Who is eligible for reduction of houses prices when buying state-owned old houses in Vietnam?

Who is eligible for reduction of houses prices when buying state-owned old houses in Vietnam?
Trần Thanh Rin

Who is eligible for reduction of houses prices when buying state-owned old houses in Vietnam?– Tan Thinh (Da Nang)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

Who is eligible for reduction of houses prices when buying state-owned old houses in Vietnam?

According to Clause 2, Article 67 of Decree 99/2015/ND-CP, entities eligible for reduction of houses prices when buying state-owned old houses in Vietnam include:

(1) Officials and workers of administrative agencies, Communist Party agencies and associations whose wages are paid by state budget;

(2) People in the armed forces whose wages are paid by state budget;

(3) Non-commissioned officers and soldiers who operate in battlefields A, B, C, K and receive allowances;

(4) Officials of communes and wards whose wages are paid by state budget or receiving allowances according to the rates imposed by the State;

(5) Workers who have work for at least a year in state-owned enterprises, organizations, units permitted to do business within administrative agencies, Communist Party agencies and associations;

(6) The entities specified in Point a, b, c, and d of this Clause who are appointed to work in foreign-invested companies, industrial parks, export-processing zones, hi-tech zones, economic zones, trade representative offices established and operating in Vietnam, diplomatic missions, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, foreign press agencies, radio and television agencies in Vietnam, and units of other economic sectors;

(7) People receiving pensions, compensation for loss of capacity for work, occupational accident benefits, or occupational disease benefits, benefits for rubber plantation workers, lump-sum social insurance payout, severance pay before and after the promulgation of Decision No. 111/HĐBT dated April 12, 1991 of Minister Council (now the Government) or before and after the promulgation of the Labor Code 1994;

(8) People working in the armed forces who receive wages but are not eligible to receive monthly pension, compensation for loss of capacity for work, and receive veteran benefits instead; people who are discharged from the army before 1960;

(9) The entities specified in Clause 1 of Article 67 of Decree 99/2015/ND-CP.

- Meritorious servicemen defined by regulations of law on incentives for meritorious servicemen;

- Poor households, near-poverty households according to standards issued by the Prime Minister;

- The disabled, lonely elders, and entities facing housing difficulties in urban areas.

What are the levels of reduction of house prices for entities in Vietnam?

Levels of reduction of house prices for entities in Vietnam specified above:

- For each year of working, the buyer will receive a reduction equal to 0.69 time the minimum wage applied to officials, civil servants, the armed forces as specified by the Government. If the buyer used to work in the armed forces, each year of working in the armed force will be given a reduction equal to 1.24 times the minimum wage mentioned above;

- Meritorious servicemen, members of poor households, near-poverty households, the disabled, and lonely elders whose total reduction is smaller than 6.9 times the minimum wage shall receive a reduction equal to 6.9 times the minimum wage for each people. If the number of working years as the basis for determination of reduction is not available, the reduction of 6.9 times the minimum wages shall apply.

For poor households, near-poverty households, the reduction applies to the whole household, not each member therein.

(Clause 2, Article 68 of Decree 99/2015/ND-CP)


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