Regulations on reception of high-ranking foreign guests on visits in Vietnam

Regulations on reception of high-ranking foreign guests on visits in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

What are the regulations on reception of high-ranking foreign guests on visits in Vietnam? - Thanh Toan (Tien Giangm, Vietnam)

Quy định về đón, tiếp khách cấp cao nước ngoài thăm Việt Nam
Regulations on reception of high-ranking foreign guests on visits in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on working visits in Vietnam

Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on working visits according to Article 16 of Decree 18/2022/ND-CP as follows:

- Regarding the reception of the Head of the Government of the guest nation on a working visit: carry out as an official visit but without an official welcome ceremony, street decorations, honour guard formations at the airport, and escorting motorcycles.

- Regarding the reception of the Head of the Congress of the guest nation on a working visit: carry out as an official visit but without an official welcome ceremony and escorting motorcycles.

- Regarding the reception of the Deputy Head of State, Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party, Deputy Head of the Government, or Deputy Head of the Congress of the guest nation on a working visit: carry out as an official visit but without an official welcome ceremony.

- Lunches and dinners of working visits:

+ Participants:

++ Vietnamese side: members who participate in welcoming, seeing off, and working with the guest;

++ Guest side: official members, servants, and a number of diplomats of foreign diplomatic missions of the guest nation;

+ The host shall give a toast speech and the Head of the Guest Delegation shall respond to that speech.

2. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on unannounced visits in Vietnam

According to Article 17 of Decree 18/2022/ND-CP, regulations on reception of high-ranking foreign guests on unannounced visits are as follows:

Regarding the reception of a high-ranking guest on an unannounced visit: carry out as a working visit with a smaller composition of participants and perform reception measures according to the approved reception plan.

3. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests on private visits in Vietnam

According to Article 18 of Decree 18/2022/ND-CP, the regulations on the reception of high-ranking foreign guests on private visits include:

- Regarding a Head of State or Head of the Government on a private visit: the Director of Directorate of State Protocol and the Director of the Regional Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

- Regarding a Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on a private visit: Head or Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

- Regarding a Deputy Head of State or Deputy Head of the Government on a private visit: the Head of Directorate of State Protocol and the Head the Regional Affairs Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

- Regarding a Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party on a private visit: the representative of the Head of the Central Diplomatic Department shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

- Regarding a Head of the Congress or Deputy Head of the Congress on a private visit: the Heads of Departments of the National Assembly Office shall receive and see off the guest at the airport.

- In special cases, equivalent Heads of Vietnam shall receive and invite the Head of the Guest Delegation to a meal.

4. Reception of high-ranking foreign guests in transit in Vietnam

According to Article 19 of Decree 18/2022/ND-CP, the reception of high-ranking guests in transit shall comply with the following regulations:

- Regarding a Head of State of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head of the President’s Office or equivalences shall receive the guest.

- Regarding a Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head of the Central Diplomatic Department shall receive the guest.

- Regarding a Head of the Government of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Minister or equivalences shall receive the guest.

- Regarding a Deputy Head of State of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Deputy Head of the President’s Office or equivalences shall receive the guest.

- Regarding a Deputy Head of State who is also the Head of the Governing Party of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head or Deputy Head of the Central Diplomatic Department or equivalences shall receive the guest.

- Regarding a Deputy Head of the Government of a guest nation transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Deputy Head of the President’s Office of equivalences shall receive the guest.

- Regarding guest delegations of the Congress of nations or International Parliamentary Organizations transiting at Noi Bai airport: the Head of the Foreign Affairs Committee or the Head of the National Assembly Office shall receive the guests.

- Regarding high-ranking guests transiting at local airports: Heads of provinces or centrally affiliated cities shall receive the guests.

- If a high-ranking guest delegation wishes for accommodations, the focal agency shall cooperate with the foreign representative mission in arranging the accommodation and travel for the delegation.

- According to the agreement of both parties, it is possible to arrange an equivalence or a level lower than the agencies mentioned above to work and preside over the banquet for the guest delegation. 


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