Regulations on periodic reporting regime in the field of science and technology in Vietnam

What are the regulations on periodic reporting regime in the field of science and technology in Vietnam?

Regulations on periodical reporting regime in the field of science and technology in Vietnam
Regulations on periodic reporting regime in the field of science and technology in Vietnam (Internet image)

Periodi reporting regime in the field of science and technology in Vietnam

Currently, the periodic reporting regime in science and technology in Vietnam is mentioned in Circular 13/2021/TT-BKHCN stipulating the periodic reporting regime under the state management scope of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Specifically, the periodic reporting regime includes:

1. Report on the development of mechanisms, policies, and laws and the results of inspection and examination in the field of science and technology.

2. Report on the results of the allocation and use of science and technology funds.

3. Report on scientific research and technological development results; results of transfer, application, and innovation of technology, scientific and technological information.

4. Report on the appraisal of the scientific basis of the socio-economic development program and the technology appraisal of the investment project; appraise the results of performing scientific and technological tasks without using the state budget.

5. Report on human resource development in science and technology; science and technology infrastructure development.

6. Report on the results of the issuance of Certificates for scientific and technological activities.

7. Report on deployment and development of the national innovation startup ecosystem, science and technology market.

8. Report on import of used machinery, equipment, and technological lines.

9. Report on operation results of hi-tech parks.

10. Report on intellectual property activities.

11. Report on the development and promulgation of technical regulations; activities for receiving announcements of standard conformity and announcements of regulation conformity.

12. Report on the management of the awarding of product and goods quality awards to organizations and individuals in the province or city.

13. Report on the performance of the Vietnam Network of Information and Inquiry Agencies and the performance of the Interagency Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade.

14. Report on the state management of measurement.

15. Report on product and goods quality inspection and conformity assessment activities.

16. Report on radiation and nuclear safety management, development, and application of atomic energy.

Reporting frequency, data closing time, and deadline for sending periodic reports in the field of science and technology

Reporting frequency:

+ Every year;

+ Five (05) years for the report on the results of technological innovation activities nationwide, reported by the Ministry of Science and Technology to the Government (Table No. 03c/DMCN in the Appendix to this Circular).

- Closing time for reporting data:

+ Annual report: from December 15 of the year before the reporting period to December 14 of the reporting period;

+ Annual report (05) years specified at Point b, Clause 1, Article 7 of Circular 13/2021/TT-BKHCN: calculated from December 15 of the year preceding the year in which the reporting period begins to December 14 of the year ending the reporting period.

- Deadline for submitting reports:

+ Ministries, branches, provincial-level People's Committees, national universities, and management boards of high-tech zones shall submit reports to the Ministry of Science and Technology by December 20 of the reporting year at the latest;

+ The Ministry of Science and Technology shall synthesize and report to the Government and the Prime Minister by December 25 of the reporting year.

Duong Chau Thanh


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