Regulations on open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam

What are the regulations on open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam? – Thuy Trang (Binh Phuoc, Vietnam)

Quy định về dữ liệu mở của cơ quan nhà nước
Regulations on open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Rules of providing open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam

- Provision of open data of regulatory agencies for organizations and individuals must satisfy following requirements:

+ Open data must be complete and fully contain data provided by regulatory agencies;

+ Provided open data must be the latest data;

+ Open data must be accessible from the cyber environment;

+ Open data must be sent, received, stored and processed digital devices;

+ Organizations and individuals shall be able to freely access and use open data without declaring identification during utilization and use process;

+ Open data must be open format;

+ Open data shall be free to use;

+ Prioritize providing open data which people and enterprises have high demands for.

- Ministers, heads of ministerial agencies and governmental agencies, Chairpersons of People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities are responsible for issuing list of open data of regulatory agencies, developing plans and publicizing open data of regulatory agencies within their management.

2. Rules of using open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam

- Agencies, organizations and individuals may freely copy, share, exchange, use or integrate open data with other data; use open data in their commercial or non-commercial products and services.

- Agencies, organizations and individuals must specify reference for any information extracted from open data used in their products and documents.

- Open data of regulatory agencies shall be at its original state as when it is publicized which does not include methods of presentation and information arising from the provided open data.

- Agencies, organizations and individuals must not sell open data extracted in its original form from regulatory agencies to other organizations and individuals.

When using open data in commercial products and services, fully provide the open data along with said commercial products and services.

- Regulatory agencies shall not be responsible for any loss or damage done to agencies, organizations and individuals due to using open data.

3. Plans and implementation of open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam

Within their management, ministerial agencies, governmental agencies, People’s Committees of provinces and central-affiliated cities are responsible for implementing following activities:

- Developing and implementing plans regarding open data, including publicizing open data and minimum completion in each phase of the plans.

- Determining methods of collecting and analyzing feedback of individuals and organizations regarding use of open data; allocating contact point to receive feedback of individuals and organizations regarding quality, usability, format and compliance with regulations and law on open data.

- Adopting necessary preventive measures to maintain construction and publicizing open data directly related to protecting safety of humans and assets affected by open data implementation within their units.

- Adopting measures to encourage organizations and individuals to use open data:

+ Receive feedback of organizations and individuals to determine order of priority and publicize open data according to demands;

+ Assist organizations and individuals in constructing and contributing to expand open data.

4. Requirements in publicizing open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam

- Do not reveal personal information; assess and limit risks of exposing personal information when combining with other information.

- Ensure safety and security when using open data including risks caused by the open data alone or the open data combining with other data.

- List of data shall be examined and revised (if any) on a periodic basis, at least once every 6 months; data publicized under the list must be updated or revised (if any) within at least 3 months from the date on which the data is publicized.

- Complying with relevant regulations and law.

5. Methods of publicizing open data of regulatory agencies in Vietnam

- Open data of regulatory agencies shall be provided via following methods:

+ Provide packed data and allow organizations and individuals to download;

+ Provide data via data sharing services.

- Open data must be publicized on the national portal.

(Articles 17 to 21 of Decree 47/2020/ND-CP)

Diem My


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