Summary of Labor and National Defense Policies Effective from October 2016

Following the article on 06 tax and financial policies effective from October, Thu Ky Luat would like to introduce additional new policies in the fields of Labor - Wages, Defense effective from October.

New Guidelines on Salary Arrangement and Salary Allowance

This content is mentioned in Decree 121/2016/ND-CP (effective from October 10, 2016) which pilots the management of labor and salary for the Military Telecommunications Group for the period 2016-2020. The pilot implementation is applicable to:

- The parent company - Military Telecommunications Group;- Limited liability company wholly owned by the parent company - Military Telecommunications Group;- Corporation and company in which the parent company - Military Telecommunications Group holds more than 50% of the charter capital.

The salary arrangement and salary allowance are implemented as follows:

- Arrange salary and salary allowance according to the salary scale, salary table and salary allowance issued together with Decree 204/2004/ND-CP for enterprise managers, representative of the parent company's capital, employees who are officers and professional soldiers;- Arrange salary according to Appendix I issued together with Decree 52/2016/ND-CP for enterprise managers who are not officers or professional soldiers;- Arrange salary and salary allowance according to the Government and guidance from the Ministry of National Defense for the representative of the parent company's capital, employees who are workers or public employees in national defense;- Arrange salary and salary allowance according to the salary scale and salary table built by the company, decided as per Decree 49/2013/ND-CP for subjects not belonging to the above cases.

The regulations in Decree 121 are implemented from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020.

Increase in Monthly Allowance for Demobilized and Retired Soldiers

According to Circular 130/2016/TT-BQP, soldiers who have demobilized, retired; soldiers, and individuals working in cipher fields who receive salaries like demobilized or retired soldiers are receiving policies of monthly allowance adjustment increased by VND 150,000/person/month.

Monthly allowance to be received from January 1, 2016 = Allowance received as of December 2015 + VND 150,000 :---: :---:

The specific allowance amount based on years of work after adjustment is as follows:

- From 15 to less than 16 years, the allowance is VND 1,535,000/month.- From 16 to less than 17 years, the allowance is VND 1,605,000/month.- From 17 to less than 18 years, the allowance is VND 1,674,000/month.- From 18 to less than 19 years, the allowance is VND 1,743,000/month.- From 19 to less than 20 years, the allowance is VND 1,812,000/month.

The monthly allowance adjustment is effective from January 1, 2016.

Increase in Allowance for Soldiers

Standard Requirements for Defense Inspectors

Decision 31/2016/QD-TTg stipulates the standards for the ranks of Defense Inspectors including: Inspector; Principal Inspector; Senior Inspector. To become an inspector, the following requirements and conditions must be met:

- Graduated from university or higher suitable for the profession in the sector or field of work;- Have a certificate of training in the inspector rank;- Have a Level 1 foreign language certificate as per Circular 01/2014/TT-BGDDT or a Level A foreign language certificate in one of the 5 languages: English, French, Russian, Chinese, German; or have a certificate or certification of proficiency in a minority language issued by a competent authority;- Have an IT certificate at a level meeting the basic IT skill standards as per Circular 03/2014/TT-BTTTT;- Have at least 02 years of experience in inspection work, except for cases of having served as battalion commander or equivalent positions or as a professional technical officer with a rank from captain onwards transitioning to inspection agencies.

See more conditions for becoming a Principal Inspector and Senior Inspector in Decision 31/2016/QD-TTg effective from October 10, 2016.

Leave Policies for Professional Soldiers and Public Defense Employees

Circular 113/2016/TT-BQP regulates leave policies for professional soldiers, workers, and public defense employees effective from October 8, 2016.

Professional soldiers, workers, and public defense employees are entitled to annual leave as follows:

- 20 days of leave for service less than 15 years;- 25 days of leave for service from 15 years to less than 25 years;- 30 days of leave for service from 25 years or more.

For professional soldiers, workers, and public defense employees stationed away from their families, they are allowed to combine the number of leave days of two years into one if desired, and prioritized for annual leave:

- An additional 10 days each year if stationed 500 km or more from their families or on islands belonging to the Truong Sa archipelago, DK stations;- An additional 05 days each year if:- Stationed 300 km to less than 500 km from their families;- Stationed in remote, border areas 200 km to less than 300 km from their families and receiving regional allowance coefficient from 0.5 to 0.7 or on islands receiving regional allowance coefficient from 0.1 to less than 1.0.

Besides the annual leave policies mentioned above, professional soldiers, workers, and public defense employees are entitled to special leave not exceeding 10 days in the following cases:

- Marriage; legal adopted children's marriage.- Death or serious illness requiring long-term treatment at medical facilities of parents, parents-in-law, legal guardians, spouse, biological or legal adopted children.- Family suffering heavy human and property losses due to accidents, natural disasters, dangerous epidemics.

Photos of Soldiers

In addition, the following Circulars in the field of national defense take effect from October 2016.

  1. Circular 115/2016/TT-BQP regulates the template of rewards objects; management, issuance, exchange, and recall of reward objects in the Ministry of National Defense.
  2. Circular 117/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for oil heating furnaces used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 01:2016/BQP);
  3. Circular 118/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for Hexogene fixing devices used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 02:2016/BQP);
  4. Circular 119/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for devices creating NitroGlyxerin used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 03:2016/BQP);
  5. Circular 120/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for devices creating Dinitrotoluene used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 04:2016/BQP);
  6. Circular 121/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for pneumatic cartridge clamping equipment used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 05:2016/BQP);
  7. Circular 122/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for YKC, VZ20/350 air compressor stations used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 06:2016/BQP);
  8. Circular 123/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for UGZCIA Nitrogen stations used to charge missiles used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 07:2016/BQP);
  9. Circular 124/2016/TT-BQP provides the safety technical inspection process for transporting propellant and explosive cables used in the Ministry of National Defense (QTKD 08:2016/BQP).


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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
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