Subjects for civil servant recruitment in Vietnam

Subjects for civil servant recruitment in Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

What are the subjects for civil servant recruitment in Vietnam? What are the regulations on content and forms of civil servant recruitment in Vietnam? – Nhat Huy (Dong Thap)

Subjects for civil servant recruitment in Vietnam

Subjects for civil servant recruitment in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, the Lawnet would like to answer as follows:

1. Subjects for civil servant recruitment in Vietnam

- The recruitment of civil servants through recruitment examinations shall be decided by the agency competent to recruit civil servants and shall be carried out separately for each of the following groups of subjects:

+ Persons who commit to volunteering to work for 5 years or more in areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions;

+ Learners according to the recruitment regime according to the provisions of the Education Law, work after graduation in the locality where they are sent to study;

+ Excellent graduates, talented young scientists.

- The recruitment for the group of subjects specified at Point c, Clause 1, Article 10 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP is implemented in accordance with the Government's regulations on the policy of attracting and creating cadres of excellent graduates and young scientists.

(Article 10 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP)

2. Content and form of civil servant recruitment examination in Vietnam

Recruitment is done in 2 rounds as follows:

- Round 1

Check the eligibility requirements on the Application Form according to the requirements of the job position to be recruited, if satisfied, the candidate can participate in the second round.

- Round 2

+ Interviewing to test the candidate's knowledge and skills in performing official duties according to the requirements of the job position to be recruited;

+ 30 minutes of interview time (candidates have no more than 15 minutes to prepare before the interview);

+ Scoring: 100 points.

(Article 11 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP)

3. Determining the successful candidate in the civil service recruitment exam in Vietnam

- The successful candidate in the civil servant recruitment examination must meet the following conditions:

+ Having the result of round 2 be 50 points or more;

+ Having the result of the second round score plus the priority score specified in Article 5 of this Decree (if any) is higher, according to the order of points from highest to lowest within the recruitment quota of each job position.

- In case there are 02 or more people with the same total score as prescribed at Point b, Clause 1, Article 12 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP in the final criterion of the job position to be recruited, the person with a higher score in round 2 is the one who passed the exam; if still undetermined, the head of the agency competent to recruit civil servants shall decide on the successful candidate.

- Those who do not pass the entrance exam in the civil service examination are not allowed to reserve the examination results for the next recruitment examinations.

(Article 12 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP)

4. Probation regulations for people recruited as civil servants in Vietnam

- Persons who are recruited as civil servants must carry out the probationary regime to get used to the working environment and practice doing the jobs of the recruited positions.

- The training time is specified as follows:

+ 12 months in the case of recruitment into C-class civil servants;

+ 06 months in case of recruitment into D-class civil servants;

+ Period of maternity leave under the social insurance regime, sick leave of 14 days or more, time of unpaid leave, time of temporary detention, custody, or temporary suspension from work according to the provisions of the law does not count towards the probationary period.

In case the probationer takes sick leave or has a valid reason for less than 14 days but is approved by the head of the agency or unit where he/she is recruited as a civil servant who is performing the probationary regime.
This time will be counted towards the probationary period.

- Probation content:

+ Firmly grasping the provisions of the law on civil servants; master the organizational structure, functions, tasks, and powers of the working agency; the regulations and working regulations of the agency; and the responsibilities and tasks of the job position to be recruited;

+ Cultivating professional and professional knowledge and skills as required by the job position being recruited;

+ Practice solving and performing the work of the recruited position.

- During the probationary period, the head of the agency that manages and employs public servants must appoint a person performing the probationary period to participate in a state management refresher course in order to perfect the standards and conditions of the civil servant rank before appointment. The time to participate in the state management training course is included in the probationary period.

- Failing to implement the probationary regime for those who have worked for a period of time with compulsory social insurance payment in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Social Insurance and have been arranged to work according to the right industry, training profession, or professional profession previously held for which the working time has paid compulsory social insurance (if interrupted, it will be accumulated) which is equal or greater than the probationary period corresponding to the probationary period of the recruited rank specified in Clause 2, Article 20 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP.

In cases where the probationary regime is not carried out, the head of the agency managing and employing civil servants must send him or her to participate in a training course on state management to complete the criteria and conditions of the civil servant rank before appointment.

- Failing to mobilize, arrange, or assign work to the currently recruited person during the probationary period, move to a different job position than the one recruited in the same agency or organization or to another agency, organization, or unit.

(Article 20 of Decree 138/2020/ND-CP)


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