Vietnamese Communist Party Training courses

I have the desire to become a party member and subsequently a National Assembly delegate. What are the regulations on Vietnamese Communist Party Training courses? - Tan Nhat (An Giang)

Program  for  Fostering  Awareness  about  the  Party

Program for Fostering Awareness about the Party (Image from the internet)

Subjects and Duration of the Vietnamese Communist Party Training courses

Based on Chapter II of Guidance 61-HD/BTGTW on implementation of the program for fostering awareness about Communist Party (Communist Party Admiration) as follows:

* About the target audience of the program for fostering awareness about Communist Party (Communist Party Admiration):

- The program is intended for individuals who wish to learn about the Communist Party, voluntarily join the Communist Party, and are recognized by organizations as outstanding individuals, trusted by the public and recommended for Party induction training.

- Attendees must have at least a secondary school education or its equivalent. For ethnic minorities, those in remote, border, or island areas, the criteria can be adapted to fit the local conditions (local party committees provide specific guidance).

* About the Duration of the Program for Fostering Awareness about Communist Party (Communist Party Admiration):

No. Content Implementation Duration
1 Lesson 1 5 periods = 1 session
2 Lesson 2 10 periods = 2 sessions
3 Lesson 3 5 periods = 1 session
4 Lesson 4 5 periods = 1 session
5 Lesson 5 5 periods = 1 session
6 Exchange, Discussion 5 periods = 1 session
7 Field Trip or New Topic Report 5 periods = 1 session
8 Systemization, Q&A 5 periods = 1 session
9 Writing Summary Report, Conclusion 5 periods = 1 session

- During the learning process, it is possible to organize thematic or practical trips such as visiting museums, traditional houses; historical revolution sites, new role models, and outstanding examples in patriotic emulation movements.

- Besides the 05 prescribed general lessons, depending on the audience, requirements, and conditions of the locality, additional topics or practical trips can be added.

Organization of theVietnamese Communist Party Training courses

According to Chapter III of Guidance 61-HD/BTGTW on organizing theVietnamese Communist Party Training courses, it includes:

* About materials

- Official study materials: 05 lessons in the book “Materials for Fostering Awareness about the Communist Party”, published in 2022.

* Required reference materials:

+ The Platform for National Construction in the Transition Period to Socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011).

+ Charter of the Communist Party of Vietnam.

+ Topics of study and follow-up on the ideology, morality, and style of Ho Chi Minh in the period 2016 - 2022 compiled by the Central Propaganda Department.

+ Directive 05-CT/TW; Conclusion 01-KL/TW.

* About the forms, methods, and organization of the class:

- Instructors should understand the characteristics of the students to choose suitable teaching methods for specific audience groups. Select certain content from the materials to deeply analyze, clarify, combine teaching with organizing discussions, and exchange experiences among students in a suitable and practical manner; some parts of the materials can be assigned for self-study and research, without necessarily teaching all the content in the lesson.

- Organize learning in classes; focus on listening, discussions, answering questions; write summary reports, evaluate results through the summary reports. During teaching, integrate explanations with exchanges and dialogues between instructors and students, and among students themselves. Organize field trips and listen to practical experience reports as official learning content, with related summaries and takeaways.

* In the context of complex epidemics and other force majeure situations, based on the actual conditions of each locality, region, flexibly organize classes in both concentrated and non-concentrated forms; focus on innovating teaching methods.

+ Combine online and face-to-face learning to meet the requirements of political theory study while ensuring disease prevention, suitable for new demands, conditions, and situations.

*About the Implementation

- The program for fostering awareness about the Communist Party is uniformly implemented nationwide according to the guidance of the Central Propaganda Department.

- Provincial and city propaganda departments, and central party-affiliated units shall provide implementation guidance in line with local conditions; organize training and foster the teaching staff of district political centers.

+ Class openings are directly managed by the party committee. District and regional propaganda departments, in cooperation with the Organization Department, the Office of the party committee at the same level, and district political centers, create plans and organize class openings.

+ After each class, the district political center together with the district and regional propaganda departments, and the organization department Office of the Party Committee at the same level, evaluate results, draw lessons, report to the district party committee, and provincial and city propaganda departments and central party-affiliated units. The district and regional propaganda departments cooperate with the organization department at the same level to continue monitoring and grasping the quality and effectiveness of learners after completing the fostering program.

- The issuance of certificates to students is carried out in accordance with current regulations.

Nguyen Pham Nhut Tan


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