Vietnam: Criteria for classifying the quality of officials at the level of excellent task completion

Vietnam: Criteria for classifying the quality of officials at the level of excellent task completion
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

The following is the content regarding the criteria for classifying the quality of officials at the level of excellent task completion.

Criteria  for  Rating  the  Quality  of  Officials  at  the  Level  of  Outstanding  Task  Completion

Criteria for classifying the quality of officials at the level of excellent task completion (Image from Internet)

1. Criteria for classifying the quality of officials at the level of excellent task completion

Criteria for rating the quality of officials at the level of outstanding task completion according to Article 8 Decree 90/2020/ND-CP of Vietnam's Government are as follows:

- Officials who do not hold leadership or management positions must meet all of the following criteria to be rated as having outstanding task completion:

+ Comply well with the regulations in Clauses 1, 2, 3, and 4, Article 3 Decree 90/2020/ND-CP;

+ Achieve 100% of the tasks as stipulated by law, according to the established plan or as specifically assigned, ensuring proper progress, high quality, and efficiency, with at least 50% of the tasks completed exceeding expectations.

- Officials who hold leadership or management positions must meet all of the following criteria to be rated as having outstanding task completion:

+ Comply well with the regulations in Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, and Point a Clause 5, Article 3 Decree 90/2020/ND-CP;

+ The criteria regarding the results of task performance as stipulated by law, according to the established plan or as specifically assigned are completed on time, ensuring high quality and efficiency;

+ Lead, direct, and manage agencies, organizations, units, or fields of work assigned to be in charge, completing all targets and tasks, with at least 50% of the targets and tasks exceeded;

+ 100% of agencies, organizations, units under direct management and jurisdiction are assessed as completing tasks or more, with at least 70% completing well or excellently.

2. General criteria for assessing and classifying the quality of officials and public employees

General criteria for assessing and classifying the quality of officials and public employees according to Article 3 Decree 90/2020/ND-CP are as follows:

* Ideological Politics

- Comply with the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, laws of the State, and principles of organization and discipline of the Communist Party, especially the principles of democratic centralism, self-criticism, and criticism;

- Hold strong political viewpoints and resolve; remain steadfast in the face of all difficulties and challenges;

- Place the interests of the Communist Party, the nation, the people, and the collective above personal interests;

- Have a consciousness of researching, studying, and applying Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts, resolutions, directives, decisions, and documents of the Communist Party.

* Ethics, Lifestyle

- Do not engage in embezzlement, corruption, negativity, wastefulness, bureaucracy, opportunism, profiteering, high-handedness, or authoritarianism; show no signs of ethical or lifestyle decline, transformation, or self-transformation;

- Live honestly, modestly, sincerely, purely, and simply;

- Have a spirit of solidarity, build clean and strong agencies, organizations, and units;

- Do not allow relatives or acquaintances to exploit their position or authority for personal gain.

* Work Style, Manner

- Take responsibility for the work; be dynamic, creative, daring to think and act, flexible in task performance;

- Work scientifically, democratically, in accordance with principles;

- Have a sense of responsibility and coordination in task performance;

- Maintain proper attitude and behavior, professional working style, meeting the requirements of official culture.

* Sense of Discipline and Organization

- Comply with organizational assignments;

- Implement regulations, procedures, and rules of the workplace;

- Declare and disclose assets and income as required;

- Report fully, truthfully, and provide accurate, objective information about the implementation of assigned duties and functions of the agency, organization, unit to superiors when requested.

* Results of Performing Assigned Duties

- For officials and public employees in leadership, management positions:

+ Grasp, institutionalize, and implement the guidelines and policies of the Communist Party, laws of the State at the workplace;

+ Maintain discipline and order in the workplace; prevent disciplinary or legal violations requiring handling, extend complaints and denunciations; combat corruption and wastefulness within the workplace;

+ Lead, direct, organize inspections, audits, supervision, address complaints and denunciations according to authority; direct and implement administrative reform and public service policies at the workplace;

+ Develop annual programs and plans for the activities of managed agencies, organizations, units, identifying clearly the results of target and task performance, quantified by concrete products.

- For officials and public employees without leadership, management positions:

+ Results of task performance as stipulated by law, according to the established plan or as specifically assigned; volume, progress, quality of task performance;

+ Attitude serving the people and businesses in positions interacting directly or handling work for the people and businesses.


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