What is press? Functions, duties and power of the press in Vietnam

What is press? Functions, duties and power of the press in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What is press? What are the functions, duties and power of the press in Vietnam? – Khanh Huyen (Ninh Thuan)

What is press? Functions, duties and power of the press in Vietnam
What is press? Functions, duties and power of the press in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. What is press?

According to Clause 1, Article 3 of the Press Law 2016, press is the information product on the events and problems in social life that are expressed in words, images, sounds, are created and periodically published, released and transmitted to the general public through the type of the printed newspaper, talking newspaper, photo newspaper and online newspaper.

2. Functions, duties and power of press in Vietnam

- The press in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is the essential media for social life; is the mouthpiece of the Party and State agencies, the social – political organizations, the social – political – occupation, the social organizations, the social – occupational organizations and is the people's forum.

- The press has the following duties and power:

+ Provides the truthful information about the situation of the country and the world in line with the interests of the country and people;

+ Propagandizes, disseminates and contributes to the building and protection of guidelines of the Party and the policy and law of the State, achievement of the country and the world according to principles and purposes of press agencies; contributes to the political stability, social – economic development, raises the cultural standards and meets the needs of a healthy culture of people; protects and promotes the fine traditions of the nation, builds and promotes the socialist democracy; strengthens the bloc of great national unity and build and protect the Socialist Vietnam Fatherland;

+ Reflects and guides the social opinions and is the forum to exercise the people’s right to freedom of speech;

+ Detects and sets examples of good people and good deeds, new factors, advanced models; struggle, prevent and fight against the law violation and the negative phenomena in society;

+ Contributes to maintaining the purity and development of Vietnamese language and languages of ethnic minorities of Vietnam;

+ Expands the mutual understanding between the countries and the peoples, participates in the career of the world people for peace, national independence, friendship, cooperation, sustainable development.

(Article 4 of Press Law 2016)

3. Contents of state management over the press in Vietnam

- Formulate, direct and organize the implementation of press development strategies and plans; organize the formulation of press agency development plans and include them in the planning for developing a network of press agencies, broadcasting and electronic establishments, and publishers, regional planning and provincial planning.

- Issue and follow the legal normative documents on press; develop the regime and policies on press.

- Provide information for the press and manage the information of the press;

- Provide the training and re-training to improve the political and professional level, occupational ethics for the contingent of journalist of press agencies and officials in charge of press management.

- Manage the scientific and technological activities in the area of press.

- Issue and revoke the types of permit in press activities and press card.

- Manage the international press cooperation, the activities of Vietnamese press agencies pertaining to foreign countries and the activities of foreign press in Vietnam.

- Inspect the legal deposit of press and manage the system of national legal deposit of press.

- Direct and implement the regime of information, report, statistics, commendation and discipline in press activities.

- Inspect and handle the violation of law on press.

(Article 6 of the Press Law 2016, amended by Clause 2, Article 20 of the Law on amendments to some articles concerning planning of 37 laws 2018)


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