Regulations on meeting session of the People’s Committee in Vietnam

Regulations on meeting session of the People’s Committee in Vietnam
Võ Ngọc Nhi

What are the regulations on meeting session of the People’s Committee in Vietnam? What are the regulations on voting at the People’s Committee’s meeting? - Ngoc Nhung (HCMC, Vietnam)

Quy định về phiên họp Uỷ ban nhân dân
Regulations on meeting session of the People’s Committee in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Meeting session of the People’s Committee in Vietnam

Article 113 of the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015 stipulates meeting session of the People’s Committee as follows:

- The People’s Committee shall convene the meeting once a month.

- The People's Committee shall convene the unscheduled meeting under the following circumstances:

+ The meeting is convened by the decision of the President of the People’s Committee;

+ The meeting is requested by the President of the People’s Committee at the directly superior level. If it is the meeting of the provincial People's Committee, it will be requested by the Prime Minister;

+ At least one third of members of the People’s Committee make their request.

2. Convening of the meeting of the People’s Committee in Vietnam

Article 114 of the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015 stipulates the convening of the meeting of the People’s Committee as follows:

- The President of the People’s Committee shall specifically decide the meeting date, agenda and contents.

- Members of the People’s Committee shall be responsible for attending all meeting sessions of the People’s Committee. In case they are absent, they have to report to and ask the President of the People’s Committee for leave of absence.

- Meeting sessions held by the People’s Committee shall be commenced only if at least two thirds of members of the People’s Committee attend.

- Meeting agenda, time and materials presented in the meeting must be sent to members of the People’s Committee not later than 03 working days prior to the opening date of the regular meeting and not later than 01 working day prior to the opening date of the unscheduled meeting.

3. Responsibility of the People’s Committee for presiding at the meeting in Vietnam

Article 115 of the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015 stipulates the responsibility of the People’s Committee for presiding at the meeting as follows:

- The President of the People’s Committee shall preside at the People’s Committee’s meeting and ensure the compliance with the meeting agenda and regulations. If the President of the People’s Committee is absent, one Vice President of the People’s Committee shall be designated to preside at the meeting by the President of the People’s Committee.

- The President of the People’s Committee, or the Vice President of the People’s Committee designated by the President of the People’s Committee, shall chair discussions on specific contents presented at the People's Committee's meeting.

4. Guests invited to the People’s Committee’s meeting in Vietnam

Article 116 of the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015 stipulates guests invited to the People’s Committee’s meeting as follows:

- Representatives of the Standing Committee of the People’s Council shall be invited to the meeting of the same-level People’s Meeting; the Head and the Vice Head of the National Assembly Delegation shall be invited to the provincial People’s Committee’s meeting;

The Head of the Delegate Coalition of the provincial People's Council shall be invited to the district-level People's Committee's meeting.

- The Chairperson of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, the Head of the local socio-political organization and representatives of Committees of the People’s Council shall be invited to the same-level People’s Committee to discuss relevant issues;

The Chief Justice of the People’s Court and the Head of the People’s Procuracy at the provincial and district level shall be invited to the same-level People’s Committee’s meeting to discuss relevant issues.

- The Chairperson of the People’s Council, the Heads of State organs at the inferior level, and other members, shall be invited to the People's Committee's meeting to discuss relevant issues.

5. Voting at the People’s Committee’s meeting in Vietnam

Article 117 of the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015 stipulates voting at the People’s Committee’s meeting as follows:

- The People’s Committee shall make a decision on issues at the meeting by means of voting. Members of the People’s Committee shall have the right to cast their yes, no or abstention votes.

- The People’s Committee shall decide to apply one of the voting methods as follows:

+ Open voting;

+ Secret voting.

- The decision made by the People’s Committee must obtain more than half of members of the People’s Committee voting in favor. In case the number of votes in favor equals the number of votes against, the President of the People’s Committee shall have the deciding vote.

6. Voting by means of opinion balloting in Vietnam

In Article 118 of the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015 stipulates voting by means of opinion balloting as follows:

- With regard to certain issues considered as pressing issues or those that are not necessarily required to be dealt with by discussions or voting at the People's Committee's meetings, the President of the People’s Committee shall decide voting of members of the People’s Committee in the form of opinion balloting.

Voting in the form of opinion balloting shall be implemented in accordance with Clause 3 Article 117 of the Law on Organization of Local Government 2015.

- The President of the People’s Committee must announce the result of voting in the form of opinion balloting at the upcoming meeting of the People’s Committee.


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