Regulations on ordination with foreign elements in religious organizations in Vietnam

What are regulations on ordination, appointment, election and selection that involve foreign elements (hereinafter referred to as ordination with foreign elements) according to the Law on Belief and Religion 2016 in Vietnam?

Regulations  on  Foreign  Elements  in  Religious  Ordination

Regulations on ordination with foreign elements in religious organizations in Vietnam​ (Photo from the Internet)

Regulations on ordination with foreign elements in religious organizations in Vietnam

According to Article 51 of the Law on Belief and Religion 2016, ordination involving foreign elements with religious believers and organizations is regulated as follows:

(1) Ordination with foreign elements includes the following cases:

- Vietnamese religious organizations conferring religious titles to foreigners legally residing in Vietnam;

- Foreign religious organizations ordaining Vietnamese citizens in Vietnam.

(2) The person being ordained must have full civil act capacity; not be under administrative disciplinary measures concerning belief and religion; not have a criminal record or be a person under criminal charges as per legal proceedings. Foreigners legally residing in Vietnam and proposed for ordination must also meet the following conditions:

- Received religious training from a religious training institution in Vietnam;

- Comply with Vietnamese law.

(3) Ordination involving foreign elements must receive prior approval from the central government agency responsible for belief and religion.

(4) Vietnamese citizens ordained by a foreign religious organization abroad, when returning to Vietnam to assume religious duties, must register with the central government agency managing belief and religion.

Procedures for approval of ordination with foreign elements in Vietnam

According to Article 23 of Decree 95/2023/ND-CP, the procedures for approval of ordination with foreign elements in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) A religious organization with Vietnamese citizens nominated by a foreign religious organization for ordination as religious officials in Vietnam is responsible for sending an application to the central government agency managing belief and religion. The application includes:

- A request document detailing the name, headquarters of the requesting religious organization; name, headquarters of the foreign religious organization; reason for the request; full name of the proposed individual; religious title, position, area of responsibility before and after ordination, appointment, election, nomination;

- A summary of the religious activities of the individual proposed for ordination, appointment, election, nomination;

- The individual's resume and criminal record certificate proposed for ordination, appointment, election, nomination.

(2) Religious organizations in Vietnam ordaining or proposing ordination titles for foreigners legally residing in Vietnam must send an application to the central government agency managing belief and religion. The application includes:

- A request document detailing the name, headquarters of the religious organization; reason for the request; full name, title (if any), nationality of the individual proposed; proposed religious title;

- A summary of the proposed individual’s religious activities;

- Graduation certificates from a religious training institution in Vietnam;

- A copy of the passport, original or certified copy of the criminal record certificate, or a document certifying the individual is not committing a crime or being criminally prosecuted, issued by a competent foreign authority, legalized except where legalization is exempt per international treaties Vietnam is party to. If the proposed individual has resided in Vietnam continuously for over 6 months, an original criminal record certificate issued by a competent Vietnamese authority is required.

(3) The Government Committee for Religious Affairs, under Clause 7 Article 5 of Circular 03/2024/TT-BNV, is the central agency responsible for managing belief and religion, must respond in writing regarding ordination within 60 days from receiving a complete and valid application; should approval be denied, written notice with clear reasons must be provided.

(4) Individuals ordained with foreign elements not yet approved by the central agency responsible for belief and religion may not use the religious title to conduct religious activities in Vietnam.

Procedures for registration of religious duties for Vietnamese citizens ordained abroad

According to Article 24 of Decree 95/2023/ND-CP, the procedures for registration of religious duties for Vietnamese citizens ordained abroad are as follows:

(1) Vietnamese citizens ordained by a foreign religious organization abroad, upon returning to Vietnam to undertake religious duties, must have their religious organization or its affiliate directly managing them send a registration application to the central government agency managing belief and religion.

(2) The registration application includes:

- A registration document stating the name, headquarters of the religious organization or its affiliate; full name, assigned area, religious title, position of the individual registered abroad and in Vietnam;

- The individual's resume and criminal record certificate registered;

- A summary of the individual's religious activities abroad;

- Documents proving the religious title, position, and area of activity of the individual ordained abroad.

(3) The Government Committee for Religious Affairs, according to Clause 7 Article 4 Circular 03/2024/TT-BNV, is the central agency managing belief and religion, that must respond in writing within 60 days from receiving a complete and valid registration application; should registration be denied, a written response with clear reasons is required.

(4) Vietnamese citizens registered for religious duties may conduct religious activities according to their titles and positions after the central agency responsible for belief and religion approves the registration.

Above are the regulations regarding ordination with foreign elements within religious organizations.

Le Quang Nhat Minh


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