Time for annual quality assessment and ranking of officials, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam

What are the regulations on time for annual quality assessment and ranking of officials, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam? - Huynh Long (Binh Duong)

Time for annual quality assessment and ranking of officials, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam

Time for annual quality assessment and ranking of officials, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Time for annual quality assessment and ranking of officials, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam

Specifically, Article 20 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP stipulates the time for annual quality assessment and grading for cadres, civil servants, and public employees as follows:

(1) The evaluation and ranking of the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees is carried out according to each year of service.

For cadres, civil servants, and public employees who transfer jobs, the new agency, organization, or unit is responsible for evaluating and grading the quality. If you have worked at the old agency, organization, or unit for 6 months or more, you must combine it with the comments of the old agency, organization, or unit.
except in cases where the old agency, organization, or unit no longer exists.

(2) The time to evaluate and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees is conducted before December 15 every year before evaluating and ranking the quality of party members and summarizing the annual emulation and commendation work of agencies, organizations, and units.

For public service units operating in the fields of education, training, and some other fields with a working year that ends before December every year, the head of the unit decides when to evaluate and classify the quality of public employees.

(3) At the time of quality assessment and grading, in case of absence with a legitimate reason or sick leave or maternity leave according to the provisions of the law, officials, civil servants, and public employees are responsible for making self-assessment reports and receiving performance ratings according to assigned responsibilities and tasks, which are sent to agencies, organizations, and units currently working to carry out quality assessment and grading according to the provisions of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP.

Pursuant to (1) and (2) and the characteristics of the agency, organization, unit, and collective leadership of the agency, organizations and units agree with the Party Committee at the same level on organizing evaluation and grading meetings within their agencies, organizations, and units, ensuring seriousness and efficiency, and avoiding formality and waste.

2. Authority to evaluate and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 16 of Decree 90/2020/ND-CP regulating the authority to evaluate and classify the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees as follows:

(1) For officials

The level competent to manage cadres evaluates and classifies the quality of cadres according to cadre management decentralization.

(2) For civil servants

- The evaluation and ranking of the quality of heads of agencies, organizations, and units are directly performed by the heads of superior agencies;

- The assessment and ranking of the quality of deputies of the head and civil servants under their management is carried out by the head of the agency employing the civil servant.

(3) For officials

- The head of a public service unit is responsible for organizing the evaluation of public employees under their management authority.

- Based on specific conditions, the head of a public service unit shall evaluate, assign, and decentralize the evaluation of public employees under their management authority. The person assigned the authority to evaluate public employees must report the evaluation results to the head of the public service unit.

- The person with appointment authority is responsible for evaluating management officials in public service units.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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