The latest framework of criteria for evaluating the quality of Party cell activities in Vietnam

The latest framework of criteria for evaluating the quality of Party cell activities in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

What are the current regulations on the framework of criteria for evaluating the quality of Party cell activities in Vietnam? - Thanh Tuan (Kien Giang)


The latest framework of criteria for evaluating the quality of Party cell activities in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. The latest framework of criteria for evaluating the quality of Party cell activities in Vietnam

According to Instruction 12-HD/BTCTW in 2018, some framework criteria to serve as a basis for promulgating criteria to evaluate a quality regular cell meeting include:

- Percentage of party members attending cell activities

Party members attending activities reached a rate of over 85%, and there were no party members absent without reason or party members absent with reasons more than 03 times in a row during the year (except for cases of exemption from party work and activities according to regulations and party members in the armed forces on special tasks).

- Preparation for cell activities:

+ Party cell secretary or deputy secretary directly prepares activity content.

+ Meeting of party committees (secretaries and deputy secretaries in places where there are no party committees) before party activities.

+ The content of the activities is prepared properly and completely according to the instructions of the superior party committee; Identify key contents that need to be exchanged and discussed so that the cell can lead and direct timely solutions, especially newly emerging urgent issues in localities, agencies, and units.

+ Develop draft resolutions for the cell.

- Organizing cell activities:

+ The time to organize the activity is in accordance with the regulations of the competent party committee.

+ Fully implement the content and order of Party cell activities according to regulations. The chairman's operating method is flexible and effective.

+ There is praise for outstanding party members during the month; remind and criticize party members who have not completed their assigned tasks, party members who have not fulfilled their annual commitment to training and striving or have shortcomings in implementing policies, resolutions, and directives,
regulations of the Party and superior committees, but not to the extent of requiring disciplinary action (if any).

+ Many party members participated in expressing opinions.

+ Party cell activity time: must be 90 minutes or more. If you combine thematic activities with regular cell activities in the same session, the duration must be at least 120 minutes. For party cells with too few party members, the party committee has the authority to specifically regulate the activity time.

+ The minute book of party cell activities fully records the events of the event and is kept and preserved for a long time as a reference and traditional education document for party members.

- Implement principles of party organization and activities:

+ Strictly implement the principle of democratic centralism in Party cell activities.

+ Party committees and party members are serious and truly ask for advice when self-criticizing and criticizing.

+ Activities ensure leadership, education, and fighting. Determined to fight against the disease of achievement, peaceful and noble, respectful, avoiding, afraid of collision, seeing right but not daring to defend, seeing wrong but not daring to fight.

- Leadership results in implementing conclusions or resolutions within the cell

The cell's conclusions or resolutions are implemented by leaders and organizations with good results.

2. Guidelines for the preparation of cell activities in Vietnam

Preparation for cell activities according to Instruction 12-HD/BTCTW 2018 is as follows:

* For regular activities:

- The secretary or deputy secretary of the Party cell prepares the content of the activity, draft resolution (if any) or plans the conclusion of the activity.

- Meeting with the Party Committee (secretaries and deputy secretaries in places where there is no Party Committee) to agree on the content of activities, evaluate the results of the Party's leadership work in the month, and plan the tasks for the next month; Identify key contents that need to be discussed, discussed, and voted on at the Party cell; give comments on the draft resolution (if any).

- Inform the time, location, and content of cell activities to party members and superior level members assigned to monitor the cell. Party cells have the opportunity to send activity documents in advance to party members to research and prepare content to express opinions.

* For thematic activities:

- Every year, the Party cell develops a plan for thematic activities to organize implementation and report to the superior Party Committee for direct monitoring and direction.

- Party cell assigns party members who have the ability to edit and understand content related to the topic to prepare documents. Due to difficult conditions, it is not possible for party cells to prepare written activity topics. The superior Party Committee directly directs and guides activities but must ensure quality.

- Party cell secretary discusses the purpose, requirements, content, and methods of implementing the topic with assigned party members. The draft topic must be approved by the Party Committee or Party Secretary and sent to Party members before organizing the event.


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