Structure of the national occupation skill standards in Vietnam

Structure of the national occupation skill standards in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

National occupation skill standards are one of the important issues in the labor field to determine which occupations will require certificates of national occupational skills in Vietnam.

Structure of the national occupation skills standard in Vietnam

Structure of the national occupation skill standards in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

1. Structure of the national occupation skill standards in Vietnam

According to Article 6 of Circular 56/2015/TT-BLDTBXH, structure of the national occupation skill standards of one profession consists of three (03) basic components as follows:

- Profession description:

The content shall describe the extent of the profession, job positions and main tasks to be done in a context.

- List of units of ability:

The content shall specify the list of units of ability of the profession and the units of ability of each job position in the profession where all of ability units are listed and sorted into groups as follows:

+ Basic ability: Ability to perform general works that are not for a particular occupation or production, business or service sector (hereinafter referred to as industry);

+ General ability: Ability required when working in a particular industry;

+ Professional ability: Includes the necessary abilities of the occupation that an individual needs to be admitted to have competence at a particular level.

- Units of ability:

The content of each ability unit is in the list of ability units. Each unit must demonstrate the following contents:

+ Name of the ability unit;

+ Components and performance criteria: The full description of the components in a unit of ability needed to be performed, the level of performance and the output that can be measured, calculated and determined;

+ Important skills and essential knowledge: provide information on the skills and knowledge needed to be effectively implemented and selected resources or alternative methods to achieve the outputs;

+ Implementation conditions: Describe the parameters for the application of abilities and types of works, resources and services that can be used when using the ability;

+ Assessment guide: set the context and the evidence selection method in support of the assessment to determine whether an individual meets the standards of the unit of ability or not.

- Structural format of the national occupation skill standards is prescribed in Appendix 01 enclosed with Circular 56/2015/TT-BLDTBXH.

2. Regulations on the establishment and selection of the organization assisting the development of national occupation skill standards in Vietnam

Regulations on the establishment and selection of the organization assisting the development of national occupation skill standards in Vietnam according to Article 7 of Circular 56/2015/TT-BLDTBXH are as follows:

- Ministries, ministerial agencies, Governmental agencies (hereinafter referred to as presiding authority) shall take charge and develop the national occupation skill standards for each profession within management. Presiding authority must establish or select an organization to advice and assist the development of the national occupation skill standards for each profession (hereinafter referred to as organization assisting the development of the occupation skill standards).

- In case of establishing the organization assisting the development of the occupation skill standards, the established organization shall meet the following requirements:

+ Participants include: representative of presiding authority; representative of the organization representing such professionals; representative of relevant professional associations; representative of the organization of the employer or enterprise employing the professionals; representative of vocational education institutions or education institutions that have the profession training.

In the established organization assisting the development of the occupational skill standards, the number of members representing the professional associations, organization of the employer or enterprise must account for at least ½ members of the organization.

+ Members of the organization assisting the development of the occupational skill standards as prescribed in Point a Clause 2 of Article 7 of Circular 56/2015/TT-BLDTBXH must at least graduate from university, have knowledge and proficiency in the profession and have at least 5 (five) years of working experience or have the highest professional skill level (hereinafter referred to as professional specialist).

- In case of selecting the organization assisting the development of the occupation skill standards, the selected organization shall be one of the following organizations:

+ Relevant professional associations;

+ Vocational education institutions or education institutions, scientific and technological organizations, health establishments under the presiding authority’s management, having credibility, experience in training or in research, application and transfer of technology related to that profession

- Rights and responsibilities of the organization assisting the design of the occupation skill standards:

+ Implement and comply with the process of the development of national occupational skill standards as prescribed in Article 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Clause 5 Article 16 of Circular 56/2015/TT-BLDTBXH;

+ Have the rights to hire or use other domestic or foreign individuals, organizations who have experiences and capacity to develop occupational skill standards in order to carry out tasks as prescribed in Article 8, 9, 10 and 11 of Circular 56/2015/TT-BLDTBXH;

+ Have the rights to use occupational standards, skill standards or qualification transferred by foreign countries to revise and compile draft national occupational skill standards in accordance with the structural format prescribed in Article 6 of Circular 56/2015/TT-BLDTBXH;

+ Comply with regulations and law on copyright, intellectual property right when using the occupational documents, standards of domestic and foreign individuals, organizations.


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