Vietnam: Forms of reports on disbursement of ODA and concessional loans granted by foreign donors

The report templates for the disbursement of ODA loans and concessional loans from foreign donors are issued together with Circular 48/2021/TT-BTC (effective from August 15, 2021), including:

Vietnam: Forms of reports on disbursement of ODA and concessional loans granted by foreign donors (Illustrative Image)

Form No. 01/TTGN: Report on disbursement plan implementation for the program, project, additional plan, adjustments (if any) of foreign capital;

Form No. 01/TTGN

Form No. 02/TTGN: Periodic report on the disbursement status of foreign capital;

Form No. 02/TTGN

Form No. 03/TTGN: Annual report on the accounting status and revenue-expenditure recording of foreign capital;

Form No. 03/TTGN

Form No. 04/TTGN: Report on the conclusion of foreign loan disbursement.

Form No. 04/TTGN

Instructions for Preparing the Above Report Forms

1. Report Content:

In the attached forms to Forms No. 02/TTGN, 03/TTGN: Project Owners, Project Management Boards, Ministries, central and local agencies report the entire Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Planning and Investment.

2. Indicators in the Data Table:

(1) Project Code: This is the code of the unit having a relationship with the state budget assigned to each project by the financial authority as per regulations.

(2) Medium-term and Annual Foreign Capital Plan: These are the foreign capital plans detailedly allocated for each project by Ministries, central, and local agencies as per the investment public plans assigned by the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam and the Ministry of Planning and Investment.

(3) Extended Capital Plan / Carry-over Capital from Previous Year: These are the capital plans of the previous year approved by competent authorities allowing extension/carry-over execution to the next year.

(4) Disbursement Data of Foreign Capital:

- Foreign capital disbursed according to national financial mechanism: This is the foreign capital that has been controlled and disbursed according to the national financial mechanism through the State Treasury by the reporting date.

- Foreign capital by revenue-expenditure recording method: This is the capital for which the project owner and management board have sent withdrawal applications to the financial authority up to the reporting date; for the disbursement method via special account, it only includes withdrawal applications for revolving funds spent from the special account as per the allocated capital plan.

(5) Exchange Rate for Accounting: As per Article 68, Decree 56/2020/ND-CP dated May 25, 2020, of the Government of Vietnam on the management and use of official development assistance (ODA) and preferential loans from foreign sponsors.

(6) Agencies Sign Confirmation in Accompanying Data Tables to Form No. 01/TTGN, 02/TTGN, 03/TTGN, 04/TTGN:

Reports by Project Owner/Project Management Board, Ministries, central, and local agencies: Head of financial-planning agency under the Project Owner/Project Management Board, Ministries, central, and local agencies.

3. Abbreviations Explanation in the Templates:

ĐTPT: investment and development

HCSN: administrative career

GTGC: revenue and expenditure recording

TCTN Mechanism: national financial mechanism

Bao Ngoc


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