Time limits for evaluating and approving urban planning tasks and plans in Vietnam

What are the regulations on the time limits for evaluating and approving urban planning tasks and plans in Vietnam? - Van Khai (HCMC)

Time limits for evaluating and approving urban planning tasks and plans in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 32 of Decree 37/2010/ND-CP, the time limits for evaluating and approving urban planning tasks and plans are as follows

- Time limits for evaluating and approving general urban planning:

+ For centrally run cities, the time limits for evaluating and approving tasks are 25 days and 15 days respectively: the time limits for evaluating and approving plans are 30 days and 25 days respectively, from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers:

+ For provincial cities, towns and new urban centers, the time limits for evaluating and approving tasks are 20 days and 15 days respectively: the time limits for evaluating and approving plans are 25 days and 15 days respectively, from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers;

+ For townships, the time limits for evaluating and approving tasks are 20 days and 15 days respectively; the time limits for evaluating and approving plans are 25 days and 15 days respectively, from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers.

- Time limits for evaluating and approving zoning and detailed plannings: the time limits for evaluating and approving tasks are 20 days and 15 days respectively; the time limits for evaluating and approving plans are 25 days and 15 days respectively, from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers.

- Time limits for evaluating and approving specialized technical infrastructure planning: The time limits for evaluating and approving plans are 20 days and 15 days respectively, from the date of receipt of complete and valid dossiers.

Thời gian thẩm định, phê duyệt nhiệm vụ và đồ án quy hoạch đô thị

Time limits for evaluating and approving urban planning tasks and plans in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Dossiers submitted for evaluation and approval of urban planning tasks and plans in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 33 of Decree 37/2010/ND-CP, dossiers submitted for evaluation and approval of urban planning tasks and plans include

- A dossier submitted for evaluation and approval of an urban planning task comprises a written request for evaluation and approval: explanation about contents of the task: draft decision to approve the task: miniature color drawings: and relevant legal documents.

- A dossier submitted for evaluation and approval of an urban plan comprises a written request for evaluation and approval of the plan: explanation about contents of the plan, including miniature color drawings: draft regulation on management according to the urban plan: draft decision to approve the plan: calculation annexes; color drawings of prescribed scale; and relevant legal documents.

Regulations on topographic maps for formulating urban plans in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 37/2010/ND-CP, the regulations on topographic maps for formulating urban plans in Vietnam are as follows:

- Topographic maps for formulating urban plans shall be provided by the slate management agency in charge of maps or made by a professional agency after conducting surveys and measurements to ensure quality and meet technical requirements according to regulations on measurement and mapping activities.

- Information and data of topographical maps must meet urban planning requirements relevant to each type of urban plan. In case a topographic map is not suitable to the current state at the time of planning, additional measurements and surveys shall be conducted.

Mai Thanh Loi


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