Requirements for information on the website of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

What are the requirements for information on the website of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam? - Trung Quan (Dong Nai)

Requirements for information on the website of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

Requirements for information on the website of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Requirements for information on the website of the Ministry of Justice in Vietnam

According to Article 8 of the Operational Regulation of the Portal of the Ministry of Justice issued together with Decision 4146/QD-BTP), information on the Ministry of Justice's Web Portal in Vietnam needs to meet the following requirements:

- Ensuring compliance with the Party's guidelines and policies, the State's laws, guidelines and direction of the Ministry of Justice's leadership;

- Being honest, accurate, objective, timely, and actively serving the state management and the law dissemination and education of the Ministry of Justice as well as the information exploitation needs of the people;

- In accordance with the purposes and requirements of the Portal in accordance with this Regulation; comply with the provisions of the law on protection of State secrets, the press, intellectual property, and information management on the Internet;

- The posting, quoting, and reuse of information on the portal must clearly state information about the author and the source of the information.

* Note: Organizations and individuals providing information are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and truthfulness of the information they provide to post on the Portal, strictly abide by the current regulations on copyright.

For information cited or collected from other sources, the author's name, source, and date on which the cited information was published must be clearly stated.

2. Information on the Ministry of Justice's web portal in Vietnam

Information on the website of the Ministry of Justice is regulated as follows:

*Main information:

(i) Information about the functions, duties, powers, and organizational structure of the Ministry of Justice and its units;

Summary of the formation and development of the Ministry of Justice; contact information: address, phone, fax number, and official email address of the unit to contact and receive information; A brief biography and duties of the Leader of the Ministry.

(ii) News and events: news and articles on activities and related issues under the state management of the Ministry of Justice.

(iii) Information on direction and administration includes: a system of documents in service of direction and administration; handling opinions and responses to recommendations and requests of organizations and individuals; information on commendation and punishment for organizations and enterprises operating in the field of state management of the agency; and the working schedule of the leaders of the Ministry.

(iv) Information to propagate, disseminate, and guide the implementation of laws, regimes, and policies: propagating, disseminating, and guiding the implementation of laws, regimes, and policies in the fields under the Ministry's state management.

(v) Information on industry and field development strategies, master plans, and plans; information on international cooperation programs/projects in the field of state management of the Ministry.

(vi) System of specialized legal documents and related administrative management documents.

(vii) Information about the project, investment items, bidding, and public procurement:

- List of projects under investment preparation, ongoing projects, and completed projects;

- Each project should have information including: project name, main objective, area of expertise, project type, implementation time, project budget, type of funding, sponsor, and project status judgment.

(viii) Section for collecting opinions from organizations and individuals:

- Receiving feedback; recommendations from organizations and individuals on administrative regulations as prescribed by law within the scope of state management of the Ministry;

- Projects and draft legal documents chaired by the Ministry of Justice need to collect comments from all classes of people; information on the time limit for receiving comments, the address and email of the agency or unit receiving comments; opinions and contributions of agencies, organizations, and individuals as prescribed by law.

(ix) Other information in the field of state management of the Ministry of Justice:

- Information on specialized statistics (data, statistical reports, statistical methods, statistical analysis, time to perform statistics);

- Professional guidance, a specialized electronic form system;

- Providing legal advice and answers within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice;

- Information on recruitment, selection, and information related to domestic and foreign training and retraining of the Ministry of Justice must be publicized in accordance with law;

- Articles, in-depth research articles, and information on scientific research programs and topics in the fields managed by the Ministry of Justice;

- Introduce publications of books, information, and specialized magazines of the Ministry of Justice or units under the Ministry.

(x) Working contact information of cadres, civil servants, and public employees: Phone book, email address of the unit, cadres, civil servants, and public employees of units under the Ministry of Justice, local civil judgment enforcement agencies; directory of Departments of Justice; directory of titles in the field of judicial assistance.

(xi) Transaction information on the portal includes: address, phone number, fax number, and official email address for transactions with organizations and individuals.

(xii) Other information as directed or agreed upon by the Leader of the Ministry.

* Information about online public services:

- Administrative procedures within the domains managed by the Ministry of Justice;

- A list of public administrative services and online public services implemented by the Ministry of Justice and its units, clearly stating the level of provision of each service.

* Information in foreign languages:

Information specified in (i), (ii) Section 2 and administrative procedures with foreign elements, including online public services that can be used by foreigners, must be provided in English for reference.

Depending on the ability and conditions, other information may be selected to be provided on the English version of the Portal.

(Article 9 of the Operational Regulation of the Portal of the Ministry of Justice issued together with Decision 4146/QD-BTP)

Nguyen Thi Hoai Thuong


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