Procedures for responding to and remedying cybersecurity incidents of major national security information systems in Vietnam

What are the procedures for responding to and remedying cybersecurity incidents of major national security information systems in Vietnam? - Van Trinh (Quang Ngai)

Bases for establishment of major national security information systems in Vietnam

Pursuant to Article 3 of Decree 53/2022/ND-CP, major national security information systems are information systems of state agencies and political organizations of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, including:

- Major national information systems according to regulations of the Law on Cybersecurity of Vietnam.

- Information systems that serve the direction and operation of major works related to national security according to the law.

- Information systems that serve the direction, operation, and control of activities of major telecommunications works related to national security according to the law.

- Information systems of fields prescribed in Clause 2 Article 10 of the Law on Cybersecurity of Vietnam, when there is a breakdown, intrusion, hijacking, falsification, interruption, disruption, paralysis, attack, or sabotage, will cause one of the following consequences:

+ Direct impacts on the independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity of the Vietnam Fatherland, and the existence of the regime and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;

+ Severe consequences to the national defense, security, and foreign affairs, weakening the capacity to defend and protect the Vietnam Fatherland;

+ Severe consequences to the national economy;

+ Severe disasters to the human life and ecological environment;

+ Severe consequences to activities of construction works at special levels according to the decentralization of laws on construction;

+ Severe consequences to activities of the planning of guidelines and policies within the scope of state confidentiality;

+ Serious influence on the directive and direct operation of CPV agencies and agencies of the State at central levels.

Order and procedures for responding to and remedying cybersecurity incidents of major national security information systems

Procedures for responding to and remedying cybersecurity incidents of major national security information systems in Vietnam (Internet image)

Order and procedures for responding to and remedying cybersecurity incidents of major national security information systems in Vietnam

(1) Regarding major national security information systems, when facing cybersecurity incidents, shall comply with the following order and procedures for response and remedy as follows:

- Cybersecurity protection forces shall provide written notifications and guidelines on temporary measures to prevent and handle cyber-attacks and remedy consequences of cyber-attacks and cybersecurity incidents for governing bodies of major national security information systems.

In case of emergencies, provide notifications by phone or other forms before providing written notifications;

- Governing bodies of major national security information systems shall implement measures according to guidelines and implement other suitable measures to prevent, handle, and remedy consequences right after receiving notifications, excluding cases prescribed in Point c of this Clause.

In case of inability to handle, timely notify cybersecurity protection forces for coordination and response to cybersecurity incidents;

- In case it is necessary to immediately respond to and prevent consequences that threaten national security, cybersecurity protection forces shall decide on the direct coordination and remedial response to cybersecurity incidents.

(2) Coordination and remedial response to cybersecurity incidents of cybersecurity protection forces:

- Assess and decide on schemes for response and remedy for cybersecurity incidents;

- Operate the response and remedy for cybersecurity incidents;

- Preside over the receipt, collection, handling, and sharing of information on response and remedy for cybersecurity incidents;

- Mobilize and cooperate with organizations and individuals inside and outside of Vietnam related to the participation in responding to and remedying cybersecurity incidents in necessary cases;

- Appoint focal agencies to cooperate with relevant agencies of other countries or international organizations in responding to and handling international incidents based on international agreements or treaties that Vietnam is a signatory;

- Inspect, supervise, and urge the implementation of units related to the response and remedy for cybersecurity incidents;

- Make records of the process of responding to cybersecurity incidents.

(3) Organizations and individuals participating in responding to and remedying cybersecurity incidents shall implement measures, responses, and remedies for incidents according to the coordination of cybersecurity protection forces.

(4) In case of the protection of national security and social order and safety, telecommunications enterprises and enterprises that provide Internet services shall arrange premises, connectors, and necessary technical measures for the Department of Cyber Security and Hi-tech Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam to carry out their tasks and ensure cybersecurity. Telecommunications enterprises and enterprises that provide Internet services shall cooperate with the Department of Cyber Security and Hi-tech Crime Prevention of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam in implementing the specific order and procedures.

Pursuant to: Article 17 of Decree 53/2022/ND-CP

Mai Thanh Loi


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