Regulations on the Implementation of Democracy in the operation of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

Regulations on the Implementation of Democracy in the operation of the State Audit Office of Vietnam
Nguyễn Thị Diễm My

On September 26, 2024, the State Auditor General issued Decision 1659/QD-KTNN on the Regulations on the Implementation of Democracy in the operation of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

Regulation  on  the  implementation  of  democracy  in  the  activities  of  the  State  Audit

Regulations on the Implementation of Democracy in the operation of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (Image from the internet)

1. Principles for implementing democracy in the operation of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

- Ensure the right of officials and public employees and employees to be informed, participate in opinions, make decisions, and inspect and supervise the implementation of democracy in their agencies and units.

- Ensure the leadership of the Party, agencies, units, and the core role of trade unions and socio-political organizations in implementing democracy within the agency or unit.

- Implement democracy within the framework of the Constitution and laws; ensure order and discipline, and do not obstruct the normal activities of the agency or unit.

- Protect the interests of the State, and the lawful rights and interests of the agency, unit, and officials and public employees and employees.

- Ensure transparency, enhance accountability in the process of implementing democracy in agencies and units.

- Respect the contributions and promptly resolve the recommendations, reflections of officials and public employees and employees.

2. Rights of officials and public employees and employees in implementing democracy in State Audit agencies and units in Vietnam

- Be acknowledged, respected, protected, ensured the realization of human rights, and citizen's rights in political, civil, economic, cultural, and social fields; ensure the exercise of democratic rights within agencies and units as prescribed by law and under this Regulation.

- Have access to and request fully, accurately, and promptly provided information as prescribed by law; propose initiatives, participate in opinions, and decide on matters related to democratic implementation in agencies and units; inspect, supervise, make recommendations, reflect, lodge complaints, denounce, and initiate proceedings against decisions and acts that violate the law concerning democratic implementation in agencies and units as prescribed by law.

- Be fully and promptly informed about their lawful rights and benefits, social security policies, and social welfare as stipulated by law and decisions of the agency or unit.

- Be facilitated to participate in studies, work, labor, improve and enhance their material and spiritual life, their families, and the community according to the conformations of the Communist Party and the State's laws; enjoy the achievements of economic-social development, social welfare policies, and the results of democratic implementation.

3. Obligations of officials and public employees and employees in implementing democracy in State Audit agencies and units in Vietnam

- Comply with the laws regarding the implementation of democracy at the grassroots level. Adhere to the regulations and rules of the agencies and unit.

- Participate in opinions on issues solicited at the grassroots level in accordance with the Law on Grassroots Democracy Implementation, this Regulation, and other relevant legal provisions.

- Timely report, reflect, denounce to competent authorities when detecting acts violating the law concerning grassroots democracy implementation.

- Respect and ensure social order, safety, the benefits of the State, and the lawful rights and interests of organizations and individuals.

4. Prohibited acts in implementing democracy in State Audit agencies and units in Vietnam

- Obstruct, cause difficulties, or harass officials and public employees and employees in implementing democracy in agencies and units.

- Cover up, obstruct, repress, or neglect responsibilities in addressing recommendations, complaints, denunciations; disclose information about whistleblowers, or individuals providing information on violations related to democratic implementation in agencies and units.

- Exploit the implementation of democracy in agencies and units to commit acts that infringe on national security, social order and safety, State interests, and the lawful rights and interests of organizations and individuals.

- Exploit the implementation of democracy in agencies and units to distort, slander, cause conflicts, incite violence, discriminate by region, gender, religion, ethnicity, causing damage to individuals, agencies, units, and organizations.

- Forging documents, committing fraud, or using other tricks to falsify results that officials and public employees and employees have discussed, decided, or given opinions on.

- Disclose state secrets; disclose information that is not permitted to be disclosed of the audited unit; disclose information about the situation and results, conclusions, and audit suggestions that have not been authorized for disclosure as prescribed by law and by the State Audit.


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