Tasks and powers of the Management Board of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages

Tasks and powers of the Management Board of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the tasks and powers of the Management Board of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages? – Nhat Vy (Thai Binh)

Duties and powers of the Management Board of Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism.s (Image from the internet)

Regarding this issue, LawNet responded as follows:

1. What is the Management Board of Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism?

- Management Board of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village is an organization directly under the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, performing the function of direct state management of the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam in accordance with the law.

- The Management Board of Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism.s (organization equivalent to the General Department) has legal status, uses the national emblem stamp, and can open accounts at the State Treasury and banks; acting as the focal point for investment and budget planning directly under the central government (estimated level I unit), to decide on budget revenues and expenditures in the fields of development investment, public administration, target programs, and other fields as prescribed by law.

(Article 1 of Decision 39/2014/QD-TTg)

2. Tasks and powers of the Management Board of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages

The Management Board of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages shall perform the following tasks and powers:

(1) Formulate and submit to the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for submission to the Prime Minister for approval or promulgation:

- Medium and long-term development planning and plans for the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam;

- Preferential mechanisms and policies for Vietnam's Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages are suitable for actual development conditions in each period.

(2) Submit to the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism for approval or promulgate:

- Group A investment projects are invested with the state budget in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village in Vietnam according to the provisions of the law;

- Regulations on organization and operation; regulations on management and exploitation of Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages of Vietnam.

(3) Regarding planning and management:

- Direct the elaboration, approval, management, and supervision of the implementation of detailed planning of functional areas in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam;

- Issue, adjust, and withdraw construction planning certificates for projects at the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam.

(4) Regarding investment and construction management:

- Direct and organize the implementation of construction investment projects from the state budget capital in accordance with law;

- Investment decision for projects of groups B and C using state budget capital invested in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam; application and decision on the selection of units participating in the construction of the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam in the form of BOT, BTO, and BT;

- Issue, re-grant, extend, adjust, and withdraw the following permits and certificates in accordance with law:

+ Investment certificates for investment projects in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam, including investment projects that have been approved by the Prime Minister;

+ Certificate of business registration for organizations and individuals establishing and managing businesses in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam;

+ Permit to build works in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam;

+ Work permits for foreigners and overseas Vietnamese to work and invest in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam;

+ Other permits and certificates as prescribed by law.

- Manage and use ODA capital invested in the Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam's Ethnic Minorities in accordance with the law.

(5) Regarding land management and use:

- The Management Board of Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism. is allocated land (including land and land with water surface according to the approved planning) once to build and develop the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam; to be re-allocated land, land with water surface, with or without collection of use fee; to lease land, land with water surface, transfer land use rights, land with water surface, and certify land use rights to investors in accordance with the provisions of the Land Law;

- Coordinate with local authorities and relevant agencies to organize the implementation of compensation, site clearance, and land management (including water surface) in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam;

- Direct the elaboration and approval of master plans and detailed plans on land and water use for the allocated land and water surface areas at the Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village in accordance with the General Plan of the Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam's Ethnic Minorities approved by the Prime Minister;

- Have the land price approved within the price bracket prescribed by a competent state agency; organize bidding for land use rights within the scope of the Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village.

(6) Regarding the management and protection of natural resources and the environment:

- Approve environmental impact assessment reports for investment projects in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village in accordance with the law;

- Manage and inspect the implementation of environmental protection measures; handle violations of the law on environmental protection in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village in accordance with the law.

(7) Organization of management and exploitation:

- Unified management of activities of exploitation, business, service, and use of investment works in the area of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village; directly exploit, trade, and use the works invested by the State and the works assigned by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism;

- Coordinate with local authorities and related agencies, investors to ensure security, order, fire prevention, and fighting, and implement cultural lifestyles in the process of building, managing, and exploiting works in the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam.

(8) Collect, manage, and use fees and charges in accordance with the law.

(9) Organize cultural activities, information, scientific research, collection, preservation, dissemination, and promotion of national cultural values.

(10) Cooperate, joint venture, and associate with domestic and foreign organizations and individuals in the fields related to investment, construction, management, and exploitation of the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam; may hire foreign consultants to provide investment promotion consulting services and strategic advice on investment, construction, and development of the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village in Vietnam in accordance with the law.

(11) Organize investment, trade, tourism promotion activities, publicity, and introduction at home and abroad to attract investment capital sources for the project of the Cultural - Tourism Village of Vietnam's Ethnic Groups by appropriate forms as prescribed by law; receive dossiers and handle difficulties and problems arising in the course of operation at the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam according to their competence.

(12) Manage and organize the training of human resources for the operation and development of the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam.

(13) Manage organizational structure, payroll, civil servants, public employees, and employees; implement the salary regime and other remuneration, reward, and discipline regimes and policies for civil servants, public employees, and employees under the management of the Management Board of Vietnam National Village for Ethnic Culture and Tourism.s in accordance with law; develop and submit to the Minister a scheme to determine job positions and rank structure of civil servants of the Management Board of Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Villages.

(14) Organize and coordinate with state management agencies in the inspection, examination, settlement of complaints and denunciations, prevention, and fight against corruption, wastefulness, and negative behavior, and handle violations of the law on planning, investment, environment, land, and other fields at the Vietnam Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village in accordance with the law.

(15) Manage and use assigned finances and assets in accordance with the law.

(16) Submit periodic reports to the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, the Ministries, and relevant agencies on the implementation of the planning, construction, and development plans for the Ethnic Culture and Tourism Village of Vietnam.

(17) Perform other duties and powers assigned by the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism in accordance with the law.

(Article 2 of Decision 39/2014/QD-TTg)


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