Tasks of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers

Tasks of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the tasks of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers? – Thanh Truc (Ninh Thuan)

Tasks of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers

Tasks of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Powers of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers

The powers of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers are specified in Article 6 of the Charter (amended) of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers issued with Decision 361/QD-BNV in 2020, including:

- Propagate the Association's principles, operational purposes and Charter.

- Protect the legitimate rights and interests of the Association and its members in accordance with the principles and purposes of the Association according to the provisions of law. Represent members in internal and external relationships related to the Association's tasks.

- Participate in legal documents related to former youth volunteers; present the legitimate thoughts and aspirations of former youth volunteers to the Party, State, Vietnam Fatherland Front, and other relevant organizations according to the provisions of the law and the Association's Charter.

- Participate with competent agencies in resolving regimes and policies for former youth volunteers who completed their tasks during the periods of resistance, building and protecting the Fatherland according to the provisions of law.

- Participate and coordinate with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union to conduct educational activities on revolutionary traditions and traditions of youth volunteer forces for the younger generation; Coordinate and participate with relevant agencies in the construction and restoration of historical relics of former youth volunteers according to the provisions of law.

- Generate revenue based on membership fees and other activities as prescribed by law.

- Receive legal funding sources from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals according to the provisions of law.

- Establish legal entities under the Association according to the provisions of the law.

- Coordinate with state agencies and relevant organizations to carry out the Association's tasks.

2. Tasks of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers

The tasks of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers are specified in Article 7 of the Charter (amended) of the Vietnam Association of Ex-Youth Volunteers issued with Decision 361/QD-BNV in 2020, including:

- Encourage and help members strive to overcome all difficult circumstances to have a healthy, happy, and useful life for themselves, their families, and society; help each other eliminate hunger and reduce poverty; get rich legally; fight against social evils and violations of the law, contributing to protecting political security, social order, and safety.

- Mobilize former youth volunteers to participate in patriotic emulation movements, contributing their strength, intelligence, and experience, contributing to the implementation of socio-economic development goals, security and defense tasks, protecting national sovereignty, participating in building the Party and government and building great national unity according to the provisions of law.

- Represent members to propose and recommend to competent agencies guidelines and policies related to the field of activities of the Association; participate in supervising and resolving regimes and policies for former youth volunteers according to the provisions of law.

- Propagate and disseminate the Party's guidelines and policies and the State's policies and laws to young volunteers and the public; Guide members to properly implement laws, regimes, and policies related to former youth volunteers and the organization and activities of the Association.

- Organize and operate in accordance with the law, the Association's Charter has been approved by competent state agencies; and comply with the inspection and supervision of competent state agencies in compliance with the law; Make periodic reports to state management agencies according to the provisions of the law.

- Mediate disputes and resolve complaints and denunciations within the Association according to the provisions of the law and the Association's Charter.

- Manage and effectively use the Association's funding sources and assets according to the provisions of the law and the Association's Charter.

- Perform other tasks when requested by competent authorities according to the provisions of the law.


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