Regulations that inmates must strictly comply with at compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam

Regulations that inmates must strictly comply with at compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

At compulsory education facilities in Vietnam, inmates must strictly comply with a number of regulations issued in Circular 48/2022/TT-BCA.

Regulations that inmates must strictly comply with at compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam

Regulations that inmates must strictly comply with at compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Regulations that inmates must strictly comply with at compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam

The regulations that inmates must strictly comply with at compulsory educational facilities in Vietnam, according to Article 1 of the Regulations on Compulsory Educational Facilities issued under Circular 48/2022/TT-BCA, are as follows:

* Regarding orders and time:

- Strictly obey and follow the orders, instructions, and guidance of the officials at the compulsory educational facility.

- Adhere to the prescribed schedules for studying, working, living, cultural activities, arts, physical education, sports, and recreational activities.

- When given an assembly order, quickly form lines according to teams or groups and maintain order.

* Regarding etiquette:

- When communicating, inmates must use the Vietnamese language (except for those who do not know Vietnamese).

- Refer to officials as "cán bộ" and use "tôi" (I) when addressing them. Refer to visitors or individuals working at the compulsory educational facility as "quý khách" (Mr./Ms.) and use "tôi" (I) when addressing them. Refer to fellow inmates as "anh" (Mr.) or "chị" (Ms.) and use "tôi" (I) when addressing them. Apart from the aforementioned forms of address, inmates may use appropriate forms of address among themselves based on Vietnamese customs and cultural traditions.

- Respond with "vâng", "dạ", "thưa" (yes) when speaking and know how to say "cám ơn" (thank you) and "xin lỗi" (sorry) at the right time. When called by their name, they must answer with "có" (yes).

- When encountering officials or visitors, inmates must remove their hats, stand at a distance of 3 meters, and greet with "chào cán bộ" (hello, officer) or "chào quý khách" (hello, Mr./Ms.). In the case of a team of inmates encountering officials or visitors for work purposes in different areas such as studying, working, or vocational training, the team leader will have all inmates stand or sit in an orderly manner. On behalf of the team, the team leader will greet and report to the officials or guests while standing at attention, remove their hats or headgear, and hold them in their right hand.

- When entering or leaving the gate, if moving as a team or group, inmates must walk in two rows, with those on the right side carrying their hats or headgear in their right hand and those on the left side carrying them in their left hand. The team leader will clearly report the team's name and the number of people to the responsible officials.

* Regarding order, internal affairs, eating, living, medical examination, and treatment:

- Eat and sleep at the designated times and locations without causing disorder.

- Maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness in living quarters and common areas. Bring necessary personal items into the living quarters according to the regulations set by the Director of the compulsory educational facility. Personal belongings must be folded, organized neatly, and stored in the designated places.

- Male inmates must have short and tidy haircuts, without beards or mustaches. Female inmates must have tidy hair.

- Follow the guidance of the officials at the compulsory educational facility regarding health checks, medical examinations, and treatment.

* Regarding clothing:

- Inmate's pants and shirts must be stamped with the word "inmates" at the front of the pants and the back of the shirt, as required by the compulsory educational facility.

- Dress neatly, tidily, and cleanly, and wear shoes or sandals when participating in classes, work, vocational training, cultural activities, arts, physical education, sports, collective activities, entering or leaving the gate, meeting with relatives, or interacting with outsiders. The clothing should be kept clean and not borrowed, erased, altered, written on, drawn, or affixed with anything other than the provided standard design.

* Regarding studying, working, vocational training, participating in cultural activities, arts, physical education, sports, recreation, and entertainment:

- Actively and willingly participate in studying, working, vocational training, cultural activities, arts, physical education, sports, recreation, and entertainment organized by the compulsory educational facility.

- Strictly adhere to discipline, occupational safety, and hygiene.

- After using work tools and vocational training equipment, store them properly in the designated places.

* Regarding protecting and preserving property:

- Protect and preserve the property of the compulsory educational facility, the collective, individuals, and others.

- When the period of compliance with the decision at the compulsory educational facility expires, inmates must hand over the tools and property entrusted to them for management.

- In cases where damage is caused to the property of the compulsory educational facility or others, the legal consequences will be determined based on the extent of the damage, as stipulated by the law.

2. Prohibited behaviors at mandatory educational institutions in Vietnam

The following behaviors are strictly prohibited at mandatory educational institutions according to Article 2 of the Regulations on Mandatory Educational Institutions issued together with Circular 48/2022/TT-BCA:

- Resisting, obstructing, or refusing to comply with the orders and instructions of mandatory educational institution officials.

- Making false declarations, spreading falsehoods, and concealing one's own violations and the violations of other inmates.

- Escaping, organizing, or assisting other inmates in escaping by any means, or enticing and coercing other inmates to escape.

- Writing, drawing, hanging, pasting pictures, graffiti, littering, and other behaviors that cause unsanitary conditions.

- Tattooing, wearing objects on one's body or others, dyeing hair black, growing long nails, and painting nails.

- Possessing, using alcohol, beer, drugs, and other stimulants; weapons, toxic substances, explosives, chemicals, radioactive materials, flammable substances, and objects that can be harmful to oneself and others; machinery, communication equipment, pictures, books, newspapers, documents, films, tapes, discs, and electronic memory cards with inappropriate content.

- Smoking cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco in residential chambers, infirmaries, disciplinary chambers, visiting areas, libraries, reading rooms, study areas, collective activity areas, labor workshops, vocational training areas, places prone to fire or explosion, and places with "no fire" or "no smoking" signs.

- Connecting, disseminating unauthorized information, images outside or on the Internet, media information.

- Proselytizing, performing rituals, fortune-telling, propagating, enticing, coercing other inmates to participate in superstitious and deviant activities, engaging in superstitious and deviant behaviors, establishing or participating in illegal associations or groups.

- Gambling, organizing gambling in any form among inmates and with others.

- Threatening, assaulting, and infringing upon the health, dignity of inmates, others; infringing upon the property of mandatory educational institutions, other inmates; self-harming one's own body; engaging in sexual relationships and other unhealthy relationships between inmates or with others.

- Buying, selling, exchanging, borrowing, lending, giving, and receiving anything between inmates and with others (except with the consent of responsible officials).

- Displaying uncivilized attitudes, speech, and behavior during communication.

- Resisting, being lazy, evading, or obstructing learning, labor, vocational training, hiring, or coercing other inmates to serve or perform their own duties or the duties of other inmates in any form.

- Organizing parties, eating, lighting fires, cooking in residential rooms, internal areas, study areas, labor areas, vocational training areas, infirmaries, and collective activity areas.

- Contacting outsiders without the consent of the Director of the mandatory educational institution.

- Keeping at the mandatory educational institution personal belongings, documents such as gold, silver, jewelry, foreign currencies, Vietnamese currency, stocks, bonds, promissory notes, electronic payment cards, watches, machinery, equipment, identity cards, citizen identification cards, passports, diplomas, certificates, other valuable documents, and unused clothing and apparel that must be deposited.

- Leaving learning, labor, vocational training positions, residential rooms, and activity areas without permission.

- Bringing labor tools, vocational training tools into eating, living, and activity areas, moving machinery, materials, supplies, products, or other assets from designated locations.


17 lượt xem

  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
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