What is working position? What is the salary schedule by working position in Vietnam?

What is working position? What is the salary schedule by working position in Vietnam? - Ngoc Chau (Quang Nam)

What is working position? What is the salary schedule by working position in Vietnam?

What is working position? What is the salary schedule by working position in Vietnam? (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. What is working position?

Specifically, Clause 3, Article 7 of the Law on Cadres and Civil Servants 2008 stipulates that working position means a job linked with a civil servant title, post, structure and rank as a basis for determining the payroll of, and arranging jobs for civil servants in, an agency, organization or unit.

Also in Clause 1, Article 7 of the 2010 Law on Public Employees, it is stipulated that working position is a work or task associated with a corresponding professional title or managerial post, serving as a basis for determining the number and structure of public employees to be recruited, employed and managed in a public non-business unit.

2. What is the salary schedule by working position in Vietnam?

According to Resolution 27/NQ-TW in 2018, regulations on building and promulgating a new salary system based on working position, title, and leadership position to replace the current salary system; Convert an old salary to a new salary, guaranteed not to be lower than the current salary, including:

- Develop a position salary table applicable to cadres, civil servants, and public employees holding leadership positions (elected and appointed) in the political system from the central to the commune level according to the following principles:

(1) Position salary must reflect hierarchy in the political system; If a person holds a leadership position, he or she will receive a salary according to that position. If a person holds many positions, he or she will receive the highest salary for the position; those holding equivalent leadership positions will receive the same salary; the position salary of a superior leader must be higher than the position salary of a subordinate leader;

(2) Regulating a salary level for each equivalent position; Do not classify ministries, branches, departments, committees, and equivalents at the Central level when building the salary table for positions at the Central level; does not differentiate between different salary levels for the same leadership position according to the classification of local administrative units, but is implemented through allowances.

The classification of equivalent leadership positions in the political system to design the position salary schedule is decided by the Politburo after reporting to the Central Executive Committee.

- Develop a professional and professional salary table according to civil servant ranks and civil servant professional titles, applicable generally to civil servants and public employees who do not hold leadership positions; Each civil servant rank and professional title has many salary levels according to the principle:

The same level of job complexity means the same salary; Working conditions are higher than normal, and job incentives are implemented through job-based allowances; Rearrange the rank groups and number of ranks in civil servant ranks and civil servant professional titles, and encourage civil servants and public employees to improve their professional qualifications and skills.

Appointment to a civil servant rank or public employee professional title must be linked to the working position and the structure of civil servant ranks and professional titles of civil servants implemented by agencies, organizations, and units managing civil servants and public employees.

- Develop 3 salary tables for the armed forces, including: 1 salary table for military officers, officers, and non-commissioned police officers (according to position, title, and military rank or rank); 1 salary table for professional military personnel, professional technical police; and 1 salary table for defense workers and police workers (which maintains the salary ratio of the armed forces compared to the current salary of administrative civil servants).

Ho Quoc Tuan


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