Who are the spokespersons and information providers of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam?

Who are the spokespersons and information providers of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam?
Trần Thanh Rin

Who are the spokespersons and information providers of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam? - Minh Trung (Khanh Hoa)

Who are the spokespersons and information providers of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam

Who are the spokespersons and information providers of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam? (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Who are the spokespersons and information providers of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 2 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decision 130/QD-BXD in 2017, the Ministry of Construction's spokesperson and information provider include:

- Minister of Construction.

- The Minister of Construction assigns the Chief of Office of the Ministry of Construction to perform the task of speaking and providing information to the press regularly (hereinafter referred to as the Spokesperson). The name, position, phone number, and email address of the Spokesperson shall be published in writing to press agencies, state management agencies in charge of the press and posted on the website of the Ministry of Construction (www.moc.gov.vn).

- Persons authorized to speak include:

+ In case of necessity, the Minister of Construction authorizes the Deputy Ministers to make statements (collectively referred to as the Authorized Speakers) or cooperate with the Spokesperson to make a statement or provide information to the press on specific issues assigned.

+ In case the Speaker is absent and cannot make a statement or provide information to the press, the Minister shall report to the Minister to authorize a responsible person under the Ministry of Spokesperson to provide information to the press.

The authorization to speak is made in writing, only applies to each case, and has a certain time limit.

When performing the authorization, the name, position, phone number, and email address of the authorized person must be posted on the website of the Ministry of Construction within 12 hours from the date of signing the authorization document.

2. Rights and responsibilities of Spokesperson, Authorized person to speak in Vietnam

According to Article 7 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decision 130/QD-BXD in 2017, stipulating the rights and responsibilities of the Spokesperson and the authorized person to speak:

- Spokesperson, authorized person to speak on behalf of the Ministry of Construction to make statements and provide information to the press.

- Spokesperson, authorized person to speak, has the right to request relevant agencies, units, and individuals under the Ministry of Construction provide information, gather information to speak, periodically and irregularly provide information to the press according to the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of the Regulation promulgated together with Decision 130/QD-BXD in 2017, and respond to reflections, recommendations, criticisms, complaints, and denunciations of organizations and citizens transferred by the press agency or published or broadcast in the press according to the provisions of law.

At the request of the Spokesperson or Authorized Person to provide information, agencies, units, and individuals must comply with the requirements on the content and time limit for providing information.

- Spokesperson, authorized person to speak, has the right to refuse, not speak, and provide information to the press in the following cases:

+ Information on the list of state secrets and secrets of the Party's principles and regulations; private life secrets; and other secrets as prescribed by law;

Information about the case under investigation or pending trial, except for the case of state administrative agencies, investigative agencies need to inform the press on issues beneficial to investigation activities and crime prevention and combat;

+ Information about the case being inspected without any conclusion; the case is in the process of settling complaints and denunciations; disputes and conflicts between state agencies are in the process of being resolved without the official conclusions of competent persons, which according to regulations have not been allowed to be published;

+ Policy documents, projects are in the process of being drafted but, according to the provisions of the law, have not been allowed to be published by competent authorities.

- Spokesperson or authorized person to speak is responsible for speaking and providing information to the press according to the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of the Regulation issued together with Decision 130/QD-BXD in 2017 and takes responsibility before the law and before the Minister of Construction for the content of statements and information provided to the press.

- In case the press agencies publish or broadcast inaccurately the content of information that the Spokesperson or authorized person to speak has said, spokespersons and authorized persons to speak have the right to give written feedback to the press agency, press management agency, state management agency in charge of the press, or initiate a lawsuit at court.


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