Subjects of collective review of leaders, managers and individuals in the political system in Vietnam in 2024

Subjects of collective review of leaders, managers and individuals in the political system in Vietnam in 2024
Quoc Trinh

The article presents the regulations on the subjects of collective leadership, management, and individual review within the political system according to current law in Vietnam.

Đối tượng kiểm điểm tập thể lãnh đạo, quản lý và cá nhân trong hệ thống chính trị 2024

Subject of collective review of leaders, managers and individuals in the political system in Vietnam in 2024 (Image from the Internet)

1. Subject of collective review of leaders, managers and individuals in the political system in Vietnam in 2024

According to Article 5 of Regulation 124-QD/TW dated October 4, 2023, stipulates the subjects of collective review of leadership, management, and individuals in the political system in Vietnam as follows:

* Collective

- Party Committees and Party organizations:

+ Politburo, Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.

+ Party Executive Committees under the Central Committee; Standing Committees at provincial, district levels; Standing Committees of Party Committees above grassroots for public service providers, state enterprises at central and local levels (including Standing Committees at grassroots level authorized or piloted to exercise authority above the grassroots level) and Standing Committees at the grassroots level (where there is no Standing Committee, the Party Executive Committee should be reviewed).

+ Party committee groups, Party Personnel Committees at the Central and local levels.

- Collective leadership and management:

+ Collective leadership, management of the advisory bodies assisting the Communist Party at the Central and local levels; the collective leadership of the President's Office, the Office of the Government of Vietnam, the Office of the National Assembly; Ho Chi Minh National Political Academy, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Nhan Dan Newspaper, Communist Journal, National Political Publishing House Truth, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, and the Secretariat of the Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

+ Permanent Standing Committees of the National Assembly's Ethnic Council, Standing Committees of the National Assembly Committees, collective leaderships of bodies under the National Assembly Standing Committee.

+ Collective leadership and management of departments, ministries and central authorities, Vietnamese Fatherland Front, political-social organizations at the Central Level, and subordinate units; collective leadership and management at provincial, district, and grassroots levels, public service providers, and state enterprises (guided by the party committee, party committee delegation under the Central Committee according to authority).

* Individuals

- Communist Party members across the Communist Party (excluding members exempt from work and party activities; members suspended from party activities; newly admitted members who have not yet completed 6 months).

- Leaders and managers at all levels.

2. Content of Review for Collective Leadership, Management, and Individuals in the Political System in Vietnam in 2024

According to Article 6 of Regulation 124-QD/TW dated October 4, 2023, the review content focuses on clarifying the results achieved, weaknesses, limitations, shortcomings, causes, solutions, and time for remediation.

* Party Committees, Party Organizations, Collective Leadership, and Management

- Adherence to organizational and operational principles, especially democratic centralism; implementation of working regulations.

- Performance of objectives, targets, tasks outlined in the Congress resolutions, assigned annual work plans and programs by competent authority.

- Construction and rectification of the Communist Party and political system; capability and responsibility of collective leadership and management; role modeling; accountability; anti-corruption, combating negative and wasteful trends, and preventing and repelling manifestations of political, ideological, moral, lifestyle degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation" within, linked to studying and following Ho Chi Minh's thought, ethics, and style; inspection, supervision, party discipline work, and resolution of complaints, denunciations, suggestions, and reflections from organizations and individuals.

- Responsibility of collective leadership and management in performing the political duties of localities, organizations, agencies, units.

- The issues suggested for review; remediation of limitations and shortcomings concluded by competent authorities and pointed out in the previous review (if any).

* Individuals

- Individuals not holding leadership, management positions

+ On political quality, ethics, lifestyle; spirit of solidarity, unity within; organizational discipline awareness, role modeling, and implementing things party members must not do; working style and manners. Relate to manifestations of degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation".

+ Performance of tasks, powers, and completion of assigned targets and tasks within the year.

+ Fulfillment of commitments to self-cultivation, training, striving annually.

+ Issues suggested for review; remediation of limitations and shortcomings concluded by competent authorities and pointed out in the previous review (if any).

- Individuals holding leadership, management positions

Review contents at Point 2.1 and the following contents:

+ Results of leadership, direction, management, administration; performance of duties, responsibilities; completion level of tasks by organizations, agencies, units under management; ability to gather, build internal solidarity.

+ Responsibility in work; spirit of dynamism, innovation, creativity, daring to think, daring to do, and daring to bear responsibility; addressing difficult, complex, sensitive issues in performing duties.

+ Role modeling of oneself and family; anti-corruption, wastefulness, and negativity; trust from officials, party members.

- Besides the above contents, party committees, party organizations, collective leadership, management, heads, individuals must review to clarify responsibilities upon signs of violations; occurrence of pressing, complex issues; receiving complaints, denunciations; signs of internal disunity; violations of principles, Communist Party regulations; manifestations of "group interests", corruption, negativity, wastefulness, degradation, "self-evolution", "self-transformation"; collective, individuals under management being disciplined or prosecuted; stagnation, weaknesses, not completing assigned duties and responsibilities.


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