Who are the Heads and deputy heads of civil judgment enforcement agencies? - Hoang Phuc (Vinh Long)
Who are the Heads and deputy heads of civil judgment enforcement agencies? (Internet image)
Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:
According to Clause 1, Article 22 of the Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments 2008, heads and deputy heads of civil judgment enforcement agencies shall be appointed among enforcers and relieved from duty by the Justice Minister
Heads and deputy heads of judgment enforcement agencies in the Army shall be appointed and relieved from duty by the Defense Minister.
Tasks and powers of heads and deputy heads of civil judgment enforcement agencies in Vietnam according to Article 23 of the Law on Enforcement of Civil Judgments 2008 are as follows:
- Heads of civil judgment enforcement agencies have the following tasks and powers:
+ To issue judgment enforcement decisions according to their competence;
+ To manage and direct judgment enforcement activities of civil judgment enforcement agencies;
+ To request agencies, organizations and individuals to collaborate in organizing judgment enforcement;
+ To request agencies which have made judgments or rulings to be enforced to explain in writing unclear or impractical points in these judgments or rulings for enforcement;
+ To propose competent persons to make protests according to cassation or reopening procedures against judgments or rulings under law;
+ To respond to recommendations or protests of procuracies; to settle complaints and denunciations about judgment enforcement or sanction administrative violations according to their competence; and to request competent state agencies to discipline or sanction administrative violators or examine violators for penal liability;
+ To perform the tasks and exercise the powers of enforcers;
+ To report and make statistics on judgment enforcement;
+ Heads of provincial-level civil judgment enforcement agencies may transfer or professionally guide enforcers and civil servants of their agencies or district-level civil judgment enforcement agencies in their localities or direct and inspect their judgment enforcement activities and other jobs under the guidance and direction of the civil judgment enforcement agency of the Justice Ministry.
- Deputy heads of judgment enforcement agencies shall perform tasks and exercise powers as assigned or authorized by heads of these agencies and be held accountable for assigned jobs.
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