What are the standards and conditions for becoming an assistant to the President of Vietnam?

What are the standards and conditions for becoming an assistant to the President of Vietnam? How many assistants does the President of Vietnam have? - Thanh Van (Hanoi)

What are the standards and conditions for becoming an assistant to the President of Vietnam?

What are the standards and conditions for becoming an assistant to the President of Vietnam? (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. What are the standards and conditions for becoming an assistant to the President of Vietnam?

* Standards and general conditions

- About political qualities, ethics, and lifestyle

+ Absolute loyalty to the Party's goals and ideals; steadfast in Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh's ideology. Have a strong stance, viewpoint, and political courage; resolutely fight to protect the Party's Platform and guidelines, the Constitution, and the laws of the State. Work with peace of mind and absolutely comply with the organization's assignments.

+ Have pure moral qualities; a simple lifestyle; modest, sincere, diligent, thrifty, honest, upright, impartial, and internally united; not opportunistic, taking advantage of positions and duties for personal gain; Do not let your family or relatives take advantage of your reputation for personal gain. Have a high sense of responsibility towards work; Be conscious of preventing and combating corruption, negativity, waste, and fighting to prevent the deterioration of political ideology, ethics, lifestyle, and manifestations of "self-evolution" and "self-transformation" internally.

+ Loyal, honest, devoted, cautious, and straightforward; exemplary; strictly observe work discipline and speech discipline; keep work content confidential.

- Regarding professional qualifications

Have a university degree or higher, master expertise in political theory, state management, foreign languages, and information technology, and meet assigned requirements and tasks well.

- Regarding capacity and reputation

Knowledge of the assigned field; ability to advise and propose effective tasks and solutions; Have a scientific working style and the ability to work independently; Trusted and trusted by leaders, colleagues at work, agencies, and individuals where work is coordinated.

* Specific standards and conditions for assistant positions

- Have appropriate professional qualifications and a deep understanding of the assigned field; have the ability to research, analyze, synthesize information, and advise; and be able to coordinate work.

- Have hold the position of chief or equivalent or have a leadership position allowance coefficient equivalent to chief or higher for at least 3 years; in special cases, report to competent authorities for consideration and decision.

Thus, to become an assistant to the President, an individual must meet the above standards and conditions.

(Article 4 of Regulation 30-QD-TW 2021)

2. How many assistants does the President of Vietnam have?

According to Clause 1 of Article 7 of Regulation 30-QD-TW 2021 regulates the number of assistants for leadership positions as follows:

- The General Secretary, President, Prime Minister, and Chairman of the National Assembly are allowed to use no more than 4 assistants.

- The Standing Committee of the Secretariat may use no more than 3 assistants.

- Politburo members are allowed to use no more than 2 assistants.

- Member of the Secretariat, Vice President, Deputy Prime Minister, and Vice Chairman of the National Assembly may use 1 assistant.

In case of necessity, if there is a need to use more assistants than prescribed, report to the Politburo for consideration and decision.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the President is allowed to use no more than 4 assistants. In cases of necessity, if there is a need to use more assistants than prescribed, report to the Politburo for consideration and decision.

3. Regimes and policies for assistants of the President in Vietnam

According to Clause 1 of Article 11 of Regulation 30-QD-TW of 2021 stipulates that assistants to the President receive salaries and policies and regimes equivalent to those of deputy ministers.

In case before taking on the position of assistant or secretary, the salary, policies, and regimes are higher, then they will be maintained.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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