Procedures for issuing a certified copy of the extract of the household registration document at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has just announced the amended administrative procedures related to consular under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam.

Procedures for issuing a certified copy of the extract of the household registration document at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

On May 20, 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued Decision 1275/QD-BNG on the announcement of amended administrative procedures related to consular under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam.

Procedures for issuing a certified copy of the extract of the household registration document at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Vietnam

Implementation process:

Step 1: Individuals prepare the required documents according to regulations and submit them to the Single-window Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Step 2: The Single-window Department receives and verifies the validity and completeness of the documents:

- In cases where the documents are not within the scope of resolution, the Single-window Department instructs the organization or individual to contact the competent authority for resolution according to regulations.

- In cases where the documents are invalid or incomplete, the Single-window Department instructs the organization or individual to supplement and complete the documents according to regulations and returns the documents along with the "Request for Supplementing and Completing Documents" form. The request for supplementing and completing documents should be specific and complete at once for the organization or individual to supplement them fully and accurately. The processing time for the administrative procedure is calculated from the date the documents are fully supplemented and completed according to regulations.

- In cases where the documents do not meet the requirements for resolution according to regulations, the Single-window Department refuses to accept the documents and returns them along with the "Refusal to Accept Documents for Resolution" form to the organization or individual.

- In cases where the documents are valid and meet the requirements for resolution, the Single-window Department receives the documents, prints the "Receipt of Documents and Appointment for Result" form, and transfers the documents to the specialized unit for resolution according to jurisdiction.

Step 3: The specialized unit resolves the documents and provides the result to the Single-window Department according to regulations:

- In cases where the documents need to be supplemented or completed according to regulations, the specialized unit notifies the organization or individual in writing, stating the reasons and the content that needs to be supplemented according to the "Request for Supplementing and Completing Documents" form to be sent to the organization or individual through the Single-window Department. The request for supplementing and completing documents can only be made once. The processing time for the administrative procedure is recalculated from the beginning after receiving the fully supplemented and completed documents.

- In cases where the result cannot be provided within the specified deadline or the documents need to be verified with the Vietnamese representative agency abroad, the specialized unit notifies the Single-window Department in writing and sends an apology letter to the organization or individual, stating the reasons for the delay and the time for providing the result according to the "Apology Letter and Appointment for Result" form. The rescheduled appointment for providing the result can only be made once.

- In cases where the documents do not meet the requirements for resolution, the specialized unit returns the documents along with a letter stating the reasons for not resolving the documents according to the "Refusal to Accept Documents for Resolution" form to the organization or individual through the Single-window Department.

- In cases where the documents meet the requirements for resolution, the specialized unit resolves the documents and provides the result to the Single-window Department within the specified time.

Step 4: After receiving the result of the administrative procedure from the specialized unit, the Single-window Department verifies the information and delivers the result to the organization or individual.

In cases where the documents do not meet the requirements for resolution, the Single-window Department explains the reasons for refusing to resolve the documents to the organization or individual based on the content in the "Refusal to Accept Documents for Resolution" form from the specialized unit.

Implementation methods:

- Individuals requesting the issuance of a certified copy of the extract of the household registration document can directly submit the documents or authorize others to submit them directly to the Single-window Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or through the public postal system.

- Through electronic means in cases where the technical infrastructure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allows.

Composition and quantity of documents:

* Document composition:

- 01 Application form for issuing a certified copy of the extract of the household registration document according to the prescribed form.

- Present the original personal identification document of the applicant (for verification).

- Original Power of Attorney (must be notarized and authenticated according to legal regulations) for cases where the applicant is not the person requesting the administrative procedure. In cases where the authorized person is the spouse, parent, child, husband, wife, brother, sister, or sibling of the person requesting the administrative procedure, the Power of Attorney does not need to be notarized or authenticated, but the original (or authenticated copy) of the document proving the relationship with the applicant must be presented.

- A copy (presented by the applicant, original for verification) or authenticated copy of the requested household registration document to obtain a certified copy of the extract (if available).

- In the case of submitting the documents through the postal system, they must be accompanied by one authenticated copy of the documents specified in Section b and the document proving the relationship specified in Section c above.

- The person requesting the issuance of a certified copy of the extract of the household registration document may submit/present (in person), or upload (online) the aforementioned documents.

* Quantity of documents: One (01) set.

Processing time:

- For valid and complete applications: within the working day. If the application is submitted after 3:00 PM, the result will be provided on the next working day.

- For applications requiring verification: not exceeding 2 working days from the date of receiving the response from the Vietnamese representative office abroad.

Subjects performing administrative procedures:

Vietnamese citizens who have registered their household registration at the Vietnamese representative office abroad and now reside in Vietnam.

Authority handling administrative procedures:

Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Result of administrative procedure:

Certified copy of the extract of the household registration document.


8,000 VND per copy.

Application form:

Application form for issuing a certified copy of the extract of the household registration document according to the form issued with Circular 04/2020/TT-BTP.

Requirements and conditions for performing administrative procedures

Vietnamese citizens who have registered their household registration at the Vietnamese representative office abroad and now reside in Vietnam.

More details can be found in Decision 1275/QD-BNG, issued on May 20, 2024.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh.


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