Vietnam: To allocate capital to support start-up projects of students of vocational education institutions in 2023

Allocating capital to support start-up projects of students of vocational education institutions in Vietnam in 2023 is the content specified in Decision 339/QD-LDTBXH dated 29/03/2023.

Bố trí nguồn vốn hỗ trợ dự án khởi nghiệp của học sinh, sinh viên cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp năm 2023
Vietnam: To allocate capital to support start-up projects of students of vocational education institutions in 2023 (Internet image)

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Decision 339/QD-LDTBXH approving the implementation plan of the Project "Supporting students to start a business up to 2025", which clearly states: implementing Circular 14/2022/TT-BLDTBXH on career counseling, employment, and support for students to start a business in vocational education institutions; Decision 929/QD-LDTBXH on the approval of the Plan to implement the Project "Supporting students to start a business by 2025", the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs issued the Plan to implement the Scheme "Supporting students to start a business by 2025" in 2023 is as follows:

1. Allocate capital sources to support start-up projects of students of vocational education institutions in Vietnam

According to Decision 339/QD-LDTBXH, it is clear that the tasks and solutions are to arrange capital to support student start-up projects as follows:

Support capital for projects and start-up ideas of students of vocational education institutions:

- Vocational education institutions proactively arrange capital sources to support students' startup ideas and projects.

- Finding and connecting with businesses that support funding for students' projects, start-up ideas, and activities to support start-ups at the grassroots.

2. Tasks and solutions to support the startup projects of students of vocational education institutions in Vietnam

- Continue to promote information and communication work

+ Organize propaganda and education about entrepreneurship for pupils and students through educational activities, video clips introducing the start-up support model of the unit, reportage, images, propaganda publications on entrepreneurship; documents, and media.

+ Organize commendation, commendation, and honoring of collectives and individuals that have made positive contributions to the entrepreneurial activities of students of vocational education institutions through the activities of summarizing and evaluating the implementation of the 2023 Plan and evaluating and awarding prizes at competitions.

- Organize the contest "Startup ideas for students, vocational education students" in 2023 - Startup Kite 2023.

- Organize the National Entrepreneurship Day for students and vocational education students in 2023.

- Organize a forum for creating startups for students in vocational education institutions.

- Organizing training, coaching, and fostering knowledge and skills for entrepreneurship.

+ Organize training and retraining of staff, teachers, people who work to support students, and students to start a business in vocational education institutions.

+ Organize training, training on knowledge and skills on entrepreneurship for students in vocational education institutions.

+ Encourage vocational education institutions to develop entrepreneurship topics and put them into training programs in the direction of compulsory or elective to suit reality;

+ Strengthen the organization of exchange activities, exchange seminars, and learning experiences on entrepreneurship training in schools for the team working in consulting and supporting students to start a business.

- Create an environment to support students starting businesses and find creative ideas for students in vocational education institutions.

+ Coordinate with businesses to organize exchange and start-up activities; organize internships and experiences at enterprises to create conditions for students to have access to the production and business activities of enterprises.

+ Encourage vocational education institutions to build start-up support centers and create shared startup spaces for pupils and students in schools; establishing scientific research, innovation, and entrepreneurship clubs for students in vocational education institutions.

- Organize the management and administration

Inspect, urge, supervise, and monitor the implementation of the 2023 Plan in localities across the country.

3. Purpose and requirements of supporting start-up projects of students in vocational education institutions in Vietnam

- Promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and self-employment for students, vocational education; equip students with knowledge and skills about entrepreneurship; encourage confident, proactive, and creative students to start businesses, and encourage them to actively pursue self-employment after graduation.

- Improve the capacity of officials and teachers to support students to start businesses; create an environment to support students and start-ups; create favorable conditions for students to form and realize their ideas and start-up projects and create jobs after graduation.

- Effectively implement the tasks and solutions of the 2023 Plan, avoiding waste and formality.

4. Funding for supporting start-up projects of students of vocational education institutions in Vietnam

From the state budget and other sources of funding for socialization and other legal contributions and sponsorships.

Do Thanh Long


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