• Title: Title of Cultural Family: Award Criteria
  • 00:38, 12/07/2024
  • On September 17, 2018, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 122/2018/ND-CP stipulating the awarding of the titles "Cultural Family"; "Cultural Hamlet", "Cultural Village", "Cultural Hamlet" (translated as block), "Cultural Village" (for ethnic
  • Titles and Positions of Commune-Level Officials
  • 00:01, 12/07/2024
  • Title and position are two concepts that cause considerable confusion in practice, although they are widely used in state agencies and enterprises, there are no specific legal regulations regarding the concepts as well as the distinction between
  • Criteria for the Title of Emulation "Advanced Worker"
  • 23:17, 11/07/2024
  • Circular 03/2018/TT-BNG was promulgated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on November 1, 2018, to specify detailed standards required for the "Advanced Laborer" title within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Circular 03 stipulates the title
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Dưới đây là nội dung quy định thi công công trình trên đường bộ đang khai thác theo Luật Đường bộ 2024.

Quy định về sử dụng đất hành lang an toàn đường bộ từ năm 2025

Nội dung bài viết dưới đây là quy định về sử dụng đất hành lang an toàn đường bộ từ năm 2025.

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