Requirements of traffic police to stop vehicles for control in Vietnam

Requirements of traffic police to stop vehicles for control in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the regulations on the requirements of traffic police to stop vehicles for control in Vietnam? - Van Hiep (Da Nang, Vietnam)

Các yêu cầu đối với việc dừng, kiểm soát phương tiện giao thông của CSGT

Requirements of traffic police to stop vehicles for control in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Circumstances in which traffic vehicles may be stopped for control by the traffic police in Vietnam

According to Clause 1, Article 16 of Circular 65/2020/TT-BCA, traffic police carrying out patrol and control tasks according to the plan may stop traffic for control in the following cases:

- Detecting and recording violations of the law on road traffic and other violations directly or through professional technical means and equipment;

- Implementing orders and plans on general control of road vehicles, plans on patrol, control, and handling of violations according to thematic categories approved by competent authorities;

- There is a written request of the head or deputy head of the investigating agency; A written request from the relevant functional agency on stopping the means of traffic for control in service of ensuring security and order, fighting against crime and other illegal acts.

The written request must specify the time, route and means of traffic to stop for control, handling, and forces participating in coordination;

- Organizational and individual reports, recommendations, and condemnations of illegal acts committed by road users and vehicles

2. Requirements of traffic police to stop vehicles for control in Vietnam

Requirements of traffic police to stop vehicles for control in Vietnam specified in Clause 2, Article 16 of Circular 65/2020/TT-BCA, are as follows:

(i) Safe, in accordance with the law, and not obstructing traffic activities. When the vehicle has stopped, it must control and handle violations (if any) in accordance with the law;

(ii) When stopping and controlling at one point, at the Traffic Police Station, the requirements specified at Point a of this Clause and the following requirements must be met:

Setting up barricades with cone-shaped stakes or tensioned ropes along the road to form an area to ensure traffic order and safety in accordance with the Ministry of Public Security's regulations on the implementation of democracy in the work of ensuring traffic order and safety.

The minimum length of the barrier section is 100m for expressways, 50m for national highways, and 30m for provincial roads, district roads, urban roads, communal roads, and special-use roads;

Areas ensuring traffic order and safety must comply with the provisions of the law on road traffic and other relevant laws; they must have a sufficient area to arrange and install technical and professional means and equipment, control and handle violating traffic means; arrange traffic police to guide, regulate traffic, and ensure traffic safety.

For cases of control on the highway, the sign No. 245a "Go slowly" or sign No. 245b (for external routes) in front of the Traffic Police Team in the direction of the traffic to be controlled must be placed in accordance with the law on road signs;

(iii) When stopping and controlling traffic on an expressway, the following requirements must be met: (i), (ii), and the following requirements:

When controlling traffic at a point, only vehicles are allowed to stop traffic to control and handle violations at the following locations: tollgate areas, starting and ending points of highways;

When patrolling, mobile control may only stop vehicles entering the emergency vehicle stop lane to control and handle violations in the following cases:

+ Detecting serious violations of traffic order and safety, the risk of causing immediate traffic insecurity;

+ Coordinating the fight against crime;

+ Reporting and denouncing illegal acts of people and vehicles traveling on highways;

+ Detecting traffic stopping or parking improperly on highways.

When the case is solved, it is necessary to clean up the stakes, tension lines, and signs and move immediately.


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