Requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam

Requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

Requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam are specified in Decision 1320/QD-BCT dated May 31, 2024.

Requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam

Requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam (Internet image) 

On May 31, 2024, the Minister of Industry and Trade issued Decision 1320/QD-BCT on the Regulation on the management of ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam.

Requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam

Scientific and technological tasks must meet the general requirements and specific requirements for each type of task, as follows:

(1) General requirements

- Have novelty, urgency, and importance for the development of the industry and fields within the scope and functions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

- Solve scientific and technological issues within the scope and functions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade;

- Not duplicate the content of scientific and technological tasks already being implemented using state budget funds;

- Not violate regulations on intellectual property, inventions, and patents recognized domestically and internationally by intellectual property protection agencies;

- Have anticipated plans for application or utilization of the results produced;

- Have an appropriate estimated implementation time to ensure feasibility in the organization of implementation;

- Have a budget for implementation that is suitable for the task, the ability of state budget funds, and current financial regulations.

(2) Specific requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological programs

Ministerial-level scientific and technological programs must have the goal of solving scientific and technological issues for the development of the industry and trade sector in the medium or long term; their content includes scientific and technological tasks directly or indirectly related to each other in terms of expertise.

(3) Specific requirements for ministerial-level scientific projects

Ministerial-level scientific projects must have the goal of generating research results with sufficient scientific and practical evidence to serve the construction and improvement of mechanisms, policies, and laws in the industry and fields within the scope and functions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

(4) Specific requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological topics

- Clear research objectives and content; appropriate research methods and techniques; suitable and feasible organizational solutions for implementation; specific research results and products;

- Scientific and technological topics in the fields of science, technology, and engineering must meet one of the following requirements:

+ Create technologies or scientific and technological products that are anticipated to: (i) have significant potential for productivity, quality, and efficiency improvement but have not been researched or applied in Vietnam; or (ii) have been completed in the form of prototypes (materials; equipment; machinery; technological lines; plant varieties; animal breeds); or (iii) have the potential to be granted patents, useful solutions, or plant variety protection certificates;

+ Have a feasible plan to develop technologies or scientific and technological products in the pilot production stage.

- Scientific topics in the field of social sciences and humanities must meet the requirement of producing new scientific products; research results that provide scientific evidence and timely solutions to address practical issues in line with the Party's guidelines, development policies in the industry and fields within the scope and functions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

(5) Specific requirements for ministerial-level pilot production projects

- Origin of technology from: (i) technology transferred under a technology transfer contract; or (ii) scientific and technological products created from research results of topics evaluated and accepted by the scientific and technological advisory council; or (iii) exploitation results of patents, useful solutions;

- The anticipated scientific and technological products to be produced ensure stability in small-scale production and feasibility in application or product development in large-scale production;

- Have specific pilot production locations or have written commitments to coordinate project implementation;

- Have the ability to mobilize resources outside of the state budget to implement.

(6) Specific requirements for ministerial-level scientific and technological projects

- Solve scientific and technological issues directly serving key, priority, and spearhead investment projects in the industry and trade sector;

- The results produced ensure their application and enhance the economic efficiency of investment projects; have a long-term impact on the scientific and technological development of the industry and fields;

- Have reliable plans to mobilize financial resources outside of the state budget and have been confirmed or guaranteed by financial, credit, and funding organizations;

- Implementation progress is appropriate for the implementation schedule of investment projects.

(7) Specific requirements for potential ministerial-level scientific and technological tasks

- Solve scientific and technological issues that require high applicability;

- Have the potential to create and develop new research directions or new products in priority and key scientific and technological fields of the industry and trade sector.


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