsibility to participate in tax administration according to the law.
- Implement administrative procedure reform and apply modern information technology in tax administration; apply tax administration principles according to international practices, including the principle that the nature of activities and transactions determines the tax obligation, the principle of risk management in tax administration, and other principles suitable to Vietnam's conditions.
- Apply preferential measures when carrying out tax procedures for exported and imported goods following the regulations of the customs law and the Government of Vietnam.
What are regulations on risk management in tax administration in Vietnam?
According to Article 9 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019, risk management implementation in tax administration is as follows:
- Tax authorities apply risk management in taxpayer registration, tax declaration, tax payment, tax debt, enforcement of administrative decisions on tax administration, tax refunds, tax inspections, tax audits, invoice and document management, and other tax administration operations.
- Customs authorities apply risk management in tax declaration, tax refunds, tax exemption, tax inspection, tax audit, and other tax administration operations.
- The risk management mechanism in tax administration includes the collection, processing of information and data related to taxpayers; establishing tax administration criteria; evaluating taxpayers' compliance with the law; categorizing risk levels in tax administration, and implementing appropriate tax administration measures.
- The evaluation of taxpayers' compliance and the categorization of risk levels in tax administration are regulated as follows:
+ Evaluating taxpayers' compliance with the law is based on the system of criteria, information about their operational history, compliance process, cooperation with tax administration agencies, and the level of violations of tax laws;
+ Categorizing risk levels in tax administration is based on taxpayers' compliance levels. In the categorization process, tax authorities consider related aspects, including information about risk indicators, signs, and behaviors of tax violations, information about the operational results of the tax administration agency, and other related agencies as per this Law;
+ tax administration agencies use the results of evaluating taxpayers' compliance and the risk categorization results to apply suitable tax administration measures.
- tax administration agencies use information technology systems to automatically integrate and process data to support the application of risk management in tax administration.
- The Minister of Finance stipulates criteria for evaluating taxpayers' compliance with the law, categorizing risk levels, and applying risk management in tax administration.

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