The latest regulations on criteria for selecting citizens to join the People's Police in Vietnam

The latest regulations on criteria for selecting citizens to join the People's Police in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the latest regulations on criteria for selecting citizens to join the People's Police in Vietnam? – Huong Ly (Da Nang)

The latest regulations on criteria for selecting citizens to join the People's Police in Vietnam

The latest regulations on criteria for selecting citizens to join the People's Police in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Conditions for selection of citizens for the People's Public Security in Vietnam

Specifically, in Article 4 of Circular 55/2019/TT-BCA, the selection of citizens to the People's Police must comply with the provisions of Clause 1, Article 7 of the Law on People's Public Security Forces 2018, and the following provisions:

- The People's Police need to be staffed.

- Having professional and technical qualifications, aptitudes, and skills suitable to the requirements of the position, title, or job to be recruited.

- Ensuring the selection criteria specified in the section and voluntarily serving in the People's Police. For the cases specified in Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular 55/2019/TT-BCA, working years must be classified by the agency or organization (where the citizen works) at the level of completing tasks well or higher.

2. The latest regulations on criteria for selecting citizens to join the People's Police in Vietnam

The latest criteria for selecting citizens to join the People's Public Security Forces in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) Political standards

Ensuring political standards prescribed in Circular 55/2019/TT-BCA stipulating the political standards of officers and soldiers of the People's Public Security and the following standards:

- Having strong political will, absolute loyalty to the Fatherland, People, Party, and State;

- Capable and responsible for completing assigned tasks, ready to fight and sacrifice to protect the Party, State, people, and socialist regime, independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national security ;

- Honesty, self-discipline, a sense of strict organization and discipline, a high sense of revolutionary vigilance, and the preservation and protection of state secrets.

(2) Moral qualities: Having good moral qualities and conduct.

(3) Diplomas, certificates

Have graduated and been awarded a graduate degree (or certificate) and meet one of the following criteria:

- Selected subjects specified in Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular 55/2019/TT-BCA require a university degree or higher;

- Selected subjects specified in Clause 2, Article 3 of Circular 55/2019/TT-BCA are required to have graduated from elementary, intermediate, and college level training (including vocational intermediate and vocational college), undergraduate, master's, or doctoral.

Selection to arrange professional work in the Public Security or to advise and manage the state in the fields according to the functions of the People's Public Security shall only recruit people with a university degree or higher.

(4) Age

From full 18 years old to under 30 years old (up to the date of the selection decision); citizens with doctoral degrees; level I specialist doctors, level II specialists, residents, level I specialist pharmacists, level II specialist pharmacists majoring in medicine or pharmacy and the cases specified in Clause 1, Article 3 of Circular 55/2019/TT-BCA, recruiting until the age of 35, the title of professor, and associate professor until the age of 40.

(5) Health

Satisfying the health criteria for recruitment into the People's Public Security Department according to the regulations of the Minister of Public Security and the following regulations:

- Height: for men from 1m64 and up; for women from 1m58 and up;

- Visual acuity: visual acuity without glasses in each eye is 9–10/10; total visual acuity in both eyes is 18–20/10;

- Recruiting citizens with science and technology qualifications to arrange science and technology work, including: professional techniques, criminal techniques, information, ciphers, network security, electronic warfare, teaching at training institutions; people with doctoral degrees, level I specialists, level II specialists, residents, level I specialized pharmacists, level II specialized pharmacists in medicine or pharmacy; having the title of professor or associate professor: may be lowered by 02 (two) cm for each gender compared to the provisions at Point a of this Clause; may be nearsighted or farsighted, but not more than 3 diopters per eye.

(6) Talent

Citizens selected to be assigned to public security units must be calm, sensitive, agile, have a good memory, and have the necessary standards for police aptitude prescribed by units under the Ministry of Public Security for each force system (if any).

(Article 5 of Circular 55/2019/TT-BCA)


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